Author Topic: Noose at Columbia  (Read 17970 times)

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Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Noose at Columbia
« on: October 10, 2007, 06:03:09 PM »
A black professor at Columbia found a noose hanging by her office.  What do you think?

Offline fjack

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 06:06:31 PM »
Here we go again. The vast majority of times this happens it is by a africanus stupidius who, when caught says they were only trying to show what racism is. This black prof., how about that for a joke, will get some lawyer and sue for emotional distress due to the lack of campus security. It it is proven to be a hoax, nothing will be done about.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 06:12:00 PM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 06:14:52 PM »
As usual, we will ultimately find out she did it to her self to further her causes.IT happens in the military and almost always done excluisivly by the blacks themselves.However ,to be fair there are real cases committed by white idiots.

Offline Sarah

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 06:25:37 PM »
Is Columbia predominantly white?

Offline fjack

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2007, 06:34:47 PM »
Columbia is still 'white' but a vast number of undesirables are in classes that mean nothing, such as sociology, and especially education which is nothing be a give a way degree to blacks, hispanics and white liberal losers who could not get a degree in a real major. If that black prof. was so committed to the 'cause' she should have hung herself with that noose. That would have surely made her point quite clear.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2007, 06:40:07 PM »
NO look it up.

Offline fjack

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2007, 06:42:30 PM »
Look what up?

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2007, 06:45:04 PM »
That blacks do these things to themselves so they can feel like a true victim.

Offline Vito

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2007, 07:18:02 PM »
Here we go again. The vast majority of times this happens it is by a africanus stupidius who, when caught says they were only trying to show what racism is. This black prof., how about that for a joke, will get some lawyer and sue for emotional distress due to the lack of campus security. It it is proven to be a hoax, nothing will be done about.

Probably true.

The so called "students" of Columbia U. are left wing communist/socialist nut cases that would bend over backwards to adhere to baboons and belly rubbers... none of the "students" did it. Same goes for the staff.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2007, 07:45:35 PM »
They do have a history of doing things to get attention.Only the naive believe blacks are so upstanding they would not to do that .Check it out on the web.'Black claims KKK wrote on their door!'Try it!Google it!
wayne jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2007, 08:02:19 PM »
She has a text published, "Addressing Racism" , some nonsense about cultural competence and standing up to racism. I am sure there is nothing racist in her writings. Racism is only defined by who takes what action, of course she could never be a racist.
A co-worker, who claims to be a taino indian, was wearing a t-shirt today with a picture of geronimo and a few other indians, and had printed on top, Homeland Security, and on bottom, "fighting terrorism since 1492"
the meaning was more than obvious. As an American of European/English descent I find this very offensive, anyone think that any news agencies would be interested in how offended I am? :-X
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2007, 08:34:21 PM »
Never trust strangers!

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2007, 08:36:43 PM »
Another nauseating Negroidal exaggeration of alleged racism. You should of read the glowing account of this creature in the pseudo conservative NY Post.

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2007, 08:55:33 PM »
I am completely shocked and saddened. Boo-hoo.  ::)

Offline Vito

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2007, 08:56:42 PM »
I am completely shocked and saddened. Boo-hoo.  ::)


Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2007, 09:06:12 PM »
Who cares? She didn't get hurt, so, what's the problem? You can't blame people for not liking blacks. Suck it up you black babies.


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2007, 09:07:41 PM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.
I'm both with you and against you on this one, Daniel. I think she could have ignored it but if she didn't speak out against it, they'd torture her every day until she went completely batsh&! Its all a question of 'what would you if it happened to you?" (But with different symbol of hatred.)

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2007, 09:14:16 PM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.
I'm both with you and against you on this one, Daniel. I think she could have ignored it but if she didn't speak out against it, they'd torture her every day until she went completely batsh&! Its all a question of 'what would you if it happened to you?" (But with different symbol of hatred.)
Oh, dear me, a black person is actually hated? Oh, how terrible! How can this professor even cope with life, because a single individual dislikes her?


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2007, 09:26:55 PM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.
I'm both with you and against you on this one, Daniel. I think she could have ignored it but if she didn't speak out against it, they'd torture her every day until she went completely batsh&! Its all a question of 'what would you if it happened to you?" (But with different symbol of hatred.)
Oh, dear me, a black person is actually hated? Oh, how terrible! How can this professor even cope with life, because a single individual dislikes her?
No one wants to ask the question I posed to them about the swastika. So I'll ask again. If you were that professor but who you are now, a Jewish man, and you walked up to YOUR office door and saw a swastika painted on it, would you want someone minimizing your dispair that someone would do something like that to YOU? Offending your ethnicity?

