General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on October 22, 2007, 02:11:16 AM
Why the heck are we so obssessed with race on this forum!? Enough already!
I swear, JTF will never get anywhere if we make a big deal about race this and race that...Who cares what someone's genetics are?
And for some of you youngens here, be careful of these baiters who equate genetics with culture...One has nothing to do with the other..You'll never get anywhere in life if you think like a dimwit Nazi.
And I know that Chaim agrees with this...I'm frankly disgusted with a lot of people here on this forum who allow these idiotic discussions of inferiority and superiority due to what someone's DNA carry. We are supposed to be smart and intellectual here..not a bunch of morons! WAKE UP! You're obssessions on race makes you no better than the blacks who obsess over racism when it is really their undoing that makes their lives miserable...Quit imitating them and use your brains more!
And no white nationalist crap! It is as dumb as Black nationalism..What the hell is that garbage?! Ugh, i'm so sick of this!
Well its far better that mullah crap thats being a focus here.
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Well its far better that mullah crap thats being a focus here.
No, they're both equally bad and evil...I swear each day i go on this forum, the more I think it is a joke!
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
Well its far better that mullah crap thats being a focus here.
No, they're both equally bad and evil...I swear each day i go on this forum, the more I think it is a joke!
There's nothing bad or evil about talking about a scientific reality. It gets evil when it gets to the point where people are suggesting that actions be taken against people due to their differences. No one has suggested that. Discussing human genetics isn't evil but it can be used for evil purposes.
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
I'm not obsessed with race. :)
I'm obsessed with not seeing civilization collapse around me, I think that's one of the reasons I'm here; And though I'm not religious, to connect with other Jews.
discussion genetics is fine...but i'm noticing that race is being focused too much into it...enough of this obsession..it's not good for JTF or Chaim. People don't join this movement because of what comes off to be its racist nature..and when i say racist, i'm talking about genetic racism..not cultural racism...We really really really need to emphasize that we distinguish people's only by culture and not genetics...and here we are a lot of people getting carried away with the genetics!
I mean, I don't care if someone is more attracted to blonde hair and blue eyes...but that's it...
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
I'm not obsessed with race. :)
I'm obsessed with not seeing civilization collapse around me, I think that's one of the reasons I'm here; And though I'm not religious, to connect with other Jews.
New Yorker, you are one of the few here who has a clear head when it comes down to what is truely important.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
Not that I'm defending them, but WNs would probably highly object to that statement. White people share a similar European or white American-culture and they are overwhelmingly Christian.
Most Jews don't think of themelves as religious!
I wouldn't be surprised if proportionally more Jews self-identify themselves as "atheists" than white nationalists who think of themselves as Christian.
I agree in that we probably spend too much time talking about race on the forum. At least you didn't criticize us when we first started talking about it, you waited through a good many threads and posts until bringing this up. hehe
Because most of the people here are racist to an extent.
So you are saying cookie we should not be proud of who we are. Rather you want us to hide the fact.
I am liberated woman, so you want my to be confined and restricted.
Next you want me to cover my hair too?
Oh yeah which does happen to be blonde, I am damned I know :::D
Because race has such a relationship to culture and culture is what determines behaviour. Sorry, but race IS relevant but not for the reason the nazis think it is.
Id have to say I think its not obsession with race ,Its how race is affecting the climate and the collapse of society[civilization] world wide.On the other hand one could say it is just the evil cultures we object to.The evil cultures belong to the different races,more or less.So by calling a rose a different name,it doesn't change the fact the rose is still a rose.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Proof that "no good deed goes unpunnished".
The Boers DIDN'T massacre their natives en mass like Aussies and Americans did, but tried to help, manage and educate them. Yet THEY'RE the bad guys???????
Now they are up shite creek with out a paddle! :(
So you are saying cookie we should not be proud of who we are. Rather you want us to hide the fact.
I am liberated woman, so you want my to be confined and restricted.
Next you want me to cover my hair too?
Oh yeah which does happen to be blonde, I am damned I know :::D
Of course I want people here to be proud of who they are. I want people to be proud that they are educated, proud to be smart, proud to be good artists, proud to be good professionals, proud to be righteous..Proud to be Righteous Christians, Proud to be Righteous Jews, Proud to be Righteous Italians, Proud to be Righteous Polish, Proud to be Righteous Australians, Proud to be a Righteous American...Proud to be a great Mother or Father.
Id have to say I think its not obsession with race ,Its how race is affecting the climate and the collapse of society[civilization] world wide.On the other hand one could say it is just the evil cultures we object to.The evil cultures belong to the different races,more or less.So by calling a rose a different name,it doesn't change the fact the rose is still a rose.
Wayne, I agree wtih you on this part...Since we see that the majority of blacks are involved in evil deeds, we certainly can't say that ALL blacks are bad, but we can assume that when we see a black person they are guilty until proven innocent...and if he proves himself righteous or close to it, then it's all good...
So if we are annoyed at blacks, for example, for their rap culture, and we talk about that, it's ok...
But just because they were born an African race and therefore they are inferior...that's unacceptable.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Proof that "no good deed goes unpunnished".
The Boers DIDN'T massacre their natives en mass like Aussies and Americans did, but tried to help, manage and educate them. Yet THEY'RE the bad guys???????
sigh. yeah thats right Newman :-\
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding ;). But out of seriousness, many Jews have genetic markers to the tribes.
Y-chromosomal Aaron is the name given to the hypothesised most recent common ancestor of many of the patrilineal Jewish priestly caste known as Kohanim (singular "Kohen", "Cohen", or Kohane). In the Hebrew Bible this ancestor is identified as Aaron, the brother of Moses.
Research published in 1997 and thereafter has indicated that a large proportion of contemporary Jewish Kohanim share a set of Y chromosomal genetic markers, known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype, which may well derive from this single common ancestor.
Seriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.
[cookie]Because you don't believe as such ,Don't put those who do ,in the category of Nazis! :)
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
They also never developed a civilization and are stuck in a 3rd world mentality. The rest of the world has advanced except Africans. Also all these black nations are full of crime, even outside of Africa. Look at America, Jamaica, and everywhere else blacks have gone. Perhaps this behavior is genetic?
Look at what Rhodesia and South Africa did, white colonizers turned this land into a paradise, grew farms, Rhodesia was once the bread basket of Africa. How long did it take whites? Blacks lived there for how long and weren't able to do anything with the land? How about today? The blacks had the chance to use Rhodesias farms and they completely blew it, now they are starving. They don't deserve anything from the white man, they screwed up the land themselves and now they will suffer because of it.
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding ;)
Seriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.
I am NOT opposed to nationalism. I ahve a problem wtih race being next to the word nationalism. Races aren't nationalities..they are simply the way someone looks.
I am not against races mixing, but all the power to anyone that wants to be with people who look similar to them. I am also physically attracted to women who look a certain way versus others. That certainly doesn't make anyone a racist. It's giving a qualitative judgement on a total stranger just because of their genetics which is evil.
Genetic diseases exist in all races.
Races exist, we are all different, but we are all human beings. Some cultures are great, some are terrible...But any race can follow anyone else's culture/religion.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
They also have ape-like skulls and facial features,an inability to control their base urges (sexual and violent), a savage, stoneage culture and lower IQs.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
yes, exactly. Spot on! 8;)
Now, let's look at it in those terms you specified. This tells me that they are a people of hunter/gatherers. NOT academics
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
I want you to look deeper into yourself...how did your family raise you? Who were your best friends? Who were your favorite teachers. They might ahve been white, but from which culture did they speak to you? If you are an American...hey be proud to be an American from the Northwest from the greatest city in the country (if that is where you are from). Don't be proud of your skin color..that's just dumb.
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding ;)
Seriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.
I am NOT opposed to nationalism. I ahve a problem wtih race being next to the word nationalism. Races aren't nationalities..they are simply the way someone looks.
I am not against races mixing, but all the power to anyone that wants to be with people who look similar to them. I am also physically attracted to women who look a certain way versus others. That certainly doesn't make anyone a racist. It's giving a qualitative judgement on a total stranger just because of their genetics which is evil.
Genetic diseases exist in all races.
Races exist, we are all different, but we are all human beings. Some cultures are great, some are terrible...But any race can follow anyone else's culture/religion.
