And i'm the one being ignorant? Asking questions is being ignorant? Why? And saying yehud is being ignroant? wtf?
And harsh tone, oh maybe for the simple reason the first page was generalizing the iranian people, who have nothing to do with the G-d damn government.
Mr. Iran, I didn't call you ignorant. But since you brought it up, I would have to say that anyone who refers to communism as a Jewish movement fits the description. And I agree with the others in that you use the word Yehud negatively.
The Soviet Union was created in 1917. The Frank Weltner website "Jewwatch" states that 95% of the the commisars, official government people and secret police were Jews.
Has somebody any knowledge on this subject?
As we all know , Frank Weltner views on Jews, are 'a bit biased'.
I understand, he even regards Stalin as a Jew.

I guess you are trying to find out more about the Jews/Israel, and that you tend to resonate the Jew-hating propaganda, where the internet is full off.
Anyway: the bolshevik revolution happened, because the Germans send Lenin to Sint-Petersburg in a panzer train, in order to declare to get Russia out of the war , and so to facilitate Germany, leaving one front less to fight.
I dont really believe staling was a jew, he is supposedly to be of indo-caucasus and indo-iranian back ground; georgian and ossestian, but he was called a jew for supporting and "installing" communism and to make "georgians" not shown as "bad" people. Basically "scape-goat action".
Well, good we agree on this. I just mention Stalin (not a Jew), because you started yesterday with Marx-Marxism being a Jewish ideology - political system.
Most members here wanted to ban right away.
I think you are welcome here, since you sound Persian and patriottic to me, but don't care (or hate!?) the Shiite government.
I have nothing against Persians that are anti-muslim.
You are a smart people, most Iranians I met, were much more clever then the average European. And I hope Iran/Persia can have a bright future, as e.g. India, when all ayatollahs are lined up and burned in mass graves with pigs intestines.
At least, that is what I hope.
Do you share that idea? Or don't you really care about the future of your ancestres country?
I understand you are not believing in the existence of a GOd, but I suppose that you find some rules like "you shall honour your parents, you shall not kill" as important.
Were/Are your parents/Family lower/middle/high class in Iran