I wish they NEVER gave women a right to vote. THAT was RIDICULOUS.
How do ya like me now..... 
You might as well stop talkng about Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama, because obviously you don't think your own opinion should matter. You think over half the nation should have no direct political voice. I can't disagree with you more. What kind of democracy disenfranchises the majority of it's population?
Paulette is correct.
In the old days, a Man's vote meant something and you know what? His wife had tremendous influence on the vote.
Now, everyone can vote and it means nothing.
I was FORCED into this 'womans' world, I grew up to be a little lady. NOTHING could have EVER prepared me for THIS.
Rubystars- the
ONLY REASON that I do what I DO, IS BECAUSE men now
CANT. So, it is CLEAR- they NEED ME,
I fight for THEM, NOT for this evil babylonian filthy SHE BEAST movement that has made men into
NOTHING. I WEEP FOR MEN, all the time. For women? NOTHING- ZERO - ZILCH- NADA- NIX- NINE. And REALLY- what woman in the right frame of mind would EVER want a PANSY,
but.. THAT is EXACTLY what this movement has created.
BTW- WHO said a woman is interested in how 'good' a man 'looks' -David is hardly a candidate for Mr America- it is his MASCULINITY, brilliance, heart, kindness, strength, honor, forthrightness- that has ME enraptured. I HAVE NEVER liked ANY man just b/d he was 'good-looking' THAT is silliness.
I really dont care- I am NOT popular with ANY women, EVER at all.
Thats ok, b/c I have tons of male admirers that adore me, b/c I EMBOLDEN THEM.
Face it AMERICAN WOMAN- you have had your day, I HOPE ITS OVER very soon.