Author Topic: Perspective  (Read 5304 times)

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Offline Sarah

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« on: June 27, 2007, 06:32:34 PM »
I am always very reluctant to completely defame muslims and i'll tell you why:

 On JTF, everyday i read posts about how the Quran orders the genocide of millions, makes muslims retarded. How muslims are evil beasts that destroy the world.

This doesn't connect with me and i'd honestly like to know how each of you feels when you read this because i will never be able to have that sense of complete anger towards muslims and the opposite, love for Israel.

We all view the world from different perspectives and i live with muslims and go to a muslim school. It is not a school of hatred or an indoctrinating madrasah by any sort and it hurts when everything is misrepresented. Today the BNP came and stood at the school gates taking pictures of children as if they were freaks, shouting abuse and chucking leaflets at people. This angers all the muslims there and the anger of the muslims angers the BNP more!

There are a few students in my class who like to blame all the worldly problems on the "jews", saying that they are killing billions, they are foul people who just want to kill us all.

And then I come home and read on JTF, that muslims are evil garbage, wanting to destroy all "infidels", bombing innocent civilians etc

This is craziness! And undoubtedly you are probably thinking I am crazy, whilst reading this, and that i'm blind to the evil of Islam........

At my school there is a sheikh, who knows most of the Quran off by heart, lectures and is extremely religious. Yet every thing he teaches is Goodness, almost i would say straight from the teahings of the Torah. He preaches every friday that muslims should respect all religions especially the Jews and Christians and quotes directly from the Hadith and Quran, which i will find later and post. On JTF i have seen many quotes from the Quran explaining how muslims should fight with the sword and smite all the disbelievers. The EXACT opposites!

I am DEFINITLY not trying to promote Islam or defend it by any sort, except my way of life that is, all i'm trying to explain is the bias in the world and views on everything. By understanding the other perspective then sense can form because those of you who are born Jewish or Christian here aren't looking at the topic from two sides because if you did you would most certainly discover the truth, since all of you are intelligent.

I am a very arrogant and ignorant person, by experiencing the diiferent view points everyday, i have just confused myself but what i do know is that "Talk" is not a solution.

Also, has anyone here been at peace with some muslims, would you or could you ever imagine that peace or feeling to be global?

Offline cjd

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 07:44:45 PM »
I think there may be many moderate Muslims that don't adhere to The Kill The Infidels Policy staunch Muslim followers have. Your school and the people you know may be in that moderate group. The problem is that the vast majority of Muslims are not moderate in their beliefs and want to kill or convert the infidels. As the world has seen Muslims have put cards on the table a few times already and have pulled off a few very impressive feats of terrorism. As I always say and its sad it has to be this way but the innocent  must suffer with the guilty. Its just to hard right now to separate the good and the bad. In the case of Muslims we have to assume that the individual is evil until they prove themselves to be different. Its a matter of survival.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 07:49:39 PM »
From my sig "individual muslims may show outstanding qualities", but the overal message of the quran is evil, you have to really pick and choose to find it to be anything but.

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2007, 09:05:31 PM »
Sarah, what is it that you do not believe? That the Koran teaches conquest and the destruction of nonbelievers? That Israel is in the right? That Islam is in the wrong?

Explain what exactly your points of contention are.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2007, 09:38:40 PM »
Sarah, I thought that you would know this.

There are Mecca Surahs and Medinah Surahs.

The Mecca Surahs were pre-Hijrah when Mohamed thought that the Jews would immediately convert to his religion if he said nice things about Jews.
Those are the Mecca Surahs.

When Mohamed realized that they weren't buying his new religion, he said all of "Kill the Jews" stuff.
Those are the Medinah Surahs.

Mohamed was a charlatan, who lied when it served his interests and killed when served his interests.

Because the Quran is so wildly contradictory, there is a concept of Quranic abrogation based on the following verse in Qur'an 2:106 "When we cancel a Verse or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one." .

This means that if two Quran verses contradict each other, the earlier one is discarded. Since the Mecca Surahs were earlier, the Medinah Surahs are the ones that count, according to Islam.

Meaning, that your peaceful Imam is not a muslim if he thinks that the Mecca Surahs are the ones to go by.

