The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Nazi Moron Attacks David and Solomon

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Yeah, I never understood why they have to point out that they are jews? There were a ton of christian commies and liberals and still are just like there are jewish commies and libs. Btw, I saw on some anti zionist site, they claim the torah does not allow a jewish state, is there any truth to this?


--- Quote from: cohanechai on January 20, 2007, 07:48:04 PM ---  8)

--- End quote ---

^ I bought that guys book(very anti-semetic). Thanks for the info about zionists and everything, alot of names there I don't know about. Jewish history is very complex

Well I guess if you consider he does not like liberal leftist jews then I guess i would be an anti-semite because I dont like any type of liberal commies. He is also to pro arab for me. But his book does have alot of good stuff about blacks and hispanics and other racial stuff.


--- Quote from: cohanechai on January 20, 2007, 09:53:04 PM ---i dont like your racism.

moses married a black woman, through whom his children passed on black genes to the rest of israel.

joseph married an egyptian woman, also descended from the black hamites, and his children menasheh and efraim, were the most numerically prolific of all the israelite tribes.

there are many ethiopian jews who are black in israel today.

racists are losers who console themselves by putting down others.

--- End quote ---

I don't like the racism on this forum either but mostly they are making fun of the low life blacks, not the righteous ones.  Rashi says that when the bible says moses wife was black, it is not literal.  It means she was beautiful and it used black as to not give her the evil eye.  But the bible still says that she was black so let the other posters have some fun with this one. :D Egyptions are also not black, in fact they were white.  Look at the egyptions monuments, drawings and statues in the tombs.  There were probably some black jews though in ancient Israel since all converts are accepted and are equal regardless of race.

I should think that you might like the videos "Why Be Jewish" with Rav. Kahane or many of his lectures because he deals with this exact issue.  Rav. Kahane’s belief is that the covenant between HaShem and Abraham towards all the Land of Canaan in Gen., then again to Isaac, then to Jacob confirms HaShems demand of a Jewish State in the Land of Aretz Israel.  This is too passed again in Exodus until the end of the Torah through Moses and Joshua.  The Talmud is not a holy book.  HaShem recognizes righteous deeds over faith as too displayed both the Torah and the Talmud: “I rather they (the Jews) abandon Me and keep MY Laws”. “for through keeping My Laws they (the Jews) will return to me.”  The deed to liberate Aretz and make it into a Jewish State would be like placing a cherry on top of a sundae. 

Thank you Yacov, I didn’t even look at the title of this thread.  This is perhaps why all these twisted arguments started in the first place.  Knowing that both Communism and Nazism were developed through lies, deceit and violence…I’d not take anything written by them nor their positions, which are based on Hegelian Dialectics (Dialectical Materialism), seriously. 

Yes, as I had stated before, many Jews turned to Communism due to its beliefs that ALL religions are to be vanquished.  The fact that the Jew was the brunt of pogroms and what not at the hands of indoctrinated Christians by their power thirsty rulers (Kings or Religious figures: verious Popes and Luther for examples) the choice seems a clear one.  The fact that most Jews are well knowledged about Christianity the reverse cannot be said about the vast majority of Christians.  In the end all of the Jews that were active politically and religiously were purged and tossed into the Gulags, deported or exterminated at the hands of the Communists during Stalin’s reign.  People seem to forget about the numerous show trials and the so-called "Dr.'s Plot".  The fact is if one is a Socialist/Commie/Humanist one cannot be a Jew nor a Christian for that matter.  As Yahuda HaMaccabee liberated Zion from the Hellenists (many judenrot) they are Amalek and not Jews. 

I feel that we should not not relay on someones "Talmudic" statements because of A. Most if not all of us are not scholors in Talmudic teachings and for the lay person, like me, a "quote" from the "Talmud" might not be the exact quote but a molestation, like the other individual who "quoted" "Jesus being a bastard" being in the Talmud.  The fact that the Christian Jesus is not even mentioned in the entire Talmud, not Jerusalem nor Babylonian gives reason that there are misquotes used by the ignorant or anti-semite as a base for attacking and deceit.  Which I personally do not tolerate.  I hope you all understand and are in agreement.  If my rabbi was here to refute or explain thoroughly the reasoning or the specific passage that would wholely be another issue...


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