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Offline jsullivan

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The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« on: May 02, 2007, 06:39:41 AM »
Imerica did write that she "respects" Farakhan and that she supports Obama. So she is part of the problem that we have with a black population that overwhelmingly will support evil black leaders who seek to destroy America and Israel.

Imerica is much more frightening than the housing project, Ebonics-ranting blacks. Because she is intelligent, educated, reasonable-sounding and even likable. And yet she "respects" the ultimate example of evil, Farakhan, who said that he likes being compared to Hitler and who has stated that all whites are devils who must be exterminated. Imerica proves JTF's point that even the nice, likable, smart blacks will side with the evil leaders in their community when the moment of truth comes. That is truly frightening and should be a wake-up call to all decent people.

The ugly language and attacks against Imerica on this site are inappropriate. We should debate her and even criticize her stands. But to bring her 2 year old child into this is uncalled for. Lisa and Allen-T are right. We can and should point out the incredible danger that this represents when a nice, likable and intelligent black woman such as Imerica is willing to support evil Nazi leaders. But the vicious attacks on her and her child make us look terrible and have to stop. That is not the way to confront this dangerous situation.

I actually think that Imerica might ultimately be persuaded to become a black conservative if she is respectfully shown the facts. Maybe, maybe not. But some of these posts on this site look horrendous, and will surely prevent us from ever becoming a mass movement if they continue.


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 07:00:59 AM »
Imerica did write that she "respects" Farakhan and that she supports Obama. So she is part of the problem that we have with a black population that overwhelmingly will support evil black leaders who seek to destroy America and Israel.

Imerica is much more frightening than the housing project, Ebonics-ranting blacks. Because she is intelligent, educated, reasonable-sounding and even likable. And yet she "respects" the ultimate example of evil, Farakhan, who said that he likes being compared to Hitler and who has stated that all whites are devils who must be exterminated. Imerica proves JTF's point that even the nice, likable, smart blacks will side with the evil leaders in their community when the moment of truth comes. That is truly frightening and should be a wake-up call to all decent people.

The ugly language and attacks against Imerica on this site are inappropriate. We should debate her and even criticize her stands. But to bring her 2 year old child into this is uncalled for. Lisa and Allen-T are right. We can and should point out the incredible danger that this represents when a nice, likable and intelligent black woman such as Imerica is willing to support evil Nazi leaders. But the vicious attacks on her and her child make us look terrible and have to stop. That is not the way to confront this dangerous situation.

I actually think that Imerica might ultimately be persuaded to become a black conservative if she is respectfully shown the facts. Maybe, maybe not. But some of these posts on this site look horrendous, and will surely prevent us from ever becoming a mass movement if they continue.

Thank you for this thread. Everything in it. I'd rather be disagreed with than have my family or myself disrespected.

If you've read my responses to the letter about Farrakhan and Sharpton, I call them dispicable men when it comes to their so called civil rights activism. I did say that I respected the fact that Sharpton and Jackson helped blacks recieve jobs...that's on a professional level. On a personal level, I think that they could use some time in a Jewish community to see how Jewish people really are without making snap judgements about their culture. On that front, they are part of the problem. They make it possible for people like you to look at the rest of the black community who have nothing to do with them like we're infected with the plague. This is why I dont' pride myself on NEEDING to be led by anyone outside of my husband and myself. This isn't the first time I've said this and I see now that it most likely won't be the last time. But if either of the 'black leaders' were running for alderman of Cook County in Chicago, I wouldn't vote for them at all. I would vote for Obama though. From what I read in my research of his stances on policy, I like what I see. Until he, too makes me lose favor (like I did with Jesse Jackson and the others).