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2007, 10:08:08 PM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.
I'm both with you and against you on this one, Daniel. I think she could have ignored it but if she didn't speak out against it, they'd torture her every day until she went completely batsh&! Its all a question of 'what would you if it happened to you?" (But with different symbol of hatred.)
Oh, dear me, a black person is actually hated? Oh, how terrible! How can this professor even cope with life, because a single individual dislikes her?
No one wants to ask the question I posed to them about the swastika. So I'll ask again. If you were that professor but who you are now, a Jewish man, and you walked up to YOUR office door and saw a swastika painted on it, would you want someone minimizing your dispair that someone would do something like that to YOU? Offending your ethnicity?
As long as I wasn't hurt, I wouldn't cry about it. I recognize that there are anti-semites in the world, and I can deal with it.

Plus, didn't you learn from the Jena Six story that that hanging nooses cannot be drawn to a hate crime?


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2007, 02:42:05 AM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.
I'm both with you and against you on this one, Daniel. I think she could have ignored it but if she didn't speak out against it, they'd torture her every day until she went completely batsh&! Its all a question of 'what would you if it happened to you?" (But with different symbol of hatred.)
Oh, dear me, a black person is actually hated? Oh, how terrible! How can this professor even cope with life, because a single individual dislikes her?
No one wants to ask the question I posed to them about the swastika. So I'll ask again. If you were that professor but who you are now, a Jewish man, and you walked up to YOUR office door and saw a swastika painted on it, would you want someone minimizing your dispair that someone would do something like that to YOU? Offending your ethnicity?
As long as I wasn't hurt, I wouldn't cry about it. I recognize that there are anti-semites in the world, and I can deal with it.

Plus, didn't you learn from the Jena Six story that that hanging nooses cannot be drawn to a hate crime?
I think you're making justifications why you wouldn't mind a swastika at your door because you dont' think the blacks should feel threatened by hanging nooses. If I didn't know you and I posted a swastika here how would that make you feel? I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that I'd be banned before my next reply. (*I HAVE NO NEED TO POST A SWASTIKA HERE.)

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2007, 06:57:03 PM »
The victimized professor teaches a racial relations class, so, you can imagine what kind of hateful rhetoric she's spewing during her classes. These kinds of classes shouldn't be taught in school. If people want to dislike blacks, and if whites want to dislike blacks, they're entitled to do so. Whites have a nation-full of reasons to hate blacks. Blacks have no reason to hate whites, but they can go ahead and hate us, because it's a free country, and the Constitution supports their right to believe what they want.

With a black professor, you can imagine how she'd handle such a class.


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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2007, 09:24:31 PM »
The victimized professor teaches a racial relations class, so, you can imagine what kind of hateful rhetoric she's spewing during her classes. These kinds of classes shouldn't be taught in school. If people want to dislike blacks, and if whites want to dislike blacks, they're entitled to do so. Whites have a nation-full of reasons to hate blacks. Blacks have no reason to hate whites, but they can go ahead and hate us, because it's a free country, and the Constitution supports their right to believe what they want.

With a black professor, you can imagine how she'd handle such a class.
Are you getting "Racial Relations" mixed up with "Racist Relations" Barach? Seriously. If she's teaching a class which describes how race relations affect our everyday lives, I don't see how that warrants a noose to be hung on her door. And why do you ASSume she's spewing hatred for white people if you've never attended her class. WHy dont' you ask for a transcript of her course? Better yet, why don't you google the story? Perhaps that could offer insight into what her class is REALLY about.

But I forgot, even if that professor taught sunshiine and happiness between races you'd be offended that she had the nerve to bring people together when YOU want them separate.

And I want to respond to this quote, bold... What exactly do you mean by that? "If people want to dislike blacks, and if whites want to dislike blacks, they're entitled to do so. Whites have a nation-full of reasons to hate blacks. Blacks have no reason to hate whites," Its okay for whites to hate blacks, but if blacks hate whites its for no reason at all. I think that was a very prejudicial statement (which you are required to say because of freedom of speech). I don't think its fair that a white person can hate ANY black person because of their race, color, culture but if a white person does something to harm a black person, they shouldn't hate them also. Explain how that works exactly?

« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 09:27:12 PM by Erica »

Offline Daniel

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Re: Noose at Columbia
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2007, 09:29:48 PM »
I think the best thing they she could have done was just ignore it. By speaking out against this, she was giving the perps the exact attention they were looking for.
I'm both with you and against you on this one, Daniel. I think she could have ignored it but if she didn't speak out against it, they'd torture her every day until she went completely batsh&! Its all a question of 'what would you if it happened to you?" (But with different symbol of hatred.)

If something like this happened with me, I'd handle it internally within the administration of the school and the police. I would be reluctant to make a media issue out of it since I wouldn't want to reward my perpetrators with the attention they were seeking. I think this would give them exactly what they wanted to would enable them and perhaps reinforce the behavior. I'd like to do everything I could to avoid doing that.