White nationalism (WN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of white national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. The contemporary movement in the United States is a reaction to the alleged eventual decline (based on US census projections[citation needed]) in white demographics, politics and culture.[1]
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
I want you to look deeper into yourself...how did your family raise you? Who were your best friends? Who were your favorite teachers. They might ahve been white, but from which culture did they speak to you? If you are an American...hey be proud to be an American from the Northwest from the greatest city in the country (if that is where you are from). Don't be proud of your skin color..that's just dumb.
What the hell!! Don't be proud of your colour???!!!! :o :o I think you've been watching too much liberal tv, BROTHER. lol. But seriously, where's all this liberal BS coming from? :'(
You know what, my best friend at school was BLACK!!! That's right, BLACK!
So don't tell me I hate them or anything...yeah sure they're killing my people as wwe speek, ****ing up my peoples' country...but hey, i don't hate them, I just am aware of their nature..and that theire the enemy.
[cookie]Because you don't believe as such ,Don't put those who do ,in the category of Nazis! :)
Wayne I know you are a good guy..no doubt about it. And i remember being upset with your user domain name..but I understand you better. I know that you like righteous people irregardless of race..But my advice to you is not to use genetics as a base of putting other people down...Certainly, Arabs are majority Muslim...Islam is evil..so when one sees an Arab, you have to be more on guard than if it were a white person...that's human nature...this is ok...
But I'm talkign about blatant obsession with race..and one claiming pride for looking a certain way genetically.
Finally, Whites do hav ea distinct culture from blacks as a race..However Whites, as blacks have multi nationalities..My advice is if one is white and wants to be proud, be proud of where you come from and not what you look like.
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
[cookie]Because you don't believe as such ,Don't put those who do ,in the category of Nazis! :)
Wayne I know you are a good guy..no doubt about it. And i remember being upset with your user domain name..but I understand you better. I know that you like righteous people irregardless of race..But my advice to you is not to use genetics as a base of putting other people down...Certainly, Arabs are majority Muslim...Islam is evil..so when one sees an Arab, you have to be more on guard than if it were a white person...that's human nature...this is ok...
But I'm talkign about blatant obsession with race..and one claiming pride for looking a certain way genetically.
Finally, Whites do hav ea distinct culture from blacks as a race..However Whites, as blacks have multi nationalities..My advice is if one is white and wants to be proud, be proud of where you come from and not what you look like.
The problem is you are assuming we hate blacks because of how they look or their skin color, alright not the best looking race in my book, the issue here is their genetics that make them prone to violence. They need correcting, maybe because so many are infected with aids, it's started to make them more aggressive.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
They also never developed a civilization and are stuck in a 3rd world mentality. The rest of the world has advanced except Africans. Also all these black nations are full of crime, even outside of Africa. Look at America, Jamaica, and everywhere else blacks have gone. Perhaps this behavior is genetic?
Look at what Rhodesia and South Africa did, white colonizers turned this land into a paradise, grew farms, Rhodesia was once the bread basket of Africa. How long did it take whites? Blacks lived there for how long and weren't able to do anything with the land? How about today? The blacks had the chance to use Rhodesias farms and they completely blew it, now they are starving. They don't deserve anything from the white man, they screwed up the land themselves and now they will suffer because of it.
I could be Genetic...But how do you explain the very few blacks that are intellectual and righteous? I understand that genetics does play a role in a lot of things...but so does the environment.
Europe when through a dark ages and countless murders of innocents and deaths from the plague and all that other juicy stuff. Are therefore, whites inferior? no...of course not...
I'll be wary of a muslim no matter what shade or color it comes in ;)
Other than that I dont have issues with people because of their color...its their charactor ;)
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
I want you to look deeper into yourself...how did your family raise you? Who were your best friends? Who were your favorite teachers. They might ahve been white, but from which culture did they speak to you? If you are an American...hey be proud to be an American from the Northwest from the greatest city in the country (if that is where you are from). Don't be proud of your skin color..that's just dumb.
I am not American ??? I was raised in a white culture. I have tried to understand what you want, I see your side I do.
But I can't follow that. So each to their own cookie. I am proud of my looks, I am no model regardless of what others think.
As I said god made me this way and I am happy with his choice.
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
yes, exactly. Spot on! 8;)
Now, let's look at it in those terms you specified. This tells me that they are a people of hunter/gatherers. NOT academics
yes, most of the time...But are hunters inferior to academics? Well, in a civilized world where we dont' need hunters yes...they have little use...But what if all civilizations disappeared and we all lived in the wilderness...who's inferior now? Academics...
And Blacks are your enemy.If you forget that Boere you forsake your brethren.They are mine as well by their own choice!
What is EVIL about talking about race, is when one takes advantage of this FACT...eg mosquitos enslaving them.
what is ALSO an EVIL, is by NOT confirming FACTS, and allowing them to stay on current levels, and even sliding backwards.
South Africa identified that the blacks were not as smart, and so, by identifying that FACT, the government took steps in order to better help them-and it did help.
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
They also never developed a civilization and are stuck in a 3rd world mentality. The rest of the world has advanced except Africans. Also all these black nations are full of crime, even outside of Africa. Look at America, Jamaica, and everywhere else blacks have gone. Perhaps this behavior is genetic?
Look at what Rhodesia and South Africa did, white colonizers turned this land into a paradise, grew farms, Rhodesia was once the bread basket of Africa. How long did it take whites? Blacks lived there for how long and weren't able to do anything with the land? How about today? The blacks had the chance to use Rhodesias farms and they completely blew it, now they are starving. They don't deserve anything from the white man, they screwed up the land themselves and now they will suffer because of it.
I could be Genetic...But how do you explain the very few blacks that are intellectual and righteous? I understand that genetics does play a role in a lot of things...but so does the environment.
Europe when through a dark ages and countless murders of innocents and deaths from the plague and all that other juicy stuff. Are therefore, whites inferior? no...of course not...
Yeah sure, many whites died in the dark ages, as you say, from plagues for example. BUT, White man sure as hell did something about it!!!
Need i say any more?
I'll be wary of a muslim no matter what shade or color it comes in ;)
Other than that I dont have issues with people because of their color...its their charactor ;)
I am with you on that one O0
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding ;)
Seriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.
I am NOT opposed to nationalism. I ahve a problem wtih race being next to the word nationalism. Races aren't nationalities..they are simply the way someone looks.
I am not against races mixing, but all the power to anyone that wants to be with people who look similar to them. I am also physically attracted to women who look a certain way versus others. That certainly doesn't make anyone a racist. It's giving a qualitative judgement on a total stranger just because of their genetics which is evil.
Genetic diseases exist in all races.
Races exist, we are all different, but we are all human beings. Some cultures are great, some are terrible...But any race can follow anyone else's culture/religion.
White nationalism (WN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of white national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. The contemporary movement in the United States is a reaction to the alleged eventual decline (based on US census projections[citation needed]) in white demographics, politics and culture.[1]
I don't agree with these types of movements...Multi culturalism, in my opinion, can be a great thing...however, it's bad when multi cultural involves evil people who destroy good cultures...Therefore, I'm for multi-culturalism, but without evil third world cultures to ruin it and with righteous cultures as the "multi-culture"
Danny, one thing i learned, is that no matter how or what, brains ALWAYS come out on top my friend, ALWAAAAAAYS. ;)
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
I want you to look deeper into yourself...how did your family raise you? Who were your best friends? Who were your favorite teachers. They might ahve been white, but from which culture did they speak to you? If you are an American...hey be proud to be an American from the Northwest from the greatest city in the country (if that is where you are from). Don't be proud of your skin color..that's just dumb.
What the hell!! Don't be proud of your colour???!!!! :o :o I think you've been watching too much liberal tv, BROTHER. lol. But seriously, where's all this liberal BS coming from? :'(
You know what, my best friend at school was BLACK!!! That's right, BLACK!
So don't tell me I hate them or anything...yeah sure they're killing my people as wwe speek, ****ing up my peoples' country...but hey, i don't hate them, I just am aware of their nature..and that theire the enemy.
This is liberal..this is common sense to not be selfish. If you are an American..be a proud American. If you are from Michigan..be proud that you came from the greatest town of michigan where your wonderful parents raised you..I mean color?! Who cares?! If yo uare capable of seeing a good person of a different race...then why not consider them superior also? I don't understand it...
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding ;)
Seriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.
I am NOT opposed to nationalism. I ahve a problem wtih race being next to the word nationalism. Races aren't nationalities..they are simply the way someone looks.
