Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
Next time come with some arguments into a discussion so you don't get embarrassed.
--- Quote from: voo-yo on January 07, 2011, 06:51:21 AM ---
Jedini koji ovde vredja si ti. Zato pazi se, jer sledeci put necu da te branim kad drugi budu govorili da si trol i misionar.
Ne mozemo da raspravljamo na engleskom, jer ti ne razumes sta ja pisem, i onda odgovaras desetu stvar, a i ja ne razumem tvoj engleski, a ponekad i srpski.
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Nemoj ti da me branis molim te, ako znas administratora ne znaci da si u pravu i ovo je cista pretnja! Ako ja budem zbog istine izbacen neka me izbace. Ali moram jedno da ti kazem da bi znao gde ti je mesto. Ja bolje poznajem i srbsku i jevrejsku istoriju od tebe i jevrejski narod, i veci sam im prijatelj nego sto ces ti ikad biti i zato miran i ne glodji lanac!
A da si vredjao jesi,samo sta si pisao novakovicu to ni pas masla ne bi pojeo!
Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.
--- Quote from: voo-yo on January 07, 2011, 04:07:44 PM ---Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.
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ha, covek se po delu poznaje, da li si ti svestan ovog trenutka zasto me napadas?Zato sto nemas argumente ili ti se ne svidjam zbog istine, mozda bi ti trebao da razmislis o svojim postupcima i manirima.
Bilo kako bilo, pravi covek i junak ne menja istinu za laz ni jednog trenutka,i ne uvlaci se u bulju samo da bi bio deo neceg, tako se ne plaseci ni smrti a kamoli 'banovanja'.
Moja jedina vodilja je logika a cilj istina a ne zelje!
Ali najvise mrzim kukavice!!
A lot has been said already, but here's my opinion.
In Slovenia there is no persecution of Serbs, or I have not heard before. We have a correct relationship due to chicken minds and ignorance of Serbs that Slovenia started disintegration of former Yugoslavia.They strangled young Serbian boys(18-19 years old), unarmed regular Yugoslavian Army troops while withdrawing from the territory of Slovenia. No one was convicted, nor our traitorous government want to persecute them.
About them I have neither a positive nor a negative stance. I do not care about them and most Serbs do not think about them.
Slovenians like to visit Serbia(Belgrade) ,especially for a new year evening. It is known fact that they like Serbs but not Croats.Croatia and Slovenia have worsened their relationship because of some unsolved territorial issues on the sea border.
Montenegro, the Serbian state. The cradle of many Serbian heroes. A large number of the Serbs in Serbia had its roots in Montenegro. "Montenegrin nation" does not exist and it is the invention of Tito's communist regime to reduce the Serbian corpus in the Balkans. "Montenegro" name is not given by ethnicity of the people who live there but by the characteristics of the terrain and difficult life(Montenegro means "Black Mountain"). Currently, the Serbs are being assimilated and forced to accept "Montenegrin nation". There are attacks on the Serbian Orthodox Church conducted by Vatican and supported by EU. This was already seen in Croatia during the WWII by creating a "Croatian Orthodox Church" to separate people from the Serbian Church and Serbian identity. The same recipe is used today in Montenegro with creation of so called "Montenegrin Orthodox Church". In addition to that, occupier invents the "Montenegrin language" that was never and nowhere recorded in our history. This year it was officially invented as the mother tong of "Montenegrin nation".
As you can see the Serbs are now terribly persecuted in Montenegro and they are blackmailed and pressured to forget their origin, language and religion. Occupiers in Montenegro have announced a destruction of small church on a certain mountain and this event could provoke civil conflict between the traitors and the remaining Serbs in Montenegro. Current prime minister Milo Djukanovic recently threatened to Serbs in Montenegro that they should remember what happened to Serbs in Serbian Krayina(today Croatia) referring to their cleansing.
Hard times are in front of the Serbs in Montenegro...really hard.
Considering Macedonia... We all know that this is a political project to make this Southern Slavs(very similar to Serbs and Bulgarians also) as "Macedonians". Macedonia is a Greek name and Macedonians were Greeks. This territory was Southern Serbia and just before WWII it was named Vardar province in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, not a state. Communist made it a state calling it Macedonia. That was a moment of twisting of the people's identity and today they live in a dream that they are real Macedonians, even claiming that Alexander was of current false "Macedonian" ethnicity.
The most important is that there was a try to create a "Macedonian Orthodox Church" with the similar goals just like in Montenegro and Croatia - in order to separate them from Orthodox Serbs. This "church" is not recognized by Serbian Church, Greece do not recognize this state by its name as it is stolen Greek heritage , and Bulgaria as I know do not recognize their language considering it to be Bulgarian.
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