But saying that the Russain people blame the west for it is just not true.
The Russians and the Serbs are guilty too.
They should stay united and respect their traditions and nobody would be able to create destabilizations in their countries. As soon as people start to believe others than you have a problem inside your nation.
It is easier to block the enter door so that the enemies can not come inside your house and toxic your home than to throw the enemy out of your house and clean the toxic which was spread by the enemy. The Russians and the Serbs should kept the door closed so that the influences from the West could not enter in Serbia and Russia.
I am going to convince you Brain by using facts.
The West launched communism in Serbia and Russia.
They used two dark organizations, the communist international (the red one) and the Vatican international (the dark one/ Masonic associations), to conduct this evil and anti Orthodox plan. Why were the heads of the October revolution non Orthodox?
Why were the heads of the communist movement of Russia/ Serbia non Orthodox and hated Orthodox Christian civilizations?
Do you think that the Serbs and the Russians would agree with an ideology which is against them as the domestic nation and against their religion? Who wants to destroy the Orthodox church? Not the domestic nation of Serbia and Russia!
- Communism was invented by Western intellectuals.
- Vladimir - Iljic - Lenin had a Catholic (non Orthodox) background and other communist leaders who launched communism were also not Orthodox and committed genocide against Orthodox civilization in beginning of the twentieth century.
- In Russia the communists killed 130.000 Orthodox clergymen and two Moscow patriarchs, pulled down about 60.000 Orthodox churches, monasteries and other sacral buildings.
- The communists in Russia introduced the collectivization of the Russian village
which resulted in 11.000.000 dying from hunger and in the destruction of the primary sector of Russia.
Who was benefited with the fact that the Russian and Serbian nation were put on the bring of the biological survival?
I do not think that the Serbs and the Russians wanted that kind of results in their countries. Everybody knows who had the advantage of the consequences of communism on Orthodox soil.
These are historical facts.
The Western nations should take the responsibility for the committed genocide, which started in the 20 century and still is in continue today (Kosovo), against two greatest Orthodox civilization of Serbia and Russia.
The West/USA and the Vatican planned, prepared and organized, in the 20 century, also the separation of the Serbian state and today this anti Serbian plan is in operation.
It is logic that the Russians and the Serbs do not wish to have anything in common with the West!!But these two great Orthodox nations with a great tradition, culture, religion and civilization still managed to survive!
Thank heaven that we have today a government in chargde in Russia and a man who knows very good what the intention of the Western organizations is towards Russia.