I am not against races mixing, but all the power to anyone that wants to be with people who look similar to them. I am also physically attracted to women who look a certain way versus others. That certainly doesn't make anyone a racist. It's giving a qualitative judgement on a total stranger just because of their genetics which is evil.
Genetic diseases exist in all races.
Races exist, we are all different, but we are all human beings. Some cultures are great, some are terrible...But any race can follow anyone else's culture/religion.
White nationalism (WN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of white national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. The contemporary movement in the United States is a reaction to the alleged eventual decline (based on US census projections[citation needed]) in white demographics, politics and culture.[1]
I don't agree with these types of movements...Multi culturalism, in my opinion, can be a great thing...however, it's bad when multi cultural involves evil people who destroy good cultures...Therefore, I'm for multi-culturalism, but without evil third world cultures to ruin it and with righteous cultures as the "multi-culture"
I'm sure your for forced diversity in school as well in the public school system and making white kids feel guilty about slavery right? Are you black?
Hell no .I have seen the enemy and they are not me!I told the local boys and my son I would drop them off in DC or Detroit if they wanted a real experience with black culture.They all dropped black rap and dress and have turned into fine young men. ;) >:(
[cookie]Because you don't believe as such ,Don't put those who do ,in the category of Nazis! :)
Wayne I know you are a good guy..no doubt about it. And i remember being upset with your user domain name..but I understand you better. I know that you like righteous people irregardless of race..But my advice to you is not to use genetics as a base of putting other people down...Certainly, Arabs are majority Muslim...Islam is evil..so when one sees an Arab, you have to be more on guard than if it were a white person...that's human nature...this is ok...
But I'm talkign about blatant obsession with race..and one claiming pride for looking a certain way genetically.
Finally, Whites do hav ea distinct culture from blacks as a race..However Whites, as blacks have multi nationalities..My advice is if one is white and wants to be proud, be proud of where you come from and not what you look like.
The problem is you are assuming we hate blacks because of how they look or their skin color, alright not the best looking race in my book, the issue here is their genetics that make them prone to violence. They need correcting, maybe because so many are infected with aids, it's started to make them more aggressive.
Cohen, i thik you are misunderstanding me..we are on the same page.
Multi culturalism :o That destroys what culture was there to being with. Australia has proven that just doesn't work. Hence in influx of Muslims here.
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
I want you to look deeper into yourself...how did your family raise you? Who were your best friends? Who were your favorite teachers. They might ahve been white, but from which culture did they speak to you? If you are an American...hey be proud to be an American from the Northwest from the greatest city in the country (if that is where you are from). Don't be proud of your skin color..that's just dumb.
I am not American ??? I was raised in a white culture. I have tried to understand what you want, I see your side I do.
But I can't follow that. So each to their own cookie. I am proud of my looks, I am no model regardless of what others think.
As I said G-d made me this way and I am happy with his choice.
You can be a proud beauty..there's nothing wrong with that. But if you are a smart strong woman..be proud to be a smart strong woman...But really, I dont' know what white culture really means...because Whites expand to all of the northern continents of the world.
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Danny, one thing i learned, is that no matter how or what, brains ALWAYS come out on top my friend, ALWAAAAAAYS. ;)
most of the time yes.
Danny...ive lived with these people all my life...and experience has taught me that 95% of blacks are just not as smart.
This is survival, and when it comes down to staying alive...my brother, you will know what im talking about ;)
Consider this, %20 of snake species in australia are poisonous. right. So now, i see a snake in the gaden, obviously, you won't go working in the garden. But i have to!. Mmmm...so let's take liberal theory into account, thinking that hey %20 are not poisonous, and go ahead working next to the snake. Sure as hell, the snake bites me and im dead.
Moral is, because MAJORITY of snakes are poisonous in this area, you have to EXPECT that snake to be deadly. That's nature!
What about Jewish nationalism, I suppose that's dumb too?
Jewish isn't a race
Polish nationalism is ok also
So is English nationalism
and German Nationalism
and Namibian nationalism
and South African nationalism
and Sri Lankan nationalism
and Swaziland Nationalism
and heck yes, even Iranian nationalism
But what is this "white" nationalism crap
and Black Nationalism?
So what, Jewish nationalists think that their Judaism is important and white nationalists think that their "whiteness" is important. Who are you to tell them that it isn't? Different things are important to different people. I'm sure white nationalists would say that Jewish nationalism is dumb.
White nationalism for the sake of whiteness is EVIL! IT's bad it's a bad culture and I am to say that it is really bad for this forum!
Jewish nationalism is nationalism of a culture and religion...Whiteness has no culture nor religion nor nationality to it! Same goes with black nationalism...
So there is a problem with whites being proud of their race? There is plenty of white culture.
Jews, well Jews aren't technically a race, Jews are a nation, but the majority of Jews are caucasian. They are of the semitic groups, so semite pride world wide. Just kidding ;)
Seriously, why are you so opposed to nationalism? Do you just want Jews to assimilate with every other race? I am against race mixing and I refuse to mix with someone of different color than me. Does this make me a racist? Absolutely not, this is a personal decision and genetics are very important. Genetics aren't necessarily important for just race either, it's also important to know your background and the person you marry if you have certain genetics that pass down genetic diseases like tay-sachs, etc so you can know what to look out for if you have children. Genetics exist, you can pretend they don't, but then you will be living in a very sheltered world. Liberals like to pretend race doesn't exist and "we are all the same" so they can have a world full of different colors. They are destroying the fabric of society and culture.
I am NOT opposed to nationalism. I ahve a problem wtih race being next to the word nationalism. Races aren't nationalities..they are simply the way someone looks.
I am not against races mixing, but all the power to anyone that wants to be with people who look similar to them. I am also physically attracted to women who look a certain way versus others. That certainly doesn't make anyone a racist. It's giving a qualitative judgement on a total stranger just because of their genetics which is evil.
Genetic diseases exist in all races.
Races exist, we are all different, but we are all human beings. Some cultures are great, some are terrible...But any race can follow anyone else's culture/religion.
White nationalism (WN) advocates a racial definition (or redefinition) of white national identity, as opposed to multiculturalism. The contemporary movement in the United States is a reaction to the alleged eventual decline (based on US census projections[citation needed]) in white demographics, politics and culture.[1]
I don't agree with these types of movements...Multi culturalism, in my opinion, can be a great thing...however, it's bad when multi cultural involves evil people who destroy good cultures...Therefore, I'm for multi-culturalism, but without evil third world cultures to ruin it and with righteous cultures as the "multi-culture"
I'm sure your for forced diversity in school as well in the public school system and making white kids feel guilty about slavery right? Are you black?
No I'm Jewish..went to a public school with all white kids...and a token black kid hither and tither...pretty sheltered and pro-"white"...but as I got older I needed to clarify a few things..Met some wonderful non-whites on the way up...and I think Chaim put a lot of things in perspective..and i feel good about how I feel about race and cultures today...more distinct, accurate, politically correct (maybe not to current society..)
But being white is apart of me, shall I not be proud of that too. Its like pretending a part of me is not there.
I am not Black, Asian or any other colour than what I am.
I want you to look deeper into yourself...how did your family raise you? Who were your best friends? Who were your favorite teachers. They might ahve been white, but from which culture did they speak to you? If you are an American...hey be proud to be an American from the Northwest from the greatest city in the country (if that is where you are from). Don't be proud of your skin color..that's just dumb.
I am not American ??? I was raised in a white culture. I have tried to understand what you want, I see your side I do.
But I can't follow that. So each to their own cookie. I am proud of my looks, I am no model regardless of what others think.
As I said G-d made me this way and I am happy with his choice.
You can be a proud beauty..there's nothing wrong with that. But if you are a smart strong woman..be proud to be a smart strong woman...But really, I dont' know what white culture really means...because Whites expand to all of the northern continents of the world.
Don't forget the South ;)
Multi culturalism :o That destroys what culture was there to being with. Australia has proven that just doesn't work. Hence in influx of Muslims here.
Once again..if it is only comprised of good cultures, I'm a fan of multi-culturalism..islam is evil culture.
But Asian, Italian, Irish, jewish to name a few wonderful cultures...is all good when they live together if they dialogue and get to know one another...
Danny, one thing i learned, is that no matter how or what, brains ALWAYS come out on top my friend, ALWAAAAAAYS. ;)
most of the time yes.
tell me, when has it not???????
