ahh, but do zinonists not present inaacurate hostories. A land without a people for a pople without a land, there was no nakba etc etc. you can't have it all your own way.
Please allow me to respond for to this. Firstly, one must know the proper definition of Zionism.
Zionism is solely
the belief that Jews need to have their own homeland. Many other destinations were proposed and rejected. Even the Japanese approached Jewish leaders to settle Jews in parts of uninhabited China. Now "Zion" stems from ancient religious roots dating back thousands of years as a particular place in pre-Judea: Caanan to which each year since the 6th century B.C.E. invasion of Israel by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar to which Jews have yearly desired to "return to Zion".
Religious Zionism pre-dates both the Socialist and Jewish Nationalist Movement by millenia. Even as purely a work of history the Bible details many examples which relate Abraham to Moses with Zion. Thus true "Zionism", or returning home, has been one of the very pillars of Judaism and specifically, re: above, a cultural specificity since the Jewish Babylonian exile to which Christians often sing truth: "
Rivers of Babylon", based on the Biblical hymn Psalm 137, a hymn expressing the yearnings of the Jewish people in exile following the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E.. The rivers of Babylon are the Euphrates river, its tributaries, and the Chebar river. The song also has words from Psalm 19:14.
Now jumping to semi-modern times. If one researches Islam and how it spread one will find that wherever it spread it brough death, distruction, empoverishment (theivery of every vanquished nations resources and wealth), slavery, forced conversions to which, the group we know today as Gypsies, stem their Diaspora History directly to the Moslem Invasion of India under the Rashidun Caliphate in the 7th century and again in 1398 under Tamurlane.
So if simply looking at the backwardness and empoverishment of the entire Islamic World today one can see truth in both the words of Mark Twain, in his work "The Innocents Abroad" when he toured The Holyland in 1866 which further supports the evil "zionist" propaganda...albeit pre-Zionism by about 20 years. Further, if one looks at the base difference between Greece and its pre-Moslem/Turkish Lands: Thrace for example. Further one could look at the progress made by the Romans in these far off lands: Roads, aquaducts, archetecture and their collapse with the dawn/onslaught of Islam. The most modern example is the influance the British when they took over India. They had to crush the continual Jihad against the Hindu and stop many cultural traits of both Mohammadans and Hindus; Jihad and honor killings as well as wife burnings... Not to mention their introduction of commerce, education, arts, engineering, civil infrastructure, police/military organization for self rule... all pretty much collapsed after the Brits pulled out.
Yes the Labor Zionists, Jewish Socialists, have spread their share of molested "facts" and even furthered their own vanquisment by aiding their publically stated enemies: The "Palestinians" and Muslims in general.
The more you research on this subject the more "politically correct" and too "Islamically correct" distortions of the factually correct.
Should you have any direct questions. Please direct your pms to me and I'll supply you with answers which I do hope you independantly confirm via your self study.