Save Western Civilization > Save America

True Moment

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The USA is the most righteous gentile nation in recent times (if not for all time), because it was founded explicitly on the Noahide principles.

The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation which was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the United States, George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the United States of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day, U.S.A.

The 10 Commandments only apply to Israelites!


--- Quote from: fjack on September 12, 2006, 04:45:30 PM ---Dear Nevermore,
I have been pushed so far to the right that I consider Ronald Regan a left wing pinko closet commiie. Mr. Regan was the President that said it was ok to have a martin lucifer king national holiday. As far as I am concerned the USA is becoming a third world slum. Whites and Jews are being set upon by a rise of blacks and hispanics that are given preference to jobs and education due to government imposed quotas. Does that sound familiar? That sounds like nazi garbage to me. I can see where Israel one day will have a majority of arabs in power which will pass laws saying that arabs first - Jews last. Please don't let this happen.

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We have to cut old Ronald Reagan some slack on MLK day. He did sign the legislation into law however  it was with great reluctance. He was sort of painted into a corner with that. Party politics, not wanting to seem racist. It was one of them ticking bombs congress lays at the presidents door step knowing what ever he does it will have a negative impact. I remember on more than one occasion he talked about his negative opinion on making MLK day a National holiday. The media televised the signing ceremony and he actually had a scowl on his face when he did the actual signing. I remember hearing him say once that if the files the government had on King were ever unsealed the American people would be very disappointed and wonder why King was given a national holiday

Re:  "...we heard some strange noise under the boardwalk and this black babboon came out from under the boardwalk... Apparently someone never taught him how to use a public restroom.  Thats right he took a dump on the beach..."

Oh...!  That's what's known in E-bonics as "fixin' dinner".

Well speaking of Ronald Reagan.... Don't you find it amazing that we live in a country that they recognize a day for Martin Luther King who was a communist.  And yet the far left in this country would peg someone like Ronald Reagan who was a U.S. president and the most noticable president in the late 20th Century.  It be nice that we would have a Ronald Reagan Day.  What the hell did Martin Luther King do? "I have a dream and to sleep in the gutter Tyrone?"

Marxist Lucifer Coon!


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