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Nurture is culture. Outside environment...Hot weather, vicious animals, wars...etc
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, it was taken over by blacks and illegal aliens from Mexico. We were told everyones the same, we're all one race, human, blah blah blah. I never fell for it. Our teachers used to tell us skin color was the only thing that made us different. Ever seen an albino negro?
Oh yes, look how white they look.
The school systems are full of crap, it's nothing more than a way to boost children's self esteem. It's a way to make everyone feel equal and feel important, yes that's all it's about today is feelings and emotions, not productivity and facts. We distort the facts so we can satisfy the minorities in this country, meanwhile the leftists tell us that we should feel guilty and give minorities a chance. The idea of diversity and multiculturalism is nothing more than to destroy the world culture to appease a growing minority. The leftists want us to kiss their asses in hopes we can educate them and give them a better life so they can profit from it and use it for bragging rights. Diversity is a sham, I think we were better off with segregation, at least the crime was lower.
Danny, one thing i learned, is that no matter how or what, brains ALWAYS come out on top my friend, ALWAAAAAAYS. ;)
most of the time yes.
tell me, when has it not???????
When that geeky nerdy kid gets his ass kicked by a stupid dumb ass jock.
Hell no .I have seen the enemy and they are not me!I told the local boys and my son I would drop them off in DC or Detroit if they wanted a real experience with black culture.They all dropped black rap and dress and have turned into fine young men. ;) >:(
haha, yes Brother, that was a VEEEEEEEERY smart thing to do! ;) :) :) :) :) :) They will be REAL MEN! :)
Look, just becuase blacks were eating banana skins until they saw apes peeling them, doesn't mean they're not smart.
Let's not jump to any conclusions here, OK ?
Besides, what have you got against living in doodoo huts ?
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, it was taken over by blacks and illegal aliens from Mexico. We were told everyones the same, we're all one race, human, blah blah blah. I never fell for it. Our teachers used to tell us skin color was the only thing that made us different. Ever seen an albino negro?
Oh yes, look how white they look.
The school systems are full of crap, it's nothing more than a way to boost children's self esteem. It's a way to make everyone feel equal and feel important, yes that's all it's about today is feelings and emotions, not productivity and facts. We distort the facts so we can satisfy the minorities in this country, meanwhile the leftists tell us that we should feel guilty and give minorities a chance. The idea of diversity and multiculturalism is nothing more than to destroy the world culture to appease a growing minority. The leftists want us to kiss their donkeys in hopes we can educate them and give them a better life so they can profit from it and use it for bragging rights. Diversity is a sham, I think we were better off with segregation, at least the crime was lower.
They look like retarded humans or albino apes.
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Nurture is culture. Outside environment...Hot weather, vicious animals, wars...etc
There were wild animals AND hot weather and wars in Eretz Yisrael and the Jews have a 100 fold superior culture to the sambos.
The same with Europe. There was hot weather in the south and wild animals in it centuries ago.
Sorry, the sambos have no excuse except smaller IQs due to genetics.
Danny, one thing i learned, is that no matter how or what, brains ALWAYS come out on top my friend, ALWAAAAAAYS. ;)
most of the time yes.
tell me, when has it not???????
When that geeky nerdy kid gets his donkey kicked by a stupid dumb donkey jock.
Well, first of all, that "nerd" is going to have mansion some day, whereas the bullies are going to sweep the streets, so thats one way of winning.
Also, if the so called "nerd" was smart enough, he could devise a plan of action...
Back to what was said to black invention.
Who's bloody fault is it they are/were in an outside environment in th first place?!??
(lol ::)) Last time i checked, being inside of the hut, is actually cooler than inside, and also provides shelter from environment and animals as you mention...so i don't really thin that was well thought off, or maybe i misunderstood? ::)
Boere you are from the former great South Africa.I lived among wonderful blacks not for just a week but as my life.He cookie cant understand.He needs a wake up call.I know he means well.But that doesnt change reality!And reality is ugly!
Danny, one thing i learned, is that no matter how or what, brains ALWAYS come out on top my friend, ALWAAAAAAYS. ;)
most of the time yes.
tell me, when has it not???????
When that geeky nerdy kid gets his donkey kicked by a stupid dumb donkey jock.
Well, first of all, that "nerd" is going to have mansion some day, whereas the bullies are going to sweep the streets, so thats one way of winning.
Also, if the so called "nerd" was smart enough, he could devise a plan of action...
Back to what was said to black invention.
Who's bloody fault is it they are/were in an outside environment in th first place?!??
(lol ::)) Last time i checked, being inside of the hut, is actually cooler than inside, and also provides shelter from environment and animals as you mention...so i don't really thin that was well thought off, or maybe i misunderstood? ::)
After all, the baby needs to crawl before he can walk
I met a Boer years ago when I was selling land. He was a former South African policeman.
He told me that all their household appliances 'back home' had to be the best quallity to be 'kaffir proof'. He said if you put a black in an empty concrete cell with two cannon balls, he'd break one and lose the other.
I laughed like hell because my Dad told me the EXACT same things about the natives on my grandfather's plantation in Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides). Dad said " You can only use Seagull outboards on the punts, because they're coon-proof. What a coon doesn't break, he'll lose".
Boere you are from the former great South Africa.I lived among wonderful blacks not for just a week but as my life.He cookie cant understand.He needs a wake up call.I know he means well.But that doesnt change reality!And reality is ugly!
That is soooo true Wayne.
Yeah true, there are some good blacks out there.
Yeah, we will talk again with Danny some day, after he went to afritopia
Yes, Danny is a good person whom only means well as you say, but keeping with that, there is a nice little saying i saw today:
"Liberals are so open minded, that their brains fell out" hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D :D :D :D
What are white nationalists proud of? There is no "white culture". If you're proud to be white just because of the color of your skin then you are a moron. If you want to include all the good that caucasian people have done in the world you need to include the evils such as Nazism and Communism. Being proud of your race is foolish because all races have done great evils in the past. Every race of people on the planet still have a large segment of their people who are evil.
Thunder try again.I can't be goaded! ;)
I met a Boer years ago when I was selling land. He was a former South African policeman.
He told me that all their household appliances 'back home' had to be the best quallity to be 'kaffir proof'. He said if you put a black in an empty concrete cell with two cannon balls, he'd break one and lose the other.
I laughed like hell because my Dad told me the EXACT same things about the natives on my grandfather's plantation in Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides). Dad said " You can only use Seagull outboards on the punts, because they're coon-proof. What a coon doesn't break, he'll lose".
that's soo true Newman hahah :D :D :D
No kidding, it's true!!! As you will see below:
Our family moved to a new home, and already residing there, was a black family of 2. As all Boers, we felt sorry for them, and allowed them to work for us, so we could support them, and support them we did, even when it left a hole in our pockets! So anyway, to take one example...
We made an arangement, that the husband just every weekend clean the garden each week, which only took about an hour, so ja, it was a bargain on his side, 1 hrs for a week for free housing, food, utilities etc etc (and yet, we get called racists... ::)) Anyway, so one day, there was no petrol in the hedge trimmer, so what does Mr. Smart do, he makes Black petrol. Now let me tell you about this ingenious "Black Oil", or one could say "Kaffir Oil" which if you read on sound more approprioute :D.
Mix some Jayes Fluid (heavy duty drain cleaner-Black in colour-as is black ::)) with some water, and whom knowes what else, and voila! You have super cheap petrol ::) :D. Insert new petrol into engin and pray damn hard...lol hahahahah
I think you all get what it took to fix the engin lol :D :-\ ::)
What are white nationalists proud of? There is no "white culture". If you're proud to be white just because of the color of your skin then you are a moron. If you want to include all the good that caucasian people have done in the world you need to include the evils such as Nazism and Communism. Being proud of your race is foolish because all races have done great evils in the past. Every race of people on the planet still have a large segment of their people who are evil.
You can be proud on balance.
Sure there have been bad elements to white, european culture but there is overwhelmingly more good than bad. Look at all the science, technology, higher life expectancy today. ALL due to white, Judaic/christian, Greeko-Roman/ western culture.
What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?
I don't know if I'm obsessed about race, but I do give it alot of thought.
It's hard not to.
Over the years, through life experience and historical observations, I've become convinced that all men are not created equal.
I think there are racial differences, and they just don't apply to skin color only.