I want to tell you something Jsullivan, I am a former resident of the housing projects. I lived there from the ages of 4 - 15 and was always seen as somewhat an enigma because I didn't talk exactly like the people who lived in my community. My dad was even talked about because of HIS use of proper English. I was often called, "white girl in a black girl's body", just because I didn't speak ebonics (well). So I've been there and done that. And I learned valuable lessons also from my experience growing up in the projects. My mantra is "life is too short" and it applies to my past because there was a lot of negativity surrounding me. Although I didn't make the decision to move into the projects, I had to make my stay there the best it could be for me. I involved myself in school, I surrounded myself with adults who were educated enough to give good advice, and I surrounded myself with friends who wanted a better life, just like I did. Along with that, I learned not to take life for granted. I feel blessed to have had that experience because it taught me humility. It taught me that not everyone's perfect or makes good decisions. But on the flip side of that, my experience taught me that I'm in control of my future. I didn't follow my mom's footsteps..I didn't have a child at 17, ... she did the best she could as  a single mom (after her and my dad's divorce). She clothed us, and fed us and it taught me how to take care of myself and my children.  I graduated high school, attended college (even presently), I even married the one person in my life who hasn't once treated me with respect in the 16 years we've known each other and the 13 years we've been married. (Who also grew up in the projects.) Its not where you come from,  its where you're going.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 07:05:00 AM by Imerica »

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2007, 08:22:09 AM »
I agree with J sullivan.. Leave the insane Arab Nazis uneducated lunatics call people names...hahah i just did waht i preached we shouldn't do...hehehe...but can disagree with someone and debate them like Kahane would have...very low class what the other posters are doing to imerica.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline dawntreader

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2007, 12:12:12 PM »
I whole-heartedly agree with JSullivan on this issue. Debate, but do not defame.

Imerica has done nothing wrong other than disagree with a number of people here. (And sometimes disagreement is not can, at times, be healthy.)

Now, with that said:

Imerica, I have to say I think your support for Obama is misplaced. You sound like a decent person, and indeed in passing, Obama seems like a decent person and many of his stances on the issues seem not too bad as well. Even to me.

However, I know that coming from a Muslim background, as Obama does makes him dangerous to the United States and to Israel.

I know that Obama has supposedly converted to Christianity, do you know...indeed how does anyone know...that this was not purely a political move on his part in order to gain Christian, black votes?

Many politicians are not above switching political parties, or even their religious affiliations if they believe doing so will get them elected.

A point here:

During the first Democratic Presidential Debates, Obama was asked about his thoughts on who our best allies are. Israel did not factor in once in his response.

All well and good.

However, when one thinks that Christians everywhere are taught (At least nowadays) the truth of what G-d says in the Bible, that He would "Bless those who bless Israel, and Curse those who curse Israel" you would think that Obama (As a now professing Christian) would consider Israel when thinking of who our allies are.

Instead, he went on a speech about how no one in the world has suffered as much as the Arabs in Gaza.

(Does Obama know that Israel supplies all the Arabs' water, electricity and most of their food? This, despite the fact that the Arabs have a declared intention of wiping out Israel?) If he does not know this, then at the very least it shows his lack of experience as a politician...and would you want someone that inexperienced running the country regardless of whether he was black, white or a woman?

And if he DOES know, and chooses not to think of Israel as a friend...what does that say about his Christianity?

These are things one should consider. I don't know if you are a Christian or not...but if so...the points I raised above are points that ought to give you pause.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
- Oliver Hazard Perry


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2007, 12:27:14 PM »
Those who cannot debate, defame. 

RABBI MEIR KAHANE Zecher Tzadik Livracha


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 12:47:14 PM »
Those who cannot debate, defame. 

RABBI MEIR KAHANE Zecher Tzadik Livracha
Never a truer word spoken.

Offline Until Shiloh Comes

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2007, 02:22:19 PM »
Hello Jimmy and all,

I was going to lock the poll in the question last night, but figured it would be done by either you or Yacov.   The tone on this board towards Imerica may be acceptable, but attacks on her children are not.   Some posters here need to be reminded that you do not persuade or convince anyone of the merit of our arguments with these types of attacks. 

