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Offline JoeKlempner

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Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« on: January 22, 2009, 08:34:22 PM »
Hi All,

Have started a Yahoo group to duscuss Obama's occult and Nazi influences. 

Have also posted a lot of links to background info and videos here:

It's a specialized discussion group.  Join up if you want to talk about it and get regular messages.  Or, just peruse the link page, if you want to browse the background info. 

You need a yahoo account to join the group, but it only takes a minute to register.  After you join, you can configure the messages to be sent to any email account that you like.

You can also visit my YouTube page, which deals with the same subject, here:

Joe Klempner
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 09:42:35 PM by Dan Ben Noah »

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2009, 11:50:33 PM »
Hi All,

Have started a Yahoo group to duscuss Obama's occult and Nazi influences. 

Have also posted a lot of links to background info and videos here:

It's a specialized discussion group.  Join up if you want to talk about it and get regular messages.  Or, just peruse the link page, if you want to browse the background info. 

You need a yahoo account to join the group, but it only takes a minute to register.  After you join, you can configure the messages to be sent to any email account that you like.

You can also visit my YouTube page, which deals with the same subject, here:

Joe Klempner

Good Post ...shows what Obama's agenda is going to be ~~~> creating a black racist moslem country.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 09:43:13 PM by Dan Ben Noah »

Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2009, 01:05:12 AM »
Thanks, but I don't believe he is Moslem.  I believe he is a Black Nationalist.  He may be sympathethic to Moslems, because of his family history.  The doctrine of his church is Black Liberation Theory, which is largely based on the Nation of Islam.  However, Nation of Islam is not orthodox Islam, it is a Black Nationalist Cult. 

You can't prove he is a Moslem, because he hasn't practiced it since he was a small child.  So you can't make that charge stick.  It is basically just name calling.  You CAN prove he is a black nationalist, because he was a leading member of a black nationalist church/cult for 20 years and that is worse really, because it has occult racist religious beliefs.

It is all rather confusing.  You have to read a little about it.  One of the problems is that people have not been able to figure out exactly what Obama is or what his agenda is exactly.  That's why I started a discussion group on his occult nationalistic influences.  It is a lot like a kind of reverse nazism.  He belongs to the occult black nationalist tradition of Marcus Garvey, Malcom X and Elijah Muhammad.

Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2009, 01:21:54 AM »
Obama is backed by Hollywood occultists, like Oprah, Mary Ann Williams, David Geffen and others.  They know about marketing.  One of Hollywoods favorite marketing strategies to to provoke a scandal about something that does not matter very much.  It keeps interest on you and exhausts your opponents on something that has no effect.  Your supporters also are motivated rush to your defense.

I believe Obama loves the scandals about his birth certificate and whether he is a Moslem or not.  Neither one has a chance of producing any harmful effect to him and it keeps his opponents from concentrating on topics that might be more damaging to him. 

His former Chruch is a hate cult.  It is documented in the books that define Black Liberation Theology.  Also, his mentor and close friend, Jeremiah Wright is a friend and supporter of Louis Farrkhan, the leader of a closely related Black Cult, whose doctrine is that white people will be exterminated in an imminent final confrontation.  I really believe if people would concentrate in this area Obama would feel the pain, which has not happened at all so far with the Birth Certificate scandal and the Moslem name calling.  Please take a close look at it.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 08:57:14 AM by JoeKlempner »

Offline q_q_

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 01:55:51 AM »
I agree he's not a muslim.. I don't think he even believes in G-d.

though he had a rather islammic "church"
On Feb 15/08, Usama K. Dakdok, President of The Straight Way of Grace Ministry called Obama's Church and reported the following conversation: " I then asked the person who answered what I needed to do to join. She told me that I needed to attend two Sunday School classes in a row and then I would walk the aisle. I replied, "That sounds easy. One last question please. If I am Muslim and I believe in the Prophet Mohammed, peace be unto him and I also believe in Jesus, peace be unto him, do I have to give up my Islamic faith to be a member in your church? She answered: "No, we have many Muslim members in our church."


