This isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but it was enough to really get me angry.
Ok last night I went to the movies. I decided to wait on seeing Bruno until it comes out on DVD, so I went to see Ice Age 3D. I'd never seen a 3D movie before and I was really looking forward to it. The movie was pretty fun and the 3D effects were awesome

The new type of 3D glasses aren't the old fashioned red and blue lenses, but more like clear sunglasses, but boy do they work well! I'll definitely be seeing more 3D movies.
However the experience was kind of ruined for me.
Ok, the first thing, I was waiting outside the viewing room for the movie, waiting for the last group to emerge and for the staff to clean the room, etc. and a fambly (spelling deliberate) of [censored] came out. They were very loud and talking and laughing to each other like they were a group of monkeys. The fambly consisted of two adult females, two adolescent females, and a pre-adolescent male. The two adolescent females started to fight with each other over whether they had to put the 3D glasses in the recycle bin for them. There was a tug of war then one of them pulled the others glasses and threw them into the bin.
One of the adult females, possibly their mother, said "You don' haffa put yo 3d glasses in dere if you don wan to"
One of the adolescent females shreiked back "You shoulda told us dat to begin wif!"
The top of the recycle bin was then taken off the top and discarded onto the floor. the two adolescent females reached down and grabbed their hands into the bin full of 3D glasses and pulled them out. Then the pre-adolescent male bent over to get some 3D glasses out, and his pants slipped half way down his butt and his ass crack was exposed. I could have puked.
I thanked God that I hadn't had to watch the movie with them in the theater, and I was glad when they left. However, I didn't know what was in store for me.... (continued in next post)