Scriabin, aging to the point of unattractiveness is not necessarily inevitable. Here in Cali, women tend to age prematurely because of the pathological obsession with roasting yourself like a Christmas ham at the beach. (I don't understand this batty phenomenon any more than I understand how nutty Israelis continue to think that national suicide will bring peace.

Things that noticeably age women include:
tanning (as listed above)
smoking (this is a big one)
drinking more than very moderately
using drugs
lack of sleep
bearing children (yes, this is not a politically-correct thing to say, but it is true)
However, with the exception of the final thing, all of what I listed ages men just as equally. It might be true that they apply to women worse (especially tanning--I know of few men who are as obsessed with looking like a Thanksgiving Butterball as much as the vast majority of Cali girls are), but all of them hit men just the same (except for, of course, childbearing). I doubt that most women find the average seventy-year-old man particularly hunky. I don't see it as being productive to pick on the appearance of older women on this forum.
Instead of making comments against the appearence of older women, have you considered praying you will remain attracted to and content with your wife?