And this article
Having been a practicing Christian for more than 40 years now, and a practicing Catholic for 26 of those years, I have visited perhaps 100 various Christian bookstores, both Protestant and Catholic.  In all of those places, one thing tied together the books for sale:  Christianity.

Not so in Obama's church bookstore.

I spent more than an hour perusing available books, and found as many claiming to represent Muslim thought as those representing Christian thought.  Black Muslim thought, to be specific.

Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2009, 08:45:47 AM »

Both those articles are useful.  I had seen the second one.  You are the type of thoughtful person that I am looking for.  What I am trying to do is organize a kind of study group, so that we can get people actively involved and develop some kind of consensus about Obama.  The press might normally do this, but in this case they have totally failed us.  We need to get some bright people together to understand what this is about so that we can take an effective position against it, not just indulge in name calling (Muslim, Communist, Marxist, etc.) and ineffective, ridiculous charges about his birthplace.  I am not an ethnic or religious Jew, but I am concerned that so much anitsemitism still exists.  I fear Israel may not survive the next years if we do not get together. The US is also going to be severely damaged and maybe crippled and changed forever.  Request all that are interested to come and join my group.  It will be moderated, so that we can focus more on the real issues, which I believe has more to do with Obama's anti-white, anti-semetic, anti-US cult of hate that they call a "church" than where he was born.

I believe he believes in some kind of Supreme Being, but it may be the Supreme Being that the Freemasons at the upper degrees are said to believe in.  NOI believes the black race is divine and TUCC may have a similar belief.  Obama's church is a "christian" derivative of the Nation of Islam.  I think that it really is a kind of secret society in that it has an agenda that they are not completely open about.  NOI evolved from a group of Freemasons, Shriners and adventist Jehova's (name changed by this kosher software) Witnesses, strange as that may sound.  Here is an anonymous blurb on Freemasony and the NOI.  I can't vouch for it, but from what I have read in published books elsewhere it seems to be fairly accurate.

NOI is a black cult with thousands of it's own paramilitary stormtroopers across the Nation and it is not Islamic.  Obama's church, which is closely allied with NOI, is similarly not Christian.  Christianity does not teach a doctrine of extreme political and racial hatred.  It is a cult masquerading as a church, just as NOI is a hate-cult masquerading as Islamic.  That is why they don't require any particular faith for you to join.  (I can believe that they have a lot of "Black Muslim" members.)  That is probably also why the media has been ignoring this issue.  TUCC is just a political and hate organization, not a real Christian church at all and the media did not have the courage to expose them.  Members of the allied NOI have killed at least dozens and probably hundreds of opponents, critics and whites in random race killings over the years.

It is taboo in the US to criticize a "church," but this is not a normal political debate.  Let's start now, before it is too late.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 08:53:56 AM by JoeKlempner »

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2009, 09:48:22 AM »
Thanks, but I don't believe he is Moslem.  I believe he is a Black Nationalist.  He may be sympathethic to Moslems, because of his family history.  The doctrine of his church is Black Liberation Theory, which is largely based on the Nation of Islam.  However, Nation of Islam is not orthodox Islam, it is a Black Nationalist Cult. 

You can't prove he is a Moslem, because he hasn't practiced it since he was a small child.  So you can't make that charge stick.  It is basically just name calling.  You CAN prove he is a black nationalist, because he was a leading member of a black nationalist church/cult for 20 years and that is worse really, because it has occult racist religious beliefs.

It is all rather confusing.  You have to read a little about it.  One of the problems is that people have not been able to figure out exactly what Obama is or what his agenda is exactly.  That's why I started a discussion group on his occult nationalistic influences.  It is a lot like a kind of reverse nazism.  He belongs to the occult black nationalist tradition of Marcus Garvey, Malcom X and Elijah Muhammad.

Trinity is a ( Moslem ) hang out. Wright was born and raised Moslem. Obama was registered as a Moslem when he attended those Madrassas.
Obama is a black racist, but he is still a Moslem posing as a Christian. Obama supposedly converted to Christianity for POLITICAL REASONS ONLY!

Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2009, 11:26:05 AM »
That was a regular public predominately moslem school that he attended, not a Madrassa.  Obama may have been considered a Moslim when he was ten, but he hasn't practiced Islam in more than 30 years.  So this line of argument is going nowhere fast.  That is why I made a separate group so people can discuss what the real situation is without being drowned out with such ridiculous arguments that Obama is a Commie, Marxist, Muslim, Foreigner.  We have to lay these ridiculous accusations to rest and get to the real issues, if we are going to have any effect.  He doesn't care, if you call him a Moslim or a Marxist.  Obama loves for you to waste your time and energy on that.

His Church of 20 years is a revolutionary, racist cult and that is documentable.  To me that is much more important.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2009, 12:53:04 PM »
That was a regular public predominately moslem school that he attended, not a Madrassa.  Obama may have been considered a Moslim when he was ten, but he hasn't practiced Islam in more than 30 years.  So this line of argument is going nowhere fast.  That is why I made a separate group so people can discuss what the real situation is without being drowned out with such ridiculous arguments that Obama is a Commie, Marxist, Muslim, Foreigner.  We have to lay these ridiculous accusations to rest and get to the real issues, if we are going to have any effect.  He doesn't care, if you call him a Moslim or a Marxist.  Obama loves for you to waste your time and energy on that.

His Church of 20 years is a revolutionary, racist cult and that is documentable.  To me that is much more important.

Since Obama has attended a ( revolutionary, racist cult church ) for 20 years that is not enough evidence for you that he is up to no good?
That ( revolutionary, racist cult church ) honors the likes of Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam and the black Panther party which is also Moslem.
That ( revolutionary , racist cult church ) is Pro African and Islamic!
That ( revolutionary racist cult church ) honors it's Moslem visitors by washing their feet in front of the whole congregation, that is sumbission to Islam!
That ( revolutionary racist cult church ) cheers when they hear Wright damming America...and Obama chose to stay there for 20 years knowing this?
You can be in denial about Obama being a Moslem, that is fine, but don't think your attempts in convincing others he is not Moslem will fly.....not all of us Americans are the KOOLAID type.

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2009, 01:18:18 PM »
Hi Joe- I met you on YouTube, you are 100%.
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Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2009, 01:19:10 PM »
What good do you think it would it do, if the New York Times published an article tomorrow that said Obama is definitely a Muslim?  None of his supporters would care.  Only those that don't need to be convinced care about that argument.  I can imagine that Obama loves for you and others like you to dwell on that.  It will only gain him sympathy.  Thanks a lot for helping Obama out with your unfounded charges.  That sort of irrational argument helped him win the election.  I don't believe Obama's church is orthodox Christian, but they are definitely not orthodox Muslim either.  In my opinion they can be more accurately described as a black nationalist cult with pantheistic sympathies.  They will ally themselves with anyone that opposes the US, which they see as representing the dominance  of the white "Antichrist" in the World.  

They are also not very fond of Jews or Israel.  I believe Jeremiah Wright's charge that he shouted from the pulpit that the Government invented aids (to destroy the Black Man) translates on the streets to "Jewish Government doctors invented AIDS" to destroy the black man.  They are a little bit more careful how they say these things than the Nation of Islam, but they have similar ideas.  

I am so tired of people that don't think at all about the charges that they make.  What a waste of time and energy.  It is because there are millions of people with confused thinking like that and the fact that there is no national organized leadership against Obama that Obama can sleep peacefully at night knowing no one will be able to disturb his reign.

Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2009, 01:25:59 PM »
Hi Ashedina, Thanks.  Well I may not be 100%, but at least I am trying hard.  This website/forum is the most realistic that I have found, although I may still have a few issues with people, even here. ;-) Of course, there is a memory among the Jewish community about such things.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2009, 01:48:04 PM »
What good do you think it would it do, if the New York Times published an article tomorrow that said Obama is definitely a Muslim?  None of his supporters would care.  Only those that don't need to be convinced care about that argument.  I can imagine that Obama loves for you and others like you to dwell on that.  It will only gain him sympathy.  Thanks a lot for helping Obama out with your unfounded charges.  That sort of irrational argument helped him win the election.  I don't believe Obama's church is orthodox Christian, but they are definitely not orthodox Muslim either.  In my opinion they can be more accurately described as a black nationalist cult with pantheistic sympathies.  They will ally themselves with anyone that opposes the US, which they see as representing the dominance  of the white "Antichrist" in the World.  