Let's remember the Rabbi Kahane example, and remind ourselves that when Chaim Ben Pesach speaks on his shows, he's speaking with fiery rhetoric to rally his supporters. Ben Pesach would not use the same approach in a different setting.  Please watch this video and comport yourselves accordingly.  Allow the strength of your argument to persuade people, rather than invective.

Psalm 53:2 "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no G-D.'"


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2007, 06:27:55 PM »
Well I don't agree but I certainly respect Jimmy Sullivan. My problem with being nice to her is that they view this as a sign of weakness. Us caving in is just what she wants. Lets not forget what the people she supports have done to us. "All hymie wants to talk about is Israel." Does that remind you of a nice shvartza young man? What about the black jury aquiting the murdererers of Yankel Rosenbaum and Rabbi meir Kahane. Lets remember we are not dealing with a civilized person and I disagree with Jimmy that she is smart and intelligent. Like Chaim said, anytime a black can read and write, they are immediately considered presidential material. She seems quite stupid to me to be frank with you and I never hear white and Jewish women speaking in such a slow, stupid way. Also don't feel sorry for the child as we didn't go knocking down the door to find it as shvartzas do to our loved ones when they feel the need to rape.


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2007, 06:30:06 PM »
I  love and respect you Jimmy and I hope I have not offended you. I am making fun of the Jew hating shvartza not you.


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2007, 06:32:54 PM »
"... Those who cannot debate, defame."

*If it bothers anyone that I used that quote I'm sorry but I can't think of any other way to comment to DWI.*

If I were disrespectful to you DWI I would understand your anger toward me. But you're bashing me because I'm not speaking of hating someone? Because I'm not walking through life with the scowl you wake up with and go to sleep at night with every single day? Life is too short to be angry at people I don't know.


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2007, 06:37:02 PM »
My problem with being nice to her is that they view this as a sign of weakness.

We must not bother with being 'nice' or not 'nice'.

The truth will suffice.

Personal attacks on Imerica make US LOOK WEAK.  Personal attacks are the way that CHILDREN 'DEBATE'. 


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2007, 06:45:23 PM »
Well we have already layed out the facts numerous times and this person will not accept the truth. Or maybe she doesn't even speak enough english to understand. We should tell chaim to address her in ebonics and maybe we can settle this once in for all. There seems to be a language barrier.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2007, 07:52:48 PM »
Re:  "...Life is too short to be angry at people I don't know..."

If your reply is truly what you believe...

-then what could you possibly have against the KKK?...

-or why should anyone in the whole wide world be upset with genocide against blacks in Darfur by Muslim Arab terrorist gangs?

Anyone assuming the "world view" about which this thread takes issue, is someone who at the very least, is both incapable of building, as well as incapable of sustaining, a civilized society.

Those in the Jim Crow South, who opposed "equality" and "civil rights" for negroes, all warned that the negro was incapable of functioning in the modern, civilized world.

They warned that once the negro was turned loose in society, they would destroy each other as well as the United States.

So far, there are no indicators that would prove otherwise.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2007, 08:22:21 PM »
Yacov and Jimmy, sorry about the poll. Since I'm the one responsible, would it be possible to post this up top? I hope we can still have free speech.