I'm sorry to say this, but your peaceful Imam is perverting Islam and Osama Bin Laden is upholding Islam. Ahmadinejad is a true beleiver and your Imam is not. He's perverting Islam.

Ask your imam about this verse Qur'an 2:106 "When we cancel a Verse or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one." And ask your self why Allah is so scatterbrained that he needed to continually abrogate verses and throw into oblivion parts of the Quran which Muslims claim was written before the world was created.
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Offline Ehud

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2007, 09:39:45 PM »
The Quran DOES order the genocide of people and we see it every day.  If it doesn't connect with you, you'd have to be blind.  There have been millions of Africans and African Christians killed at the hands of Muslims.  Muslims openly and unabashedly call for the extermination of all Jews.  Nearly every conflict around the world involves Muslims.  These are facts you can look this up.  Muslims attack and want to destroy all non-muslim religions and they do so on a daily basis.  Look at Ethiopia, Egypt, Lebanon, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, the list goes on and on.  It's not just something that's in the Quran, you can read the news and see it for yourself.  This isn't enough to have anger at Muslims?  What is enough?  You hear genocidal talk even from children from the age of 3 years old.  What do you mean this doesn't connect with you?  THIS IS FACT.  Fact number two.  Islam makes muslims retarded.  Where would any arab country be right now without oil?  Islamic arab countries have almost provided absolutely nothing to the world.  If arabs weren't there and we had all of their oil, not only would the world NOT be missing anything, but the world would be a BETTER place. 

For every moderate Muslim out there, there are two who aren't moderate.  There are Islamic "holy men" inside every western country calling for the take-over and destruction of their host countries.  The reason why it's easy to be angry at muslims as a whole is because mostly they are loyal to their religion rather than whatever country they live in.  They are loyal to Islam rather than to their home countries.  You can see this in poll after poll after poll.  Most Muslims are anti-West and if they had to choose a side would choose the side of Islam.  Most muslims believe the most vile propaganda about Jews, it's disgusting.  It doesn't matter if he's living in Saudi Arabia or the U.S. the hate of Jews is engrained in Islam and people who follow it.  Most muslims in the U.S. believe that Jews were behind 9/11.  Go ask all your "moderate" friends what they believe about that. 

As far as I'm concerned love of Israel is a prerequisite to being on this forum.  If you don't have any anger against Muslims and love for Israel, why are you here? 
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 09:43:19 PM by Z. Jabotinsky »
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 10:11:28 PM »

Also, has anyone here been at peace with some muslims, would you or could you ever imagine that peace or feeling to be global?

There's an arab guy down my block who owns a convenience store and he seems nice but do I think that he will ever allow the jewish people to exist in peace in our homeland.

No. he will continue to beleive that he and his fellow Ishmaelite brothers will eventualy wipe us out. I know that. He smiles at me so that I will buy Cokes and lottery tickets at his shop. But I'm not stupid enough to think that there will ever be peace.

Sarah, I know that this very hard for you to hear since you are deep in the Ishmaelite world but The Torah predicted how the Nation of Ishmael would be even  before Ishmael was born. Every single word has been fulfilled in every way.

Look at this quote from Genesis:

11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her: 'Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son; and thou shalt call his name Ishmael, because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. 12 And he shall be a wild ass of a man: his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren.'

"He shall be a wild ass of a man."  What does that mean, Sarah?

Does it mean that Ishmaelites in Israel would kill Jews by cutting off their testicles and gouging out their eyes?


Does it mean that Ishmaelites in Lebanon would kill Maronite Christians in the exact same same manner?


That is the behavior of a wild man. An entire nation of savages. That is Ishmael and his spiritual descendants, Muslims.

"his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him"

What does that mean, Sarah?

Does it mean that the spiritual descendants of Ishmael would be fighting:

Roman Catholics in the Philipines,

Orthodox Christians in Greece, Chechnya, Serbia,

Hindus in Kashmir, Pakistan, India,

Jews in Israel,

Buddhists in Thailand,

Protestants in America,etc. etc. etc.

I could go on forever. Wherever Ishmael's spiritual descendants are, their hands are against every man, and every man's hand against them.

Now the last part of the verse.

