Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Arkan and the "White Tigers"
In 1996 US’s agencies requested Milosevic to capture Radovan Karadzic.
Milosevic ordered his close friend and cooperator Arkan to accomplish the job.
In that same year Arkan’s men together with M. Lukovic arrived in Pale (Republica Srpska – Serbian territory of Bosnia) and tried to capture the former president of the Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic.
The guard of Karadzic overpowered Arkan and M. Lukovic (Legija).
The head of Karadzic’s security guard shot Arkan in the leg in front of Karadzic.
Karadzic speared the life of Arkan and Lukovic (Legija).
But the message of Karadzic was clear
he said if Milosevic would even by accident repeat something like this then my specialist will visit him with the same mission.
This story was several time published in the media.
You can read this also in books about Arkan’s or Legija’s lifes.
When the Serb refugees arrived in Serbia in 1995.
Arkan and his men started to capture them and took them to new battle fields.
Arkan abused them because they chased him away from Krajina.
If you know some ex-soldiers from Krajina. You must listen to their stories about Arkan. He is not popular among us Krajina Serbs.
--- Quote from: Husar on October 14, 2007, 03:40:23 PM ---
On dalmatian's (croatian's) side.
--- End quote ---
Are you saying that Dalmatinians are Croatians?
Unfortunately many Serbs still think that Arkan was some kind of hero.
He had some military operations but his main purpose was always his own financial benefit. Arkan was not for nothing banished by Krajina authorities from Republic of Serbian Krajina. He was also not welcome in Republic of Srpska.
Who killed captain Bogunovic from Benkovac?
Who killed the Serbian reporter Riste. D?
Who killed the famous real heroic warlord Veljko Milankovic?
Must I continue….. ??
Everybody who considers Arkan as a hero does not know anything about the war or about the Serbs. And it is really strange to consider someone Croatian only because he does not recognize Arkan as a hero? What kind of theory is that.
That’s naïve my brothers.
I am definitely sorry (and sad)
to "agress" you on this topic,
But you seemed, in the very beginning of this topic,
to speak from a croatian point of view.
Not from a Serbian one.
And since you do so,
I couldn't do else but
tell you Dalmatia is seen,
in a croatian point of view too,
as a croatian land.
Of course,
this is not my Serbian point of view.
What is "right" for NAZICROATS
is WRONG for Serbians.
Arkan ?
If he ever saved, and he did,
he has my full respect.
:) :) :)
Who wouldn't care about a bit of "own financial benefit" ?
clinton was interested in this kind of benefit too.
Stil, clinton is considered a hero by the archenemies of the Serbs....
Someone having financial benefit
is definitely not a bad guy.
You have much more people on this planet
having GREAT financial benefit by slaughtering the Serbs.
Arkan would have made much, much more money then.
The Karadzic-Bogunovic-Milankovic-Milosevic-Lukovic-raznjatovic
plot is too much of a rather Balkanic Clanic War of Power.
It is an old Serbian disease.
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