They are also not very fond of Jews or Israel.  I believe Jeremiah Wright's charge that he shouted from the pulpit that the Government invented aids (to destroy the Black Man) translates on the streets to "Jewish Government doctors invented AIDS" to destroy the black man.  They are a little bit more careful how they say these things than the Nation of Islam, but they have similar ideas.  

I am so tired of people that don't think at all about the charges that they make.  What a waste of time and energy.  It is because there are millions of people with confused thinking like that and the fact that there is no national organized leadership against Obama that Obama can sleep peacefully at night knowing no one will be able to disturb his reign.

If these issues are so insignificant, then why did the left go out of their way to cover them up?
I mean if they were insignificant, the left would have never responded to those in the first place!

Offline JoeKlempner

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2009, 04:28:57 PM »
I am not sure which issue you are talking about.  If it's Marxism thay have not covered up anything as far as I know.  They do not even respond or get angry about that.  That should give you a hint how important it is to them.

If you are talking about his birth certificate then he could make all the information regarding his birth certificate and other citizenship records public any time he wanted and resolve the controversy.  I believe he does not do that because he likes for this tempest in a teapot to continue.  It diverts attention from real issues and he knows that it will not hurt him, probably because he knows he can prove his birth circumstances any time he needs to do it.  His supporters do not listen to it. 

As I explained elsewhere in this forum, there is a Hollywood marketing strategy that his Hollywood supporters often use.  The idea is that it is good to have a controversy going as long as it is not too serious.  It is free publicity and keeps attention focussed on you.  All the attacks get you sympathy and your supporters rush to your defense.  At worst you can always apologize and move on. 

You should consider the possibility that he has been playing us like a fiddle.  It is obvious that calling him a Marxist and the controversy over his birth certificate is not working.  People have been doing that for a year and it did not stop him from being president.  People need to try to think of some new tactics.  If you come up with something effective, you will be able to tell, because it will drive his supporters up the wall.  People need to step back, regroup and consider contructive criticism.  What people have been doing is not working.

I used the Marxist label for a while also, because the Black Liberation Theology sounds like just a subcategory of Liberation Theology, but it's not.  BLT is actually older that LT and it was derived from the Nation of Islam theology, which is an extreme gnostic occult black nationalist group masquerading as a Islamic organization, much like TUCC masquerades as a Christian Church.

I think if you look at the doctrine of his cult-like church and it's ties to the Nation of Islam, that may be more effective.  Nation of Islam is not muslim.  It's a gnostic occult group with a background not unlike the Nazis.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2009, 11:50:51 PM »

Both those articles are useful.  I had seen the second one.  You are the type of thoughtful person that I am looking for.  What I am trying to do is organize a kind of study group, so that we can get people actively involved and develop some kind of consensus about Obama.  The press might normally do this, but in this case they have totally failed us.  We need to get some bright people together to understand what this is about so that we can take an effective position against it, not just indulge in name calling (Muslim, Communist, Marxist, etc.) and ineffective, ridiculous charges about his birthplace.  I am not an ethnic or religious Jew, but I am concerned that so much anitsemitism still exists.  I fear Israel may not survive the next years if we do not get together. The US is also going to be severely damaged and maybe crippled and changed forever.  Request all that are interested to come and join my group.  It will be moderated, so that we can focus more on the real issues, which I believe has more to do with Obama's anti-white, anti-semetic, anti-US cult of hate that they call a "church" than where he was born.