I still believe in the 'inalienable rights' jazz but created equal ?
I met a Boer years ago when I was selling land. He was a former South African policeman.
He told me that all their household appliances 'back home' had to be the best quallity to be 'kaffir proof'. He said if you put a black in an empty concrete cell with two cannon balls, he'd break one and lose the other.
I laughed like hell because my Dad told me the EXACT same things about the natives on my grandfather's plantation in Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides). Dad said " You can only use Seagull outboards on the punts, because they're coon-proof. What a coon doesn't break, he'll lose".
that's soo true Newman hahah :D :D :D
No kidding, it's true!!! As you will see below:
Our family moved to a new home, and already residing there, was a black family of 2. As all Boers, we felt sorry for them, and allowed them to work for us, so we could support them, and support them we did, even when it left a hole in our pockets! So anyway, to take one example...
We made an arangement, that the husband just every weekend clean the garden each week, which only took about an hour, so ja, it was a bargain on his side, 1 hrs for a week for free housing, food, utilities etc etc (and yet, we get called racists... ::)) Anyway, so one day, there was no petrol in the hedge trimmer, so what does Mr. Smart do, he makes Black petrol. Now let me tell you about this ingenious "Black Oil", or one could say "Kaffir Oil" which if you read on sound more approprioute :D.
Mix some Jayes Fluid (heavy duty drain cleaner-Black in colour-as is black ::)) with some water, and whom knowes what else, and voila! You have super cheap petrol ::) :D. Insert new petrol into engin and pray damn hard...lol hahahahah
I think you all get what it took to fix the engin lol :D :-\ ::)
My grandfather bought all the black kids on his large plantation a Honda Mini 50 (cc) minibike. They tried running it on water!!
Who broke this?......................Me no break em.
Who made this mess?.............Me no make em
1. Idle hands are the Devil's work!
2. Looking for a reason other than one's own self, in order to scapegoat others for their own sense of hopelessness and frustration.
3. Incredible ignorance.
4. They hate G-d! That's right. You read it correctly. They literally hate the Creator of all things and all beings, as if they know better, and would have done a better job of Creation, than He.
and we found this out despite a daily barrage of indoctrination and our public indoctrination centers![schools]
What are white nationalists proud of? There is no "white culture". If you're proud to be white just because of the color of your skin then you are a moron. If you want to include all the good that caucasian people have done in the world you need to include the evils such as Nazism and Communism. Being proud of your race is foolish because all races have done great evils in the past. Every race of people on the planet still have a large segment of their people who are evil.
You can be proud on balance.
Sure there have been bad elements to white, european culture but there is overwhelmingly more good than bad. Look at all the science, technology, higher life expectancy today. ALL due to white, Judaic/christian, Greeko-Roman/ western culture.
What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?
Newman how could you forget these? ;) You forgot to mention the nosebone, cannibalism, large headed ethiopians, eating excrement, genital mutilation, aids, slavery, malaria, bubble butts, and of course rape.
What are white nationalists proud of? There is no "white culture". If you're proud to be white just because of the color of your skin then you are a moron. If you want to include all the good that caucasian people have done in the world you need to include the evils such as Nazism and Communism. Being proud of your race is foolish because all races have done great evils in the past. Every race of people on the planet still have a large segment of their people who are evil.
You can be proud on balance.
Sure there have been bad elements to white, european culture but there is overwhelmingly more good than bad. Look at all the science, technology, higher life expectancy today. ALL due to white, Judaic/christian, Greeko-Roman/ western culture.
What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?
Newman how could you forget these? ;) You forgot to mention the nosebone, cannibalism, large headed ethiopians, eating excrement, genital mutilation, aids, slavery, malaria, bubble butts, and of course rape.
I also forgot 'jenkum' (getting high sniffing fermented human sewage).
I met a Boer years ago when I was selling land. He was a former South African policeman.
He told me that all their household appliances 'back home' had to be the best quallity to be 'kaffir proof'. He said if you put a black in an empty concrete cell with two cannon balls, he'd break one and lose the other.
I laughed like hell because my Dad told me the EXACT same things about the natives on my grandfather's plantation in Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides). Dad said " You can only use Seagull outboards on the punts, because they're coon-proof. What a coon doesn't break, he'll lose".
that's soo true Newman hahah :D :D :D
No kidding, it's true!!! As you will see below:
Our family moved to a new home, and already residing there, was a black family of 2. As all Boers, we felt sorry for them, and allowed them to work for us, so we could support them, and support them we did, even when it left a hole in our pockets! So anyway, to take one example...
We made an arangement, that the husband just every weekend clean the garden each week, which only took about an hour, so ja, it was a bargain on his side, 1 hrs for a week for free housing, food, utilities etc etc (and yet, we get called racists... ::)) Anyway, so one day, there was no petrol in the hedge trimmer, so what does Mr. Smart do, he makes Black petrol. Now let me tell you about this ingenious "Black Oil", or one could say "Kaffir Oil" which if you read on sound more approprioute :D.
Mix some Jayes Fluid (heavy duty drain cleaner-Black in colour-as is black ::)) with some water, and whom knowes what else, and voila! You have super cheap petrol ::) :D. Insert new petrol into engin and pray damn hard...lol hahahahah
I think you all get what it took to fix the engin lol :D :-\ ::)
My grandfather bought all the black kids on his large plantation a Honda Mini 50 (cc) minibike. They tried running it on water!!
Who broke this?......................Me no break em.
Who made this mess?.............Me no make em
haha :D :D
I met a Boer years ago when I was selling land. He was a former South African policeman.
He told me that all their household appliances 'back home' had to be the best quallity to be 'kaffir proof'. He said if you put a black in an empty concrete cell with two cannon balls, he'd break one and lose the other.
I laughed like hell because my Dad told me the EXACT same things about the natives on my grandfather's plantation in Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides). Dad said " You can only use Seagull outboards on the punts, because they're coon-proof. What a coon doesn't break, he'll lose".
that's soo true Newman hahah :D :D :D
No kidding, it's true!!! As you will see below:
Our family moved to a new home, and already residing there, was a black family of 2. As all Boers, we felt sorry for them, and allowed them to work for us, so we could support them, and support them we did, even when it left a hole in our pockets! So anyway, to take one example...
We made an arangement, that the husband just every weekend clean the garden each week, which only took about an hour, so ja, it was a bargain on his side, 1 hrs for a week for free housing, food, utilities etc etc (and yet, we get called racists... ::)) Anyway, so one day, there was no petrol in the hedge trimmer, so what does Mr. Smart do, he makes Black petrol. Now let me tell you about this ingenious "Black Oil", or one could say "Kaffir Oil" which if you read on sound more approprioute :D.
Mix some Jayes Fluid (heavy duty drain cleaner-Black in colour-as is black ::)) with some water, and whom knowes what else, and voila! You have super cheap petrol ::) :D. Insert new petrol into engin and pray damn hard...lol hahahahah
I think you all get what it took to fix the engin lol :D :-\ ::)
My grandfather bought all the black kids on his large plantation a Honda Mini 50 (cc) minibike. They tried running it on water!!
Who broke this?......................Me no break em.
Who made this mess?.............Me no make em
haha :D :D
About the outboards..............
Dad used to say....." It was no good buying a nice Evinrude or Mercury.......a coon would bugger it up in 2 minutes. A seagull had all of about four moving parts and was all stainless steel. It was the only thing a coon couldn't destroy!"
My grandfather bought all the black kids on his large plantation a Honda Mini 50 (cc) minibike. They tried running it on water!!
Who broke this?......................Me no break em.
Who made this mess?.............Me no make em
Too bad the minibike didn't run.
Then we could have credited the little black geniuses with solving the energy crisis.
Its the same reason blacks cut themselves bald.They really deep down want to look white! I dont know how that fits in.They were talking about it on the Today show.LOL :::D
Re: "...What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?..."
Most of the music you listen to and love, as well as most of the dances you've ever done.
What is known in the U.S. as "Southern Cooking" is invented by the African slaves.
You say that you have no use for those things?
Then return them to their rightful owners.
Re: "...What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?..."
Most of the music you listen to and love, as well as most of the dances you've ever done.
What is known in the U.S. as "Southern Cooking" is invented by the African slaves.
You say that you have no use for those things?
Then return them to their rightful owners.
Rock & roll was invented by White rednecks BASED on black blues. Big deal!