"and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren"

The Hebrew is "w'al p'nei kol eHaw Yishkon" Which essentially means that he will step on the face of his brothers.

What does that mean, Sarah?

Does it mean that Muslims will be slaughtering their fellow Muslims in Sudan?








Saudi Arabia?
















The list never ends.

Sarah, you have to face facts.

Ishmael is Ishmael.

And that is all Ishmael will ever be.

Israel is Israel.

And that is all Israel will ever be.

You've got to decide which side you're on.

Ishmael or Israel?

The choice is yours.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 10:19:44 PM by judeanoncapta »
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Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2007, 10:13:16 PM »
You gotta make up your mind sarah

Offline Maccabi

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 10:17:15 PM »
many people are good.

The fact that your teacher preaches some goodness is nothing special at all.

The fact that goodness is mixed with the teachings of Mohammed is what is messed up.

I think Islam confuses what goodness actually is and leads inherently good people to a wierd mixed up version of goodness.  How evil is it that people who are inheritently good (or at least not entirely evil) read the Koran and see goodness mixed with such hatred?  That seems more evil than an atheist who is good.

How can anything good come from Mohammed the pirate? The only goodness in that book is the remnants of what he stole from the Torah.

That is like mixing wine with piss. Sure there may be some wine (goodness) left, but what are you drinking when you read the Koran...

You know what is really sick? when teachings of goodness are mixed with the murderous, pedophiliac anti-Jewish message of Islam. 

I think if anything you should hate Mohammed and the Koran but maybe not all muslims.  I also think you should not trust them.  I don't even hate all muslims.  I just don't trust them and I wonder what is going on inside their mind.

There is a guy here who works at 7-11. I always used to come in late at night (like 2 AM, 3 AM) to buy stuff and we always used to joke around and greet each other friendly.  He seemed like a humble, funny middle-easterner, a businessman (except he sounded crazy when he talks on the phone).

Then one night I came in around 4 AM and he had his rug out, and was doing the Islamic prayers.  From then on it was all different.  I just sort of greet him normal, pay and leave. 

I still think he may be an ok guy, but how can you trust someone that reads and follows that book? How do I know he doesn't hate Jews and is planning Jihad?

It sucks because I like to be friends with people I meet and joke around and stuff.

So this may be an inheritently decent person who would just own a business, make some money, and joke around with people...but with the koran, maybe he now feels his duty is to destroy America.

Sorry Sarah, but there can be no trust or peace with that ideology.

However, I think when Islam is destroyed, maybe some former Muslims who weren't necessarily evil could still be considered righteous gentiles if they didn't do nefarious deeds.  I really don't know though you might ask Chaim's opinion about it.

But let me put it this way: I would not be impressed with any goodness preached from the Koran...Not one word of it.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 10:18:59 PM by MackaB »

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2007, 10:35:18 PM »
I know that I can't say it better than the last few posts, but I must agree.  However, you are the perfect person to have on this forum, Sarah.  I think we need someone with your perspective here.
I have noticed in the last few days that your recent posts have taken a slight turn toward the sympathetic side of Muslims.  I hope you don't have a change of heart that would cause you to leave the JTF.  Perhaps, you are just thinking deeper about it...
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 11:59:06 PM »
CJD, if you are a "Moderate muslim," then you are not a muslim. Chaim has talked about this many times.
I am urinating on a Koran.


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Re: Perspective
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2007, 12:19:31 AM »
"has anyone here been at peace with moslems?".............................

Dearest Sarah,

The western world has bent over backwards (and forwards!) to try and pacify, accomodate and make concessions to moslems....all to no avail.
80% of British moslems want sharia law in Britain. Moslems demand the west submit to Islam. Moslems want Israel wiped off the map. Jews, christians, hindus, buhdists, b'hais, shintos, mormon-perverts and calithumpians are all capable of being at peace with each other. History and current event show that moslems are NOT.

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 12:46:38 AM »
Hold on, is Sarah Jewish or Muslim?
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2007, 12:58:57 AM »
Yes... Peace shall reign... Once the Dark Moronic Force of JIHAD is at the will of the Western World !

