I agree that paper money is going to lose much of its worth. But stocks are a different thing. They represent living businesses. Businesses and the economy in general keep functioning even in high inflation money printing environment. If you own a diverse portfolio you basically own a chunk of the economical worth and that may translate into money but is in fact a different type of wealth.
As for Gold it's theoretically gives you protection from inflation but it doesn't create real wealth. Gold value in theory is constant and don't forget it has a negative carry (the cost of safe keeping it). Also is not consumed in meaningful amount, but only gets accumulated in Jewelry and in bullion. There is little to no industrial demand for it. So basically, its worth is a perception just like the perceived worth of fiat currency with the one crucial different that gold cannot be printed.
When you invest $100,000 in stocks in different companies and they on average go up 5% and the value of the dollar is being inflated with 10%, are you making money?
Gold is an inflation protection of your money. Look at the graph of Gold and silver long term and see how it is going up in value, because the dollar has been inflated. The value of your gold money will give you the opportunity to purchase more when the dollar has been inflated. Remember: Purchase assets and not liabilities. Read Robert Kiyosaki - Rich dad poor dad.
From The riches man in Babylon:
"Gold is the currency of Kings,
Silver is the currency of gentlemen,
Barter is the currency of peasants and
debt is the currency of slaves."
FIAT Currency is: Money as debt
Thomas Jefferson
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
The reason most people are slaves to money is because they are total ignorant of the real rules of the money game. Don't be a slave to money. Make the money a slave to you!

Seek money and power not for your own ego, but to serve humanity and help create this a better world!
When you do that, people will discover you are the wonderful, loving and strong people that helped create a paradise and global Shalom on earth.