Who invented the instruments the blacks started playing with? They didn't use bongos.
Dances? What dances? Jungle dances they do at nightclubs? Our culture can do without that crap anyway.
They invented NOTHING worthwhile.
Wayne & Newman O0 :::D :::D :::D
The African is well suited to survival in hot steamy jungles where fruit can be picked right off of trees, and having meat requires only a spear or bow & arrow.
The European has adapted to his native environment by using his mind to find ways to produce & acquire what nature has not provided him.
Asians likewise have made the most of their environment, using bamboo to build with because there are no trees, producing rice because there is no wheat.
If looking for negative attributes, the Caucasian race has a list as long as do the other races...it just has different items listed.
I can't imagine life without Snoop Dogg, Fifty cent, fried chicken, grits and break dancing.
Re: "...What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?..."
Most of the music you listen to and love, as well as most of the dances you've ever done.
What is known in the U.S. as "Southern Cooking" is invented by the African slaves.
You say that you have no use for those things?
Then return them to their rightful owners.
I don't listen to "black music", I listen to heavy metal, industrial metal, some country and techno. None of that is black.
Massa do you or your s like black poetry? or music,well why not give it back because They write in our language with our symbols.And music,the people you refer tooo still haven't invented the wheel much less recording studios! O0Spare me of your public school and MTV upraising!LOL :::D
The African is well suited to survival in hot steamy jungles where fruit can be picked right off of trees, and having meat requires only a spear or bow & arrow.
The European has adapted to his native environment by using his mind to find ways to produce & acquire what nature has not provided him.
Asians likewise have made the most of their environment, using bamboo to build with because there are no trees, producing rice because there is no wheat.
If looking for negative attributes, the Caucasian race has a list as long as do the other races...it just has different items listed.
Negative attributes such as? (white race)
Man, you haven't lived unless you experience the joy of rap.
N iggas bitchslappin they ho's and gangstas blastin caps into homey wit da gat.
Dem rappas be jellin likes a watahmelon.
Yep!Let race go as a subject and allow us who know to as blacks say, school ya!
Man, you haven't lived unless you experience the joy of rap.
N iggas bitchslappin they ho's and gangstas blastin caps into homey wit da gat.
Dem rappas be jellin likes a watahmelon.
Muck, you know what future awaaits you if you keep with this line of degenerative thought.
May G-D guide you to the Light.
Man, you haven't lived unless you experience the joy of rap.
N iggas bitchslappin they ho's and gangstas blastin caps into homey wit da gat.
Dem rappas be jellin likes a watahmelon.
Muck, you know what future awaaits you if you keep with this line of degenerative thought.
May G-D guide you to the Light.
I think he was being sarcastic.
No I don't,
Danny...ive lived with these people all my life...and experience has taught me that 95% of blacks are just not as smart.
This is survival, and when it comes down to staying alive...my brother, you will know what im talking about ;)
Consider this, %20 of snake species in australia are poisonous. right. So now, i see a snake in the gaden, obviously, you won't go working in the garden. But i have to!. Mmmm...so let's take liberal theory into account, thinking that hey %20 are not poisonous, and go ahead working next to the snake. Sure as hell, the snake bites me and im dead.
Moral is, because MAJORITY of snakes are poisonous in this area, you have to EXPECT that snake to be deadly. That's nature!
Listen I agree with you...I think we are looking at the same thing but we are misunderstanding each other.
You are absolutely right about snakes...they are guilty until proven innocent....am I right? And they are guilty because some snakes tend to be poisneous so you aren't going to risk getting bitten by one...
So, the same goes with Blacks. Not because of their genetics, but because they ahve been known in many instances to be a part of violent crimes (and that goes with any nation)...so if i'm in my car and i see a black person coming my way, i make sure my cars are locked..but if it were a hasidic Jew, I wouldn't think about it...it's the same concept as you are saying as the snake....
My problem isn't when people do this.
My problem is when one takes pride of what they look like genetically, but have nothing more qualitative to answer for...
I'll give another example... Beautiful models...they walk around all proud of the way they look...but they are as dumb as a rock some of them...total waste of space unfortunately. So taking pride of the color of one's skin is not smart...nor is naming oneself as a group that takes pride in his/her color...So if there are white nationalist movements which are really only concerned with wholesome Christian culture for the US, I'm ok with teh concept...but personally, to call something a white nationalist movement will do more harm only because of its name...What if a black person agrees with the concept of the same kind of wholesome CHristian culture for the US? He'll think he's not allowed to join because it is "white" nationalist movement. The best thing is to invite all those who agree with you to the movement...just like JTF.
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Nurture is culture. Outside environment...Hot weather, vicious animals, wars...etc
There were wild animals AND hot weather and wars in Eretz Yisrael and the Jews have a 100 fold superior culture to the sambos.
The same with Europe. There was hot weather in the south and wild animals in it centuries ago.
Sorry, the sambos have no excuse except smaller IQs due to genetics.
THem Africans never had a religion...The Jews did.
Besides Africa has lions and tigers and hippos and sand storms...it's not really livable there.
Danny...ive lived with these people all my life...and experience has taught me that 95% of blacks are just not as smart.
This is survival, and when it comes down to staying alive...my brother, you will know what im talking about ;)
Consider this, %20 of snake species in australia are poisonous. right. So now, i see a snake in the gaden, obviously, you won't go working in the garden. But i have to!. Mmmm...so let's take liberal theory into account, thinking that hey %20 are not poisonous, and go ahead working next to the snake. Sure as hell, the snake bites me and im dead.
Moral is, because MAJORITY of snakes are poisonous in this area, you have to EXPECT that snake to be deadly. That's nature!
Listen I agree with you...I think we are looking at the same thing but we are misunderstanding each other.
You are absolutely right about snakes...they are guilty until proven innocent....am I right? And they are guilty because some snakes tend to be poisneous so you aren't going to risk getting bitten by one...
So, the same goes with Blacks. Not because of their genetics, but because they ahve been known in many instances to be a part of violent crimes (and that goes with any nation)...so if i'm in my car and i see a black person coming my way, i make sure my cars are locked..but if it were a hasidic Jew, I wouldn't think about it...it's the same concept as you are saying as the snake....
My problem isn't when people do this.
My problem is when one takes pride of what they look like genetically, but have nothing more qualitative to answer for...
I'll give another example... Beautiful models...they walk around all proud of the way they look...but they are as dumb as a rock some of them...total waste of space unfortunately. So taking pride of the color of one's skin is not smart...nor is naming oneself as a group that takes pride in his/her color...So if there are white nationalist movements which are really only concerned with wholesome Christian culture for the US, I'm ok with teh concept...but personally, to call something a white nationalist movement will do more harm only because of its name...What if a black person agrees with the concept of the same kind of wholesome CHristian culture for the US? He'll think he's not allowed to join because it is "white" nationalist movement. The best thing is to invite all those who agree with you to the movement...just like JTF.
What a liberal concept that is, why not just let muslims into the JTF while we're at it because some of them might "agree" with us right? *SIGH*
Boere you are from the former great South Africa.I lived among wonderful blacks not for just a week but as my life.He cookie cant understand.He needs a wake up call.I know he means well.But that doesnt change reality!And reality is ugly!
we are looking at the same thing
It's the evil culture...and yes, the majority of blacks practice evil culture...we are agreeing on this...
I'm simply saying a black baby isn't evil because it is black..if it is raised in a good culture, then most likely the child will be righteous...
and the same goes for the "high and mighty" Jew..if he is raised amongst evil villians, he might become an evil villian...
Boere you are from the former great South Africa.I lived among wonderful blacks not for just a week but as my life.He cookie cant understand.He needs a wake up call.I know he means well.But that doesnt change reality!And reality is ugly!
That is soooo true Wayne.
Yeah true, there are some good blacks out there.
Yeah, we will talk again with Danny some day, after he went to afritopia
Yes, Danny is a good person whom only means well as you say, but keeping with that, there is a nice little saying i saw today:
"Liberals are so open minded, that their brains fell out" hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D :D :D :D
lol....I think i'm going to use that one....funny
listen, we are on the same page...
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Nurture is culture. Outside environment...Hot weather, vicious animals, wars...etc
There were wild animals AND hot weather and wars in Eretz Yisrael and the Jews have a 100 fold superior culture to the sambos.
The same with Europe. There was hot weather in the south and wild animals in it centuries ago.
