I agree Mussah. My only gripes with Savage is his position on the Bolistinians, his self righteous attitude and how he flip flops on many issues and then claims he was right all along, a prophet, a genius with a real Ph.D. Aside from that he is very good. Then again, I feel many people would sound that intelligent sitting in front of multiple computer screens to brush up on facts before he speaks...(as he did with my friend who called to contra his statement of "evolution is a fact" utilizing the Scopes Monkey Trial as a direct example with direct connections/agenda to/with the ACLU and dealings with the British Fabian Society solely to negate Intelligent Design and take G-d from the School System.... No matter the Rockefeller Foundation, with its elitist associates, managed to do that a few years later in any event when they managed to capture the teachers union and dictate educational policy for the Federal Government.)
He is very good. I do also like Dr. Stanley Monteith, even though from a Christian perspective. He is very good as well... If I was going to rate them I'd put Shai from Deprogram Program first, Tovia Singer tied with Savage at number two and Stanley Monteith at number 3......