The hot air I was referring to is the so-called "resistance" put up against leftwing govt's. I already cited you a number of examples from WHILE OLMERT WAS IN OFFICE.
I never said it was ENOUGH resistance--just that it was more with the leftist than the phony rightist.
Compare the Israeli resistance at Amona, a relatively small settlement, when Olmert was in power, to all of the resistance for Gaza.
BS. The physical resistance at Amona was mostly due to lessons learned from the Gush Katif failure, and also the difference in ideology between the groups in these two places (Just to give you a hint, Gush Katif was very different place of settlers than those who filled up Amona and came to defend it).[/quote]
And also because average "settlers" (I really hate that term, I prefer pioneers) were now facing a regime that OVERTLY hated them.
Gush Katif resistance failed not because of the reasons you say. It failed because of unwillingness to do what was necessary (would be true under rightwing or leftwing govt leadership - no difference there, both represent Israeli state which many are unwilling to oppose even if it's an evil policy against themselves), and because of active betrayal from within.
Yes, I am very aware of the perfidy wrought by the so-called Yesha Council, but at the same time facts are facts. Arik Sharon had a trumped-up reputation as a great war hero and stalwart opponent of any concessions. Israelis had a lot more personal respect for him than they do Olmert or Barak. That's undeniable. That is 100% established fact and
any Israeli will agree with me. Even if they personally disagreed with Sharon, nobody (or very few people) would ever actually believe he deliberately wished to harm fellow Jews. THIS lulled a lot of sincere rightists into not resisting with any more means than by chanting and singing songs to the Nazi soldiers and cops.
There were thousands of settlers willing to show up and defend Gush Katif like those who showed up and defended Amona. These thousands were betrayed by so-called leaders within the so-called resistance. Not because expulsion was left- or right- directed policy. But because it was Israeli policy, plain and simple.
They were talked into "peaceful protests" by their leaders, yes, but still, very few of the protestors truly hated Sharon the way they would Feces Now or similar self-hating leftists.
If you think Gush Katif failed because rightwing people thought it was a "good idea" 'since ol' sharon said so'
This explains a big part of it, yes. Maybe they didn't actually think it was a good idea, but they didn't think it was right to violently oppose such a proven "war hawk" as Sharon.
you really have no idea what you're talking about, and have either misread this situation or come to an inaccurate oversimplified conclusion not based on the facts and just assumed it was correct.
Have you listened to any Ask JTFs comparing public acceptance of the left vs. the "right"?
But the fact remains despite all of these semantics I'm picking at with you. Amona was a failure at the end of the day. The tactics may have been more sound than at Gush Katif, the ideology might have been better, but the "resistance" failed because Amona no longer stands.
Ultimately any "resistance" will fail as long as the secular, brainwashed majority of Israel allows the Bolshevik media to talk them into opposing "religious extremists" and the like--but does that mean we should give up and stop trying?
And that is what I meant by comparing the "hot air" of so-called "resistance" to the left - comparing that hot air with gush Katif. Not that gush katif was hot air. It failed for a whole slew of different reasons.
How many people actually physically resisted at Gush Katif? Yeah, 10,000 Jews might have showed up to oppose it, but how many of those were strictly "peaceful protestors"?
But because the end result is the same. The govt goes thru with its plan undeterred. And that is GUARANTEED by the hot air of angry editorials, cab-driver criticism, and public discomfort with - the left.
You are correct, there is a whole lot more public outrage when the Israeli honest-left does horrible things than when the Israeli phony-right does.