We must defuse their Ultimate Modern Weapon of Oil Dependency which fuels their ability to create NUCLEAR BOMBS intended to one day God Forbid wipe the Ancient Holy Hebrew Land of ISRAEL off the map; not to mention the mass JIHAD promised by the CULT Novel of Islam on all INFIDELS which I am compelled to state includes even the most LIBERAL and Tolerant of MASS MURDER amongst us !!

They don't care whether you cry or not when a FAMILY MEMBER of Yours is MURDERED !! All they know is they want YOU Next !!

Was their a Way to get along with the NAZIS if you were a Torah-believing Jew?
Was their a Way to get along with the COMMUNISTS in Russia if you wanted to Buy your OWN Food ?

Now... Is their a Way today to get along with JIHADISTS (no matter how you interpret the term all Muslims believe in some form of JIHAD or Sacrifice for their SATANIC GOD of Death) if you believe in human decency, freedom of soul, and a standard of living that doesn't remind you of a REFUGEE Camp ?

If you have found a way to live in global harmony with Muslims and hold these beliefs dear to oneself, Then you are lying to yourself which wouldn't be hard to do at this Point, because you've already become a SUBMISSIVE MUSLIM of Death !

Let's Wake up and not be sucked into the TWILIGHT ZONE with our Disillutioned Colleagues who have lost their eye for the "Great White Way" and have begun their Departure of Contrition to The Islamic Foe who have BEHEADED their Brethren.



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Re: Perspective
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2007, 01:05:02 AM »
Hold on, is Sarah Jewish or Muslim?

I think sarah is a Brittish moslem like one of those nice girls in the movie "Bend It Like Beckham".

Offline Ehud

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2007, 01:30:56 AM »
Hold on, is Sarah Jewish or Muslim?

I think sarah is a Brittish moslem like one of those nice girls in the movie "Bend It Like Beckham".

The people in that movie were Indians of the Sikh faith.  They're not similar to Muslims at all and I believe they're not very amicable to each other because of their history of conflict in India.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2007, 09:01:00 AM »
Sarah,    One thing that I must say is that this thread is a testament to how popular you are on this forum. Look how many people care about you enough to write to you when it seems like you may be regressing into Islam.
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Offline Sarah

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2007, 03:00:03 PM »
I think there may be many moderate Muslims that don't adhere to The Kill The Infidels Policy staunch Muslim followers have. Your school and the people you know may be in that moderate group. The problem is that the vast majority of Muslims are not moderate in their beliefs and want to kill or convert the infidels. As the world has seen Muslims have put cards on the table a few times already and have pulled off a few very impressive feats of terrorism. As I always say and its sad it has to be this way but the innocent  must suffer with the guilty. Its just to hard right now to separate the good and the bad. In the case of Muslims we have to assume that the individual is evil until they prove themselves to be different. Its a matter of survival.

I'm not sure i believe in there being a moderate muslim, not because they are all radical but because everyone has a varying range of views. We may see them as moderate but the radical muslims would see them as liberal. It also depends on the culture of the person.

Sarah, what is it that you do not believe? That the Koran teaches conquest and the destruction of nonbelievers? That Israel is in the right? That Islam is in the wrong?

Explain what exactly your points of contention are.

I do not believe that all the methods carried out by Israel to gain land are good. I do believe that the Torah is a miraculous book of truth and that the Jewish Faith is the right way forward.

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2007, 03:33:47 PM »
Sarah, I thought that you would know this.

There are Mecca Surahs and Medinah Surahs.

The Mecca Surahs were pre-Hijrah when Mohamed thought that the Jews would immediately convert to his religion if he said nice things about Jews.
Those are the Mecca Surahs.

When Mohamed realized that they weren't buying his new religion, he said all of "Kill the Jews" stuff.
Those are the Medinah Surahs.

Mohamed was a charlatan, who lied when it served his interests and killed when served his interests.

Because the Quran is so wildly contradictory, there is a concept of Quranic abrogation based on the following verse in Qur'an 2:106 "When we cancel a Verse or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one." .

This means that if two Quran verses contradict each other, the earlier one is discarded. Since the Mecca Surahs were earlier, the Medinah Surahs are the ones that count, according to Islam.

Meaning, that your peaceful Imam is not a muslim if he thinks that the Mecca Surahs are the ones to go by.

