And there have been quite a few innovations by black musicians which have been learned from by White musicians. You cannot deny this fact. Rock and Roll music was an evolution from R&B music. The black musicians have contributed more than you would be willing to admit to Americas musical heritage. I am one who gives credit where it is due. Those blinded by hatred are denying themselves a lot of wonderful music.
Chaim has said in several episodes of Ask JTF that these black musicians were basically given the good new innovative ideas by bright Jewish minds and then claimed credit for it themselves.
I do however give blacks credit for this:
Oh and they may have invented whistle tips on exhaust pipes for more lookitme lookitme and let's annoy YT action.
RS, what makes black culture 'inherently' degenerate? That is a new one...
Look at what they do (or rather don't do) in their wild native habitat:

They are in general stupid, evil people. There are some good black individuals but their culture as a whole is rotten.
This is news to me. I am willing to admit that the gangster culture is complete garbage but it is not inclusive of all black culture. I have known several african american people who grew up in very good conditions with 'black culture'. It is wrong to paint with a broad brush all of black culture for the wrong which is caused by only a small part of it.
I guess I will have to disagree with you on this topic. You are entitled to hold these beliefs but I believe if you open your eyes and look for the good you will find it. I am not a racist, never have been, and I am proud of that. I judge people based on their accomplishments, on their deeds, and on their honor. In my minyan we have a diverse crowd and I have davened in minyans with several african americans. I don't feel that whites or Jews are superior to blacks because our Holy writings clearly say that all humanity is created in the image of Hashem, not just whites, not just blacks, not just orientals, but ALL of humanity.
I realize I may be in the minority here. I am aware of the dangers of Gangster culture and have railed against it many times, even at times being called a racist for this stand. But as I said before I judged based on deeds, not hot air. There is much evil in the Gangster culture. I got my nose broken by Crips in Venice Beach about 17 years ago and I know how evil they are. But this doesnt cause me to hate all of these people. As I quoted above, the Jews were strangers in Egypt and we must treat all others with respect and dignity {if they deserve it}.
Enough said about this topic.