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ask christian4jews if you dare...

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--- Quote from: christians4jews on January 02, 2010, 05:39:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 31, 2009, 09:25:59 AM ---
--- Quote from: christians4jews on December 31, 2009, 09:05:36 AM ---no one going to ask me questions :(

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I must apologize for diverging this thread.

You said you have Jewish ancestors, can you be a little more explicit ?

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uncle and cousins...

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Do you actually have Jewish blood, or did some of your aunts and cousins intermarry with Jews?


--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 02, 2010, 05:38:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: Zelhar on January 01, 2010, 02:52:10 AM ---Let me try to understand what you say- First thing you must understand that you can't ask any Jew to stop complaining, that's like asking him to stop being Jews, its in our blood to complain and complain about everything.

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I have to admit this made me laugh even though it is stereotypical.  ;D

--- Quote ---Now Anti-Christian Jews don't want Christian as friends. They also tend to have chutzpa to say that in your face- how they don't believe you and what they think of your faith etc. So you can't be friends but you still don't have to fight. Basically these guys ask you to leave them alone and then they want come to you.

On the other way, the Anti-Jewish Christians, they will come to us Jews of every variety, they will try to convert us, or condemn us, or inquisite us, or burn us at the stake. I just can't see the symmetry.

Besides Ruby, I thought as a Christian aren't you supposed to give the other cheek and stuff like that ?

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I think when people are nasty to Christians on a personal level, we are, ideally, supposed to forgive them.  What irritates me is the hypocrisy. If you dont' like anti-Semites, then why turn people who don't want to be anti-Semitic away?

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--- Quote from: bullcat3 on January 02, 2010, 06:10:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 02, 2010, 05:38:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: Zelhar on January 01, 2010, 02:52:10 AM ---Let me try to understand what you say- First thing you must understand that you can't ask any Jew to stop complaining, that's like asking him to stop being Jews, its in our blood to complain and complain about everything.

--- End quote ---

I have to admit this made me laugh even though it is stereotypical.  ;D

--- Quote ---Now Anti-Christian Jews don't want Christian as friends. They also tend to have chutzpa to say that in your face- how they don't believe you and what they think of your faith etc. So you can't be friends but you still don't have to fight. Basically these guys ask you to leave them alone and then they want come to you.

On the other way, the Anti-Jewish Christians, they will come to us Jews of every variety, they will try to convert us, or condemn us, or inquisite us, or burn us at the stake. I just can't see the symmetry.

Besides Ruby, I thought as a Christian aren't you supposed to give the other cheek and stuff like that ?

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I think when people are nasty to Christians on a personal level, we are, ideally, supposed to forgive them.  What irritates me is the hypocrisy. If you dont' like anti-Semites, then why turn people who don't want to be anti-Semitic away?

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I tried to explain that within real and historical context there is no symetry between "anti-semitic Christian" and "anti-christian Jew". The former seeks to either convert or destroy the Jews, while the latter wants no contact and no cooperation with Christians.

A Jew such as you describe as anti-Christian, is one who anyway assumes that you are all anti-semites already so he doesn't think he is creating any new enemy, but at most unmask an existing one.

So I would understand why a Christian would back off and not offer any support to Jews when facing such attitude from some of the people he offered his friendship, but I don't think this is reason for him/her to transform from philo-semitic to anti-semitic.


--- Quote from: Zelhar on January 02, 2010, 11:42:26 PM ---I tried to explain that within real and historical context there is no symetry between "anti-semitic Christian" and "anti-christian Jew". The former seeks to either convert or destroy the Jews, while the latter wants no contact and no cooperation with Christians.

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I tried to explain but maybe I just am not very good at it. What I am trying to get at, is that it's just plain stupid to push someone away and reject their friendship, then complain because that person is not your friend.

--- Quote ---A Jew such as you describe as anti-Christian, is one who anyway assumes that you are all anti-semites already so he doesn't think he is creating any new enemy, but at most unmask an existing one.

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Even if that were true, the hateful attitude I've seen toward Christians is likely to ensure that anti-Semitic "Christians" are more likely to stay that way rather than come to their senses. It's only human nature not to want to be a punching bag.

--- Quote ---So I would understand why a Christian would back off and not offer any support to Jews when facing such attitude from some of the people he offered his friendship, but I don't think this is reason for him/her to transform from philo-semitic to anti-semitic.

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There is no excuse for hating Jewish people but as you suggested it can and will decrease open support if Christians are treated like punching bags. However I think there is also a danger of making people hate Jews if they have bad experiences that to them portray Jews as hateful people, even if they don't see the whole picture.

I just wish we could all get along... :(


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