Sorry, the sambos have no excuse except smaller IQs due to genetics.
THem Africans never had a religion...The Jews did.
Besides Africa has lions and tigers and hippos and sand storms...it's not really livable there.
Oh really? Ever read up on Rhodesia?
The whites were able to do it in Africa, if the blacks can't, then they deserve to die since they can't adapt to the environment.
Look at Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) today, theres nothing left. The blacks are too stupid to run a country, they just destroy everything like the Arabs.
What are white nationalists proud of? There is no "white culture". If you're proud to be white just because of the color of your skin then you are a moron. If you want to include all the good that caucasian people have done in the world you need to include the evils such as Nazism and Communism. Being proud of your race is foolish because all races have done great evils in the past. Every race of people on the planet still have a large segment of their people who are evil.
You can be proud on balance.
Sure there have been bad elements to white, european culture but there is overwhelmingly more good than bad. Look at all the science, technology, higher life expectancy today. ALL due to white, Judaic/christian, Greeko-Roman/ western culture.
What has black culture produced besides doo-doo huts & face flies?
not much except rap and a big hole in the federal govt.
People have free will, dannycookie57.
It seems like you totally discount that with your pure nurture argument.
I don't know if I'm obsessed about race, but I do give it alot of thought.
It's hard not to.
Over the years, through life experience and historical observations, I've become convinced that all men are not created equal.
I think there are racial differences, and they just don't apply to skin color only.
I still believe in the 'inalienable rights' jazz but created equal ?
define equal...
certainly man and woman are equal but you re comparing apples w oranges.
what about a black and white baby raised by the same parents? concord grapes and green grapes
I can't imagine life without Snoop Dogg, Fifty cent, fried chicken, grits and break dancing.
What are grits?
The views of a good friend of mine, I agree with them because they're factually correct:
"The Africans did fine fending for themselves and
feeding themselves until Europeans carved up their
continent into artificial 'nations' (i.e. European
possessions) in the late 19th century.
The reason Africans have suffered is because Western
nations have financed various murderous African
Even minor things such as supporting and attending cricket matches where the Zimbabwean team is playing, destroys the country since the money funds corruptness.
I can't imagine life without Snoop Dogg, Fifty cent, fried chicken, grits and break dancing.
What are grits?
The views of a good friend of mine, I agree with them because they're factually correct:
"The Africans did fine fending for themselves and
feeding themselves until Europeans carved up their
continent into artificial 'nations' (i.e. European
possessions) in the late 19th century.
The reason Africans have suffered is because Western
nations have financed various murderous African
Even minor things such as supporting and attending cricket matches where the Zimbabwean team is playing, destroys the country since the money funds corruptness.
Grits is a type of corn porridge and a food common in the Southern United States consisting of coarsely ground corn. This is similar to many other thick maize-based porridges from around the world such as polenta. It also has a lesser resemblance to farina, a thinner porridge.
Hominy grits is another term for grits, but explicitly refers to grits made from nixtamalized corn, or hominy.
[edit] Origins
Traditionally the maize for grits is ground by a stone mill. The results are passed through screens, with the finer part being corn meal, and the coarser being grits. Many communities in the Southern U.S. used a gristmill up until the mid-20th century, with families bringing their own corn to be ground, and the miller retaining a portion of the corn for his fee. In South Carolina, state law requires grits and corn meal to be enriched, similar to the requirements for flour, unless the grits are ground from corn where the miller keeps part of the product for his fee.[1]
Three-quarters of grits sold in the United States are sold in the "grits belt" stretching from Louisiana to North Carolina. South Carolina declared grits its state food in 1973, writing, "Whereas, throughout its history, the South has relished its grits, making them a symbol of its diet, its customs, its humor, and its hospitality, and whereas, every community in the State of South Carolina used to be the site of a grits mill and every local economy in the State used to be dependent on its product; and whereas, grits has been a part of the life of every South Carolinian of whatever race, background, gender, and income; and whereas, grits could very well play a vital role in the future of not only this State, but also the world, if as The Charleston News and Courier proclaimed in 1952: 'An inexpensive, simple, and thoroughly digestible food, [grits] should be made popular throughout the world. Given enough of it, the inhabitants of planet Earth would have nothing to fight about. A man full of [grits] is a man of peace.'"[2]
The word "grits" comes from Old English grytta meaning a coarse meal of any kind. Yellow grits include the whole kernel, while white grits use hulled kernels. Grits are prepared by simply boiling the ground kernals into a porridge; normally it is boiled until enough water evaporates to leave it semi-solid. It is traditionally served during breakfast, but can be used at any meal. In some circles, grits are referred to as "Georgia ice cream."
Danny...ive lived with these people all my life...and experience has taught me that 95% of blacks are just not as smart.
This is survival, and when it comes down to staying alive...my brother, you will know what im talking about ;)
Consider this, %20 of snake species in australia are poisonous. right. So now, i see a snake in the gaden, obviously, you won't go working in the garden. But i have to!. Mmmm...so let's take liberal theory into account, thinking that hey %20 are not poisonous, and go ahead working next to the snake. Sure as hell, the snake bites me and im dead.
Moral is, because MAJORITY of snakes are poisonous in this area, you have to EXPECT that snake to be deadly. That's nature!
Listen I agree with you...I think we are looking at the same thing but we are misunderstanding each other.
You are absolutely right about snakes...they are guilty until proven innocent....am I right? And they are guilty because some snakes tend to be poisneous so you aren't going to risk getting bitten by one...
So, the same goes with Blacks. Not because of their genetics, but because they ahve been known in many instances to be a part of violent crimes (and that goes with any nation)...so if i'm in my car and i see a black person coming my way, i make sure my cars are locked..but if it were a hasidic Jew, I wouldn't think about it...it's the same concept as you are saying as the snake....
My problem isn't when people do this.
My problem is when one takes pride of what they look like genetically, but have nothing more qualitative to answer for...
I'll give another example... Beautiful models...they walk around all proud of the way they look...but they are as dumb as a rock some of them...total waste of space unfortunately. So taking pride of the color of one's skin is not smart...nor is naming oneself as a group that takes pride in his/her color...So if there are white nationalist movements which are really only concerned with wholesome Christian culture for the US, I'm ok with teh concept...but personally, to call something a white nationalist movement will do more harm only because of its name...What if a black person agrees with the concept of the same kind of wholesome CHristian culture for the US? He'll think he's not allowed to join because it is "white" nationalist movement. The best thing is to invite all those who agree with you to the movement...just like JTF.
What a liberal concept that is, why not just let muslims into the JTF while we're at it because some of them might "agree" with us right? *SIGH*
Sarah used to be one...
JTF is a Right wing Jewish movement...so we shouldnt' allow non Jews here?
I guess JTF is a "liberal movement"
silly goose...
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Nurture is culture. Outside environment...Hot weather, vicious animals, wars...etc
There were wild animals AND hot weather and wars in Eretz Yisrael and the Jews have a 100 fold superior culture to the sambos.
The same with Europe. There was hot weather in the south and wild animals in it centuries ago.
Sorry, the sambos have no excuse except smaller IQs due to genetics.
THem Africans never had a religion...The Jews did.
Besides Africa has lions and tigers and hippos and sand storms...it's not really livable there.
Oh really? Ever read up on Rhodesia?
The whites were able to do it in Africa, if the blacks can't, then they deserve to die since they can't adapt to the environment.
Look at Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) today, theres nothing left. The blacks are too stupid to run a country, they just destroy everything like the Arabs.
Actually, you're right...We see that whole continent as well as wherever Muslims live and the kind of destruction that it has done...
we can agree that this is obvious...
but is it genetics? or is it culture?
I think it's culture..and this is what we need to elevate ourselves to really relaly be clear about...I know Chaim has been doing this everytime he talks about race and blacks in general...
People have free will, dannycookie57.
It seems like you totally discount that with your pure nurture argument.
Actually I'm not discounting that at all...I'm giving lots of examples of free will...
Free will is not genetics...
Nature = genetics
Nurture = environment, free will, etc etc etc...Sorry I didn't include it, but yes, free will is somthign intellectual, not genetic.
Why the heck are we so obssessed with race on this forum!? Enough already!
I swear, JTF will never get anywhere if we make a big deal about race this and race that...Who cares what someone's genetics are?
And for some of you youngens here, be careful of these baiters who equate genetics with culture...One has nothing to do with the other..You'll never get anywhere in life if you think like a dimwit Nazi.