I'm sorry to say this, but your peaceful Imam is perverting Islam and Osama Bin Laden is upholding Islam. Ahmadinejad is a true beleiver and your Imam is not. He's perverting Islam.

Ask your imam about this verse Qur'an 2:106 "When we cancel a Verse or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one." And ask your self why Allah is so scatterbrained that he needed to continually abrogate verses and throw into oblivion parts of the Quran which Muslims claim was written before the world was created.

Thank you for your explanations Judeaoncapta and i have an arguement/example for the verse that maybe you could disprove, please. :)

From the Quran that is in front of me right now-a translated version by Pickthall- the verse reads:

"Such of Our revalations as We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah is Able to do all things?"

The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, 13 years of Makki revelation and 10 of Madani, like you stated. Each revelation of the Quran was sent as a warning or message for that particular time e.g. if there was trouble going on. As time moved on, the nation began to change and different events and behaviour occured and so initial revelations were replaced by similar verses when things that disrupted the message of Islam happened. E.g

An example that is often used to show the topic of abrogation as relevant and true in the Quran is the topic of wine drinking. In early Islam, wine drinking and gambling were allowed - Surah 2:219:

"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider-"

From this ayah it was taught that drinking and gambling could provide a benefit and also have bad effects. To identify that the practice of drinking wine was not uncommon among Muslims, another ayah was revealed that forbade the Muslims to come to prayer drunk.

Surah 4:43:
"O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say,- nor in a state of ceremonial impurity (Except when travelling on the road), until after washing your whole body. If ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For Allah doth blot out sins and forgive again and again."

 During the battle of Uhud a number of Muslims were killed, some of whom had alcoholic drinks the morning of the battle.
Then the ayah Surah 5:93 was revealed to stop drinking wine.

O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (Dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination, - of Satan’s handiwork: Eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.

Finally an ayah is revealed that considers drinking an abomination and to be avoided. Thus, this put an end to drinking being allowed in Islam.

However God has predestined our future and therefore would know that such a thing would happen if he had already seen such plans, this confuses me that why wasn't it set forth in the first place. It is also linked with the revelation over a period of time..........

Thats why with the Torah being sent down straight away on tablets it could be easily said that such a thing could not have been produced by any human so fast with such detail!
With the Quran there could possibly be the fact that it took so much time to be "revealed" because the scribes needed time to come up with the words and write it etc.
However there is also a language element that is unexplained about the Quran. With the Arabic language there are 16 sections in which EVERY single sentence structure will come under- come under one of the sections only. Thus one could classify a piece of writing or style under one section. The Quran however cannot be fitted into a single section itself and is a combination of all sixteen spread out. This is virtually impossible to imitate without using the exact same words, many people have tried to produce or write verses in such a way but cannot, no human can.

The Imam seems oblivious to such verses in the Quran that has been said to call for the killing of disbelievers.

You also said that the earlier surah would be discarded but it isn't the surah that was contradictory but just the verse itself.

Thank you Judeaoncapta.

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2007, 03:38:12 PM »

This subject is very complex, but very important.

In short, we should separate the following entities:

1) Islam, as an illegal copy of Judaism + Mohamed’s ideology of hatred.
2) Arab Muslims, or those who first conquered areas from Indonesia to Morocco and forced non-Arab nations to convert into Islam.
3) Non-Arab Muslims, who were forcefully converted into Islam by Arabs. OK, these people are the most prospective allies of ours, since their original cultures (pre-Muslim – either Christian or other) is in spiritual conflict with the ideology of hatred.

Therefore, those who don’t follow the ideology of hatred of Islam are not moderate Muslims. They are not Muslims, and they originally WERE NOT, but they are sympathetical to that part of Islam that was stolen from Judaism.

Thus I can see the future for non-Arab Muslims willfully converting into Judaism, and thus leave the hatred forever.

This way, they will continue believing in one G-d. They will have the same laws of modesty and purity. They will not eat pork. They will have circumcision. And many many other laws that were copied from the Jews.

That’s why, Sarah, I see the future of the Middle East as a territory of Judaism.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 09:28:28 PM by Zvulun ben Moshe »
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2007, 03:55:46 PM »
Go ask all your "moderate" friends what they believe about that. 