   I apologize for escalating this into a divisive argument. I'm not fully sure who and for what to apologize to though since my actions were both good and bad. I'm not going to bow down like Imus, but out of my free will want to apologize for what I did wrong.
   After Erica had posted ugly rants against JTF and an immoral and sexist statement that "all men like women's behinds", I responded to the video of her daughter. Since the video was a response related to the topic of abortion, I joked about how her daughter should have been aborted even though I am generally against abortion. This started the fire. I understand how she would rightfully be insulted by my comment, however, this was in response to all the insulting things that she said. She responded with an ebonics filled message full of obsenities and we exchanged insults. I then went onto the JTF website and saw her arguing with some of my fellow JTFers. I misread some of the posts and it appeared that she was supporting racists such as Sharpton, Jackson, Obama/Osama, and Farrakhan. I took my joke a step further by placing the poll.
   A general rule is that you have to expect insults to come back at you when you make them. She started this, but I amplified it. I was wrong to bring her daughter into this so I apologize to her daughter(not her) but was right to fight back against her and I appreciate those who have supported me and left some very intelligent comments on this page. I would like to thank everyone for their insight. I don't mind having her post here, but would like to be able to return the insults. I hope that my actions do not impede future free speech on this forum.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2007, 08:55:32 PM »
Well we have already layed out the facts numerous times and this person will not accept the truth. Or maybe she doesn't even speak enough english to understand. We should tell chaim to address her in ebonics and maybe we can settle this once in for all. There seems to be a language barrier.

Come on, she won't accept the truth...Debate her..don't call Imerica names...

Yes, a troll, a screamer, an activist against Jews and decent people..yes, those you can scream back at with names..Imerica, you just debate and disagree...and you can disagree and debate point in not trusting anyone who disagrees with your point of view...that's just dumb to me.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2007, 09:39:27 PM »
Jimmy, it's supremely hypocritical for her to denounce silly internet attacks on her children when she proudly murdered her youngest and would do it again, and supports other people doing so.

Surely you can agree with that much.

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2007, 09:47:58 PM »
Quote from: takebackourtemple
   I apologize for escalating this into a divisive argument. I'm not fully sure who and for what to apologize to though since my actions were both good and bad. I'm not going to bow down like Imus, but out of my free will want to apologize for what I did wrong.
   After Erica had posted ugly rants against JTF and an immoral and sexist statement that "all men like women's behinds", I responded to the video of her daughter. Since the video was a response related to the topic of abortion, I joked about how her daughter should have been aborted even though I am generally against abortion. This started the fire. I understand how she would rightfully be insulted by my comment, however, this was in response to all the insulting things that she said. She responded with an ebonics filled message full of obsenities and we exchanged insults. I then went onto the JTF website and saw her arguing with some of my fellow JTFers. I misread some of the posts and it appeared that she was supporting racists such as Sharpton, Jackson, Obama/Osama, and Farrakhan. I took my joke a step further by placing the poll.
   A general rule is that you have to expect insults to come back at you when you make them. She started this, but I amplified it. I was wrong to bring her daughter into this so I apologize to her daughter(not her) but was right to fight back against her and I appreciate those who have supported me and left some very intelligent comments on this page. I would like to thank everyone for their insight. I don't mind having her post here, but would like to be able to return the insults. I hope that my actions do not impede future free speech on this forum.
TBOT, you do not need to justify yourself to ME at all. In the context of what was being said what you did was entirely appropriate. Erica is the baby killer, not you. She deserves everything she gets.

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2007, 10:23:49 PM »
JSullivan is 100% right. Imerica is an asset to this forum. She is very likable and it helpful to understand her point of view as, undoubtedly, it is shared by a significant percentage of black populace.  It also helps Imerica to understand Jewish and White Gentiles perspective and our grievances with the majority of blacks.

BTW, Imerica, what Chaim says is not evil, nor it racist - it should be very helpful, for if you listen to him, it would help you elevate your brethren. Unfortunately, majority of blacks are listening to "liberal" racist – who bring blacks down by creating a victimhood complex.
All the best to you and, unfortunately, not so numerous friends that we have in the black community.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Shlomo

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2007, 12:18:30 AM »
Come on guys... get real. Chaim even said it on the Ask JTF forum show (almost at the end) exactly where he stands on the black issue. Go listen to it for yourself.

I absolutely detest how some of the posters have behaved. We aren't supposed to be hating people because they are black. SOME JEWS ARE BLACK. Hello?