I believe he believes in some kind of Supreme Being, but it may be the Supreme Being that the Freemasons at the upper degrees are said to believe in.  NOI believes the black race is divine and TUCC may have a similar belief.  Obama's church is a "christian" derivative of the Nation of Islam.  I think that it really is a kind of secret society in that it has an agenda that they are not completely open about.  NOI evolved from a group of Freemasons, Shriners and adventist Hashem's (name changed by this kosher software) Witnesses, strange as that may sound.  Here is an anonymous blurb on Freemasony and the NOI.  I can't vouch for it, but from what I have read in published books elsewhere it seems to be fairly accurate.

NOI is a black cult with thousands of it's own paramilitary stormtroopers across the Nation and it is not Islamic.  Obama's church, which is closely allied with NOI, is similarly not Christian.  Christianity does not teach a doctrine of extreme political and racial hatred.  It is a cult masquerading as a church, just as NOI is a hate-cult masquerading as Islamic.  That is why they don't require any particular faith for you to join.  (I can believe that they have a lot of "Black Muslim" members.)  That is probably also why the media has been ignoring this issue.  TUCC is just a political and hate organization, not a real Christian church at all and the media did not have the courage to expose them.  Members of the allied NOI have killed at least dozens and probably hundreds of opponents, critics and whites in random race killings over the years.

It is taboo in the US to criticize a "church," but this is not a normal political debate.  Let's start now, before it is too late.

I actually don't have that much to say on obama..

Cyberella used to post tons of articles on obama

Rubystars posted quite a few I think..

Here are my thoughts on Obama..
a paste from 2 posts i've made, which is largely all i've thought about him.. nothing significant..

My theory about obama is a bit different from JTFs.   I don't think he is a muslim.   He is a smooth talker, that's almost never a muslim trait, muslims tend to talk in black and white terms. And they pray 5 times a day if they are really serious!!  I can't believe that he does that.

He is an intelligent man, we saw that in his interview with O'Reilly.

He was a law professor!

I don't think that he listened to that pastor of his and thought "wow, this guy is really intelligent".  He respected certain aspects of him, and he feels kinship with the people there.   So much kinship that he accepted the vile things the pastor said.

I think Obama is an eclectic individual. And he wants to stay in touch with his roots. He is well aware of his success relative to the people he was brought up with. And he wants to stay grounded. So he went to that "church".

There is no way he believes in the quran, the bible, or even G-d. But like a true liberal, he'd say that certain parts strike a chord with him.

His eclectic behaviour though has been limited to communism and black radicalism and (because of childhood upbringing - islam). 
His associations have all been along those lines. And hat is worrying.

I don't think he is a muslim, but he certainly has strong sympathies with them, given his upbringing, and his liberalism, and black links.. His black "church" bookstore had lots of books on islam.  These all influenced him, but I think -inside- he keeps his distance from firm ideologies. He observes things as an outsider.. And that's another very annoying aspect of liberals. Their universalism means that they don't see themselves as american citizens except in a technical sense, but as citizens of the world. Out of self hatred they don't understand how great america is. They are not proud to be american. 
He is at least very sympathetic and comfortable with that anti-american feeling - look at who he married.

You really can't look at Obama, and think he is going to be a sheep following that pastor.   He is an intellectual.  His rhetoric was to win people over, particularly blacks and guilty whites. He knew it was just rhetoric. He was able to converse with O'Reilly.

I guarantee that since he went to that "church", he could comfortably talk about "his christian faith" too. And i'm sure he'd think he means it(in his way, he does).

Liberals do that.  Lots of liberal jews talk about "their jewish faith".

It does mean that he identifies with certain themes he sees in islam..  His "church" bookstore had lots of islammic books.

Regarding his name.  There is an issue there.  It wouldn't be such a big deal if he just had the name he was given by birth. But it is significant that as a kid, other kids knew him as Barry, but he decided to this day, to be called Barack instead of Barry.  It is a name from arab/islammic culture. It does show sympathies and identification.
[I also wrote in another post regarding his name..

with barack becoming a popular name, it's very very dangerous.

regular blacks , even whites, growing up with that name will identify with muslims even more than barack does!]

Generally speaking, somebody in america, and his name is barack, you'd think he was a muslim.  But if you look at the whole picture, it is not the case.  Not many muslims would go to a church. Even a "church". And he didn't do it out of core religious beliefs.  Now he has left it he doesn't attend anywhere.

