MOMOFSIX: Listen to me, go to and look up their state laws re: vaccinations.
Because your kids have had negative health reactions to vaccines, you CAN get a MEDICAL EXEMPTION to vaccines. The Muslim doctors might even be the ones to write you the medical exemption letter.
Then, with that letter, you should be able to go to other doctors and get them to take you as patients.
Another thing you should do is: claim you have a RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION to vaccines, that vaccination is against your religion.
I have never had a problem getting any doctor to accept my kids as patients, even though they have never been vaccinated for anything (I have a religious exemption).
In fact one reason why I chose to homeschool them originally was because I mistakenly though public schools here would not accept them otherwise. I later found out they would have been accepted if I'd written the school a relig exemption letter, but by then we had become sold on homeschooling!
I am very experience in the anti-vaccine movement and can give you advice on how to go about finding a dr who will accept you. Please send me a private msg!