I am not surprised in the least.
It has to get worse before it gets better. I know many will not agree with me. But we have not even begun to suffer like the world has suffered in the past. Our great sages did foresee a time of great trials and tribulations. Many Gedolim have said, and I have heard, that we are in the birth pangs of the messianic age. No matter what you believe in your heart of hearts everyone must agree that our future looks bleak.
I am one who prefers comfort to distress. I love peace and I don't like violence except for when it is required. My soul dreams of the messianic peace which our Father has promised us. But when I go to the doctor and he performs a painful operation on me, and believe me I am sore, I know that the ultimate goal is good. I don't wish the economic crisis on anyone. I have been blessed by Hashem because my job seems secure and the people I work with love me and protect me. I believe that Hashem is behind everything, just as I got my job by divine providence, I keep it. I have heard it said that those who observe Shabbat diligently will be spared the hardship of the birth pangs of Moshiach.
What will become of Israel? I am not a prophet. I believe Jews will always be present in our promised Holy land. I have a sour view of Israel politics. The way that the left has brainwashed the people into believing that enemies will be pacified with land is very strange. If ever there was a visible manifestation of the Yetzer Hara {Evil Inclination} it is the reality distortion bubble which covers the eyes of the Israelis. Even my secular liberal Israeli friend was expecting a more Rightist turnout than what is appearing now. The yetzer hara is a very tricky and capable adversary. I believe I have become attuned to the wavelength of the Sitra Achra and when I look around at things I see the Yetzer Haras hand. Certainly Obama and Livni and Chavez and Ahamadadinnad are puppets of the Sitra Achra. It is as clear as day and night to me. But this is the way it should be, without a strong adversary how can Hashem expect Israel to grow strong.
I do not wish ill on any Jews in Israel today. But I do fear that without Hashems loving protection that danger is crouching at the door. I feel that the Evil side really does want to destroy the Children of Israel once and for all. They have myriads or myriads of reasons, lists and books and ideologies all bent on destroying Hashems chosen people. If Israel is NOT STRONG , Chas VeShalom, many righteous souls may be lost. Hashems anger is not to be reckoned with and I can tell you from my own personal experience, Hashems anger causes much pain.
I pray that Hashems providence provides peace for all of Israel, and the peace of Jerusalem which must remain undivided, and Jewish. My dreams are for the days when we resume the holy service and that I may stand in the house of the Ribbono Shel Olam.