We can hate the sickness that is popular black culture right now. It would be wrong not to. We can, obviously, hate the "beyond obscene" excrement they call hip-hop and rap. It's absolutely HORRIBLE and EVIL! SURE, there are blacks out there that are sicko lunatics that should be killed for the disgusting and evil things they've done... but why one EARTH does logic completely evade you when it comes to this girl's small child because she's black?? Is this the example you want to use to back up your position? Thank about what you are doing.

I really think that if 10 righteous people could have saved Sodom and Gomorrah, then if only a percent of blacks were righteous gentiles, wouldn't it matter? SKIN COLOR DOES NOT EQUAL GOOD OR EVIL... at JTF, it was never about skin color. It's about groups of people based on the decisions they make and what we can do to change it.

Is this going to help us save Israel or take back America? Let's think about the goal here.

I haven't looked, maybe it's already gone... but I'm seriously thinking about deleting that entire thread with her child on youtube.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 12:28:28 AM by jeffguy »
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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2007, 01:02:59 AM »
Once again I've got to weigh in and support both JSullivan and Jeffguy on this matter. There is no excuse for rude or nasty behavior on our part whatsoever.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
- Oliver Hazard Perry

Offline Shlomo

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2007, 01:29:25 AM »
Look, this whole thing got me pretty heated. And I'm also really surprised at the bickering recently... I thought we were supposed to debate and not be so personal and get so angry. We have this goal we are on and sometimes it's easy to forget that when posting. Let's be more like the sage in here... trying to bring wisdom down in a way G-d would approve with his Torah. I think that says it all and that's what JTF is about.

takebackourtemple, I have loved your posts since you joined the JTF forum. I remember how we would debate people together and it was fun. Chaim loves you and always says this on the shows. I'm not trying to be a cruel to you. The only reason I'm even saying this is because it's you.

I know you got carried away and I felt like I needed to say something to convey my respect for you as an outstanding poster who I happen to disagree with on this topic. My post wasn't just directed to you... I think that's obvious, but I wanted to state it for the record.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 01:32:59 AM by jeffguy »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2007, 01:33:06 AM »
Jimmy, it's supremely hypocritical for her to denounce silly internet attacks on her children when she proudly murdered her youngest and would do it again, and supports other people doing so.

Surely you can agree with that much.
For the record, Chaimfan, I'd never have another abortion. Never. It hurt me too much and still, from time to time hurts me. I don't need you on this site or anywhere else calling me a murderer because I did something that was right for my health and for my older children. You assume a whole lot about me when you haven't even scratched the surface of what makes me, me. As for supporting other people having an abortion...I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. Making that decision though, is a personal one and I don't think I have the right to do what  you're doing right now. I would ask a woman who's thinking about it ( if she asked me what I thought of it) to research it before she does it but I wouldn't go as far as you're going, throwing rocks in your own glass house (because you're just as imperfect as the rest of the humans in this world).

With that said, I bid peace to you.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 01:40:26 AM by Imerica »


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2007, 01:38:29 AM »
JSullivan is 100% right. Imerica is an asset to this forum. She is very likable and it helpful to understand her point of view as, undoubtedly, it is shared by a significant percentage of black populace.  It also helps Imerica to understand Jewish and White Gentiles perspective and our grievances with the majority of blacks.

BTW, Imerica, what Chaim says is not evil, nor it racist - it should be very helpful, for if you listen to him, it would help you elevate your brethren. Unfortunately, majority of blacks are listening to "liberal" racist – who bring blacks down by creating a victimhood complex.
All the best to you and, unfortunately, not so numerous friends that we have in the black community.

My problem with Chaim's overall message is that it was almost all about the evil of blacks) and riddled with comments about monkeys swinging from trees, apes, and other things that upset me. He didn't go as far as some other people did here with the name-calling but it stings. His message about black people not needing a leader is agreeable, his bashing and generalizations about black women having 8 children by 8 men isn't. His message about his view of Farrakhan and Jesse and also Al are agreeable, his generalizations about how ALL blacks speak isn't. I guess I'll need super selective hearing in order to filter all of the mean 'stuff' he says out.

