I found out about this site and you're anti illegals. I don't think you have the right to tell me go back home to my country because White people stole this land from indians and you have no right to be here. Indians can tell me go back home but not white man. I have no future in my own country I work 72 hours per week with no over time pay and I do pay taxes my boss withholds it. Im not a criminal and illegal aliens commit less crime than legals. I dont use welfare or medicaid I dont even qualified for it. If you were from my country many of you would do the same thing I did.
Good GOLLY... I am IRIQUOIS from my Dads side...This is a leftist bunch of BOLOGNEY.
The Ohio tribe sent out 'predictors' to ALL of the Indian nations, in the early 1800's- they WARNED the natives that if they didnt stop serving FOREIGN 'g'ods, a strong man with a PALE FACE would slaughter them. It happened, they REFUSED to worship the ONE AND ONLY creator, and LOST their land, just like AMERICA NOW.
Sell that crazy moonbat info to people that are stupid with zero braincells, and operating on quaaludes- take some speed to keep up with the rest of us.
These are the ONLY "Indians" left in the USA, either they are AMERICAN, or just AMERICAN deniers.