Somebody as intelligent as him , If he believed his religion properly, he wouldn't have chosen a house of worship where the pastor was just a political hound.  He would be reading the core text of the religion and studying it. Infact, if he was serious he wouldn't go near that place!
It's not just that he is not practicing, he doesn't have the core beliefs..

an atheist, daniel dennet, said something interesting,

There's belief in G-d, and there's
believing in belief in G-d.

I realised that alot of liberals , most even, have the latter but not the former. Obama is one of them. I'm sure he likes the idea of lifting people up(listen to him speak!), and he knows that religion can do that. I'm sure the relationship between the pastor and the congregation interested him, as well as sympathy with what the pastor stood for.  I bet alot of US senators are like that.. They don't believe in G-d, but they believe in believing in G-d.
Rabbi Jacob Schochet pointed out in a debate, that it's well known that if you believe in something, (be it yourself, or somebody that believes in you, or anything), then it can "fix you up".  So Obama saw that believing in G-d lifts people up.. so he believes in that.  Most liberals are like that..  They just wouldn't admit that they don't believe in G-d. 

note- I don't expect people to look into him, but a warning about daniel dennett , when he talks to the public he appears very fair.. very honest, very unbias.  I saw a clip of him talking at a conference of atheists. There he really "came out" , he said he's a member of a group called "the smarts", the name is no coincidence, they're smart and religious people are dumb , e.t.c.



I must add something quite important though..

There is evidence that George Galloway  is a muslim. (see youtube)

So, it is possible.. Even a liberal that goes to a place of worship and believes in mohammed.. is a muslim, just non practicing..

If a muslim leaves his religion, the punishment is death.

This is why "non-practicing muslims" are so common..

Since the evidence regarding George Galloway.. I wouldn't completely rule out Barack obama from being a muslim!  But I don't think there's much evidence to make the case for Obama being a muslim, apart from upbringing.

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Re: Obama's Occult and Nazi Influences
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2009, 03:56:42 PM »
That was a regular public predominately moslem school that he attended, not a Madrassa.  Obama may have been considered a Moslim when he was ten, but he hasn't practiced Islam in more than 30 years.  So this line of argument is going nowhere fast.  That is why I made a separate group so people can discuss what the real situation is without being drowned out with such ridiculous arguments that Obama is a Commie, Marxist, Muslim, Foreigner.  We have to lay these ridiculous accusations to rest and get to the real issues, if we are going to have any effect.  He doesn't care, if you call him a Moslim or a Marxist.  Obama loves for you to waste your time and energy on that.

His Church of 20 years is a revolutionary, racist cult and that is documentable.  To me that is much more important.

I agree with you on this. I think that his black nationalist beliefs are far more damaging to him than any alleged Muslim connection; after all, not all Muslims are antisemitic and antiAmerican, even if the most outspoken, fundamentalist ones are.

The black nationalist beliefs are more of a threat to his reputation, esp. since he presents himself as "the One" who wants to "unite" people of all races (what a joke!)

His goal is to destroy America. I have known this from day one. He hates Jews too, since we are White. He hates Christians because they represent YT to the black nationalists, and the G-d of the slaveowners.

He wants to destroy America as revenge for the way they perceive this White nation has treated the slaves.

I will tell you something else, too: it seems the most viciously anti-White black militants are often the ones with some white blood in them (Malcolm X, Jeremiah Wright, Barack Hussein Obama, and so on.) Has anyone ever noticed that?

In fact, Malcolm X once said that if there were a way to rip out the white blood in him, he would do so. And Obama said in one of his books that he related to Malcolm X saying that.


There have been half-Jews (and even full Jews) like this too: anyone remember Danny Burros, member of the Nazi Party in the 1960s who committed suicide when the Ny Times reported he was really a Jew?

How about Frank Collin (Cohn), who was a half-Jew whose father was a camp survivor? He went on to start a chapter of the Nazi Party in Chicago in the 1970s.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 04:02:33 PM by JewishAmericanPatriot »

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