Hi, we have never had any direct interaction with each other here, but I have read some of your posts and find them insightful.
I am sorry to hear about your cat, Princess. I too will say a prayer for her. It is a mitzvah that you have taken her under your wing and saved her life.
A pet is like a member of your family. They can provide a type of comfort that we sometimes cannot get from some of the humans in our life. I have always had dogs and have never owned cats. I had the same feeling when my dog, Chiquita, was sick. I barely ate the six days she was in the hospital. It's a horrible feeling.
I will say a prayer for you and your cat tonight.
Thankyou so very much, you are an angel, too....
It was a team effort, the cat saving...the vets, the animal ER and my home here...we all did it together, cuz I sure didn't have the medicine, etc to do it....
She is getting stronger every day.
The vet checked her hemocrat levels today, they are up two more points than the day she left the hospital.
So, that is very good!!!

Today she was purring and also growling at the vet, growlling cuz she didn't want to be there, I guess I don't blame her....

It was kind of funny...a purring/growling cat....

She is so precious to me.
For months and months (before she was our pet) I tried to pet her and if I came anywhere within ten feet of her she would hiss and growl at me (didn't like humans very much) ....
Well, so I noticed she was abandoned (after the people moved) and I started feeding her.
Within a matter of a few days or so, I would open the door and call her and she would come RUNNING across the parking lot.