I did just that, today. My  teacher who is 23 and practicing, said:
"It was an act of evil terrorism, that killed thousands of innocent people, the causers will undoubtedly go to hell and it was an act wrongly instigated in the name of God."

As far as I'm concerned love of Israel is a prerequisite to being on this forum.  If you don't have any anger against Muslims and love for Israel, why are you here? 

I have love for Judaism and the people on this forum, who truly love Israel, therefore i respect this entirely. Israel is the holy land. I'm also here to share views, z.jabonitsky and to learn and understand. Chaim is great too. :D

Offline Sarah

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2007, 04:24:42 PM »
Hold on, is Sarah Jewish or Muslim?

I think sarah is a Brittish moslem like one of those nice girls in the movie "Bend It Like Beckham".

I am not pakistani or asian, my mother is English and my father is Moroccan, since i was born in England i consider myself to be mostly British. That film is trash anyhow. :D

Thank you everyone for your replies, all of you are great people.

I will also look into the Torah story of Abraham and Ishmael because i have been quite surprised by its extreme difference to what i have heard from muslims. It will probably be the answer.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2007, 05:24:44 PM »

Israel has paid for every acre of land it has received, either literally (as in pre-1948) or in the blood of its sons and daughters (as in in 1948 and thereafter). Do show me whose land Israel robbed.

Under no circumstances is seizing territory vacated by terrorists as they attempt to assemble a new line of attack a violation of the rights of anybody.

The problem is that modern Israel has NEVER done what the Bible commands the Jews to do--which is to go out and conquer the land of the Nazi nations surrounding it.

Thus, I do not see what your disagreement is.


Offline mord

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2007, 05:30:30 PM »
Hold on, is Sarah Jewish or Muslim?

I think sarah is a Brittish moslem like one of those nice girls in the movie "Bend It Like Beckham".
Sara is not Pakastani
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline christian_love

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Re: Perspective
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2007, 06:47:51 PM »
I am always very reluctant to completely defame muslims and i'll tell you why:

 On JTF, everyday i read posts about how the Quran orders the genocide of millions, makes muslims retarded. How muslims are evil beasts that destroy the world.

This doesn't connect with me and i'd honestly like to know how each of you feels when you read this because i will never be able to have that sense of complete anger towards muslims and the opposite, love for Israel.

We all view the world from different perspectives and i live with muslims and go to a muslim school. It is not a school of hatred or an indoctrinating madrasah by any sort and it hurts when everything is misrepresented. Today the BNP came and stood at the school gates taking pictures of children as if they were freaks, shouting abuse and chucking leaflets at people. This angers all the muslims there and the anger of the muslims angers the BNP more!

There are a few students in my class who like to blame all the worldly problems on the "jews", saying that they are killing billions, they are foul people who just want to kill us all.

And then I come home and read on JTF, that muslims are evil garbage, wanting to destroy all "infidels", bombing innocent civilians etc

This is craziness! And undoubtedly you are probably thinking I am crazy, whilst reading this, and that i'm blind to the evil of Islam........

At my school there is a sheikh, who knows most of the Quran off by heart, lectures and is extremely religious. Yet every thing he teaches is Goodness, almost i would say straight from the teahings of the Torah. He preaches every friday that muslims should respect all religions especially the Jews and Christians and quotes directly from the Hadith and Quran, which i will find later and post. On JTF i have seen many quotes from the Quran explaining how muslims should fight with the sword and smite all the disbelievers. The EXACT opposites!

I am DEFINITLY not trying to promote Islam or defend it by any sort, except my way of life that is, all i'm trying to explain is the bias in the world and views on everything. By understanding the other perspective then sense can form because those of you who are born Jewish or Christian here aren't looking at the topic from two sides because if you did you would most certainly discover the truth, since all of you are intelligent.

I am a very arrogant and ignorant person, by experiencing the diiferent view points everyday, i have just confused myself but what i do know is that "Talk" is not a solution.

Also, has anyone here been at peace with some muslims, would you or could you ever imagine that peace or feeling to be global?

i dont care if you think the muslims are claimed to be peaceful, if they are ,they are not following their scriptures at all.