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Ask me about arabs.
--- Quote from: Spectator on August 02, 2009, 02:21:18 AM ---What do you think of Druzes?
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I don't know them much to judge them, their religion is a mystery to everyone. But what I know for sure is that they are a very hard minded people. If they know, for example, a druze girl is going out with a christian girl, they kill them both. (kill as dead, or just beat the hell out of them).
--- Quote from: ~Hanna~ on August 02, 2009, 03:10:33 AM ---I have a question,
Why are you not against abortion?
G-d loves all the little children of the world...
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A 18 years old girl could get raped and get pregnant. She doesn't want a child from this man, she doesn't even want a child at all, she got humiliated, got her virginity ripped away from her, I believe its her decision to make, when and which child she want to grow in her. That's one of so many reasons why I support abortion. Abortion is not killing. If you condemn abortion is killing or not righteous, then what about all the sperm wasted when men masturbate? its the same. only abortion could happen a bit later.
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?
--- Quote from: YimachShemotoIslam on August 02, 2009, 10:30:02 AM ---What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?
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I don't know about the maronite christians living in and outside lebanon, but my grandpraents from my mother's side are maronite christians and they are living here in israel, nothing so special about them regarding the current situation of israel-palestine. You can say they are pretty neutral.
Do you vote for the Knesset, to whom ?
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