Muman, there is no connection to Native Americans or Jews, Jews did not visit America previous to Columbus and any rational person will agree. The only Jews with even slight traces of Native blood are those who either took Native wives or husbands (which there are some), they converted, or they came to South America and mixed with local populations due to the caste system. Even marriage between Jews with North American Indians was and still is extremely rare. I don't know a single person with Jewish and Native American ancestry or even a halfblood. The Natives either mixed with British, Scottish, or Irish descendants or they stuck with their own. Even black and native american mixture was rare and almost non existent, for some reason a lot of blacks think they have Cherokee ancestors when DNA proved that wrong. There are fewer North American Indians than what people think, a lot of people in registered tribes aren't full blooded and there are a lot of frauds running around nowadays like churchill.
The only Jews that would have even a slight amount of Mongoloid admixture would be the Chinese Jews or possibly some of the Russian Jews if they mixed with the Mongoloid population.
Claiming the Cherokee have Jewish ancestry is silly, if they had Jewish ancestry, they would follow our customs, speak our language, and preserve some sort of identity and they do not. These claims of Hebrew and Cherokee being related is false and the words have no meaning, Tsalagi language bears no resemblance to Semitic languages, it doesn't even bear a resemblance to Asian languages. It's like claiming Australoids are Jewish, they are a completely different group of people and while some want to claim they are related to Siberians, even if they are, 20,000 years of separation changes DNA a LOT.
Try posting this on or mytribalspace and see what kind of response you get, they are as Jewish as a kosher ham sandwich.