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ask christian4jews if you dare...

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--- Quote from: christians4jews on December 31, 2009, 09:05:36 AM ---no one going to ask me questions :(

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Yes, what got you interested in JTF and where in the UK do you hail from? Me I'm from Liverpool and I need some new wheels for my car so if you could provide your post code that would be supper!


--- Quote from: cjd on December 31, 2009, 09:14:48 AM ---
--- Quote from: christians4jews on December 31, 2009, 09:05:36 AM ---no one going to ask me questions :(

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I am scared to ask anything and bring on the wrath of Jebus  :::D Now I have to get a Jebus idol for my collection and I don't know where to find one :'(

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I love your posts :)

I tell you what Zelhar I will make a deal with all the anti-Christian Jews here. I would be perfectly willing to accept the fact that they hate Christians and don't want them as friends, on the condition that they never complain about Christian anti-Semitism again. If you want us as friends welcome us, if you don't want us as friends then don't complain about Christian enemies.

yes, good point.

--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 31, 2009, 06:28:20 PM ---I tell you what Zelhar I will make a deal with all the anti-Christian Jews here. I would be perfectly willing to accept the fact that they hate Christians and don't want them as friends, on the condition that they never complain about Christian anti-Semitism again. If you want us as friends welcome us, if you don't want us as friends then don't complain about Christian enemies.

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--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 31, 2009, 06:28:20 PM ---I tell you what Zelhar I will make a deal with all the anti-Christian Jews here. I would be perfectly willing to accept the fact that they hate Christians and don't want them as friends, on the condition that they never complain about Christian anti-Semitism again. If you want us as friends welcome us, if you don't want us as friends then don't complain about Christian enemies.

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Let me try to understand what you say- First thing you must understand that you can't ask any Jew to stop complaining, that's like asking him to stop being Jews, its in our blood to complain and complain about everything.

Now Anti-Christian Jews don't want Christian as friends. They also tend to have chutzpa to say that in your face- how they don't believe you and what they think of your faith etc. So you can't be friends but you still don't have to fight. Basically these guys ask you to leave them alone and then they want come to you.

On the other way, the Anti-Jewish Christians, they will come to us Jews of every variety, they will try to convert us, or condemn us, or inquisite us, or burn us at the stake. I just can't see the symmetry.

Besides Ruby, I thought as a Christian aren't you supposed to give the other cheek and stuff like that ?


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