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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2007, 01:49:21 AM »
For the record, Chaimfan, I'd never have another abortion. Never. It hurt me too much and still, from time to time hurts me. I don't need you on this site or anywhere else calling me a murderer because I did something that was right for my health and for my older children.

Hello, and good day to you.

Although I oppose the manner in which you've been attacked on this forum, I still believe you dish out more than you're willing to take, Imerica. 

I've followed your comments on youtube, and I have observed your vicious attacks on Dr. Alan Keyes PhD, labeling him an "idiot", a "homophobe", "socially inept" etc.. for his defense of traditional marriage, and his pro-life stance.  Perhaps you thought no one was looking, but I was, and I will tell you this straight from the heart: When you attack an individual like Alan Keyes -- a man of impeccable moral character, and astounding intellect --with that type of invective, you put yourself on thin ice in my book. And I warn you, if you step over the boundaries here with that type of unwarranted, gratuitous name calling, no one will come to your defense in the future.

Based on this latest revelation perhaps your attacks on Keyes had more to do with your own self-hatred, and guilt over your abortion, than anything that came out of Dr. Keyes mouth.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 02:00:37 AM by UntilShilohComes »
Psalm 53:2 "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no G-D.'"


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Re: The Ugly Language Against Imerica
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2007, 02:01:46 AM »
For the record, Chaimfan, I'd never have another abortion. Never. It hurt me too much and still, from time to time hurts me. I don't need you on this site or anywhere else calling me a murderer because I did something that was right for my health and for my older children.

Hello, and good day to you.

Although I oppose the manner in which you've been attacked on this forum, I still believe you dish out more than you're willing to take, Imerica. 

I've followed your comments on youtube, and I have observed your vicious attacks on Dr. Alan Keyes PhD, labeling him an "idiot", a "homophobe", "socially inept" etc.. for his defense of traditional marriage, and his pro-life stance.  Perhaps you thought no one was looking, but I was, and I will tell you this straight from the heart: When you attack an individual like Alan Keyes -- a man of impeccable moral character, and astounding intellect --with that type of invective, you put yourself on thin ice in my book, and I warn you that if you step over the boundaries here with that type of unwarranted, gratuitous name calling, no one will come to your defense in the future.

Based on this latest revelation here perhaps your attacks on Keyes had more to do with your own self-hatred, and guilt over your abortion, then anything that came out of Dr. Keyes mouth.
First of all, I am not worried that you've seen my comments from Youtube. A lot of people have and they've cornered me on them also. But I assure you that I haven't called ANYONE out of their name on this site, besides DownwithIslam who I called "O' Negative One". I even came here and apologized for calling Chaim an idiot on his videos. It didn't make me feel, OR look good at all.

Alan Keyes though (he's not representative of this board) is, IMO a homophobe who kicked his own 19 year old daughter out of their house because she is a lesbian. He took her school funding away, he took away a place for her to lay her head and all because of the fact that he dosen't believe in the fact that homosexuals can have meaningful relationships just like heterosexual couples. He looks at homosexuality as an act that you do and that's what I think homophobes think. As for his defense of traditional marriage, in which he said that 'marriage is irrelevant where procreation is impossible'. Did that mean something different to you? Because to me, he was saying that even a marriage where hetero sexual couples can't concieve, their marriage is not important. He's not for stem cell research, which has the possibility to help change lives drastically. He's against invitro fertilization, as well as sperm donation.

I don't doubt that Alan Keyes is well-versed and extremely intelligence but his view, just like  my own isn't popular with everyone. There will be people who disagree with him. And by the way, he's an excellent Roman Catholic man. He's just not a man I'd follow.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 02:15:56 AM by Imerica »