And I know that Chaim agrees with this...I'm frankly disgusted with a lot of people here on this forum who allow these idiotic discussions of inferiority and superiority due to what someone's DNA carry. We are supposed to be smart and intellectual here..not a bunch of morons! WAKE UP! You're obssessions on race makes you no better than the blacks who obsess over racism when it is really their undoing that makes their lives miserable...Quit imitating them and use your brains more!
And no white nationalist crap! It is as dumb as Black nationalism..What the hell is that garbage?! Ugh, i'm so sick of this!
Well I'm glad some one else feels this way. I got tired of it a month ago.
Genes can be adapted by environmental factors over time. Thats why we all look different, because our bodies have learn't to change themselves in order to survive against natural conditions e.g weather, sunlight and the thickness off our skin etc.
If this can physically occur then why not Intellectually?
If many Blacks in Africa etc have not been given the broad spectrum of education that white westerners had in the past then they have adapted to this level of understanding and this may reoccur throughout generations.
Then again, what is our environment shaped by also? Culture. Its predomninantly Culture not genetics.
Genes can be adapted by environmental factors over time. Thats why we all look different, because our bodies have learn't to change themselves in order to survive against natural conditions e.g weather, sunlight and the thickness off our skin etc.
If this can physically occur then why not Intellectually?
If many Blacks in Africa etc have not been given the broad spectrum of education that white westerners had in the past then they have adapted to this level of understanding and this may reoccur throughout generations.
The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics and beliefs about common ancestry.[1] The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.[2]
Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not races are natural types or socially constructed, and the degree to which observed differences in ability and achievement, categorized on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i.e. genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.
A February 1997 report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, 56% of arrestees were "White", 42% were "Black", and 2% were of other races. The report additionally noted that "[v]ictims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks; in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race."[4]
A subsequent United States Department of Justice report which surveyed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004 stated that of the crimes surveyed, 52.1% of the offenders were Black, 45.9% were White, and 2% were Other Races. Of the victims in those same crimes, 51% were White, 46.9% were Black, and 2.1% were Other Races. The report further noted that, "most murders are intraracial", with 86% of White murders committed by Whites, and 94% of Black murders committed by Blacks.[5] It should be noted that the document does not provide any details concerning what races or ethnicities are included in the designations "White", "Black", or "Other Races".
70% of prisoners in the United States are non-Whites.[6] In 1998, nearly one out of three Black men between the ages of 20-29 were in prison or jail, on probation or parole on any given day.[7][8]
A 2005 United States Department of Justice report on violent crimes stated that of the "perceived race" of the offenders in single-offender violent crimes, 43.3% were White, 21.0% were Black, and 9.6% were "Other", with the remaining 26.0% of offenders of unknown race.[9]
Note that there are more whites in the United States than blacks, also many of these "whites" are actually of hispanic background. US Census allows one to identify as white from spanish speaking countries.
46.9 percent were black, the population of blacks in this country is only 12.12% . That means on a broader scale, blacks are more likely to be violent offenders than whites are.
On a side note, Ashkenazi Jews scored highest for IQ
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
"I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family."
Why? My Fathers boss was a Black man, and a very good and decent human being. There are certain Black people I would not want in my home, there are others I would glady accept them in. Their are certain white people I would not spit on if they were on fire. Some of us want Chaim to get on a National Radio show, if the host would read such a statement, it would put JTF in a bad place. Sometimes the comments will do more harm than good for this forum. If you hate Black people so much why not goto(http://www.californiaconservative.org/images/images2/_kkk.jpg) It seems your hatred of Blacks, is equal too the Nazi hatred of Jews.
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Most leaders are corrupt, no metter what race are you coming from.
In 1938 most of the world was dictators, todays africa's dictators are because of the unstable regime that was left after the European stopped the colonialism. And as result of the fact that most African states are dictatorship you are concludeing that..?
"I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family."
Why? My Fathers boss was a Black man, and a very good and decent human being. There are certain Black people I would not want in my home, there are others I would glady accept them in. Their are certain white people I would not spit on if they were on fire. Some of us want Chaim to get on a National Radio show, if the host would read such a statement, it would put JTF in a bad place. Sometimes the comments will do more harm than good for this forum. If you hate Black people so much why not goto(http://www.californiaconservative.org/images/images2/_kkk.jpg) It seems your hatred of Blacks, is equal too the Nazi hatred of Jews.
Who said I hate black people? I am merely pointing out scientific evidence of their genetic defects. Do you think Nazis are the only ones that observed race? The problem with the Nazis is that they used race for their own political agenda to exterminate a group of people. I don't advocate violence against any race or group of people. I am merely pointing out what causes blacks to be violent. I'm sure your the type that says there are good muslims as well.
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Most leaders are corrupt, no metter what race are you coming from.
In 1938 most of the world was dictators, todays africa's dictators are because of the unstable regime that was left after the European stopped the colonialism. And as result of the fact that most African states are dictatorship you are concludeing that..?
How many years have they had to fix that? America and Australia fixed the solution, so did Israel after the British left. The Africans have no excuse for their own failings, they keep projecting their own flaws on to everyone else. The majority of the colonies with the exception of Africa have succeeded in some form or another. Instead, the Africans destroyed their own infrastructure built by the Europeans which they could have utilized, real smart.
What other excuse will they think of because they can't advance past the stone age?
This isn't just Africa, look at Blacks all over the world, the UK, America, Jamaica, etc. Why are they responsible for all the crime, are you telling me it's all because of the way they are raised? I think not. They must have a racial commitment for crime.
"I'm sure your the type that says there are good muslims as well."
No I don't, and that's not the issue. Why would you not a good and decent Black person in your home ? Don't twist this around about me. You texted you would not let a Black person in your home. WHY ?
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Most leaders are corrupt, no metter what race are you coming from.
In 1938 most of the world was dictators, todays africa's dictators are because of the unstable regime that was left after the European stopped the colonialism. And as result of the fact that most African states are dictatorship you are concludeing that..?
They must have a racial commitment for crime.
Why ?
Ok and please explain why you would not allow Black people into your home ?
Ok and please explain why you would not allow Black people into your home ?
What business do they have in my home besides stealing my tv?
Genes can be adapted by environmental factors over time. Thats why we all look different, because our bodies have learn't to change themselves in order to survive against natural conditions e.g weather, sunlight and the thickness off our skin etc.
If this can physically occur then why not Intellectually?
If many Blacks in Africa etc have not been given the broad spectrum of education that white westerners had in the past then they have adapted to this level of understanding and this may reoccur throughout generations.
The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics and beliefs about common ancestry.[1] The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.[2]
Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not races are natural types or socially constructed, and the degree to which observed differences in ability and achievement, categorized on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i.e. genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.
A February 1997 report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, 56% of arrestees were "White", 42% were "Black", and 2% were of other races. The report additionally noted that "[v]ictims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks; in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race."[4]
A subsequent United States Department of Justice report which surveyed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004 stated that of the crimes surveyed, 52.1% of the offenders were Black, 45.9% were White, and 2% were Other Races. Of the victims in those same crimes, 51% were White, 46.9% were Black, and 2.1% were Other Races. The report further noted that, "most murders are intraracial", with 86% of White murders committed by Whites, and 94% of Black murders committed by Blacks.[5] It should be noted that the document does not provide any details concerning what races or ethnicities are included in the designations "White", "Black", or "Other Races".
70% of prisoners in the United States are non-Whites.[6] In 1998, nearly one out of three Black men between the ages of 20-29 were in prison or jail, on probation or parole on any given day.[7][8]
A 2005 United States Department of Justice report on violent crimes stated that of the "perceived race" of the offenders in single-offender violent crimes, 43.3% were White, 21.0% were Black, and 9.6% were "Other", with the remaining 26.0% of offenders of unknown race.[9]
Note that there are more whites in the United States than blacks, also many of these "whites" are actually of hispanic background. US Census allows one to identify as white from spanish speaking countries.
46.9 percent were black, the population of blacks in this country is only 12.12% . That means on a broader scale, blacks are more likely to be violent offenders than whites are.
On a side note, Ashkenazi Jews scored highest for IQ
it's not because they were born that way!
Ok and please explain why you would not allow Black people into your home ?
What business do they have in my home besides stealing my tv?
And what business do whites have in your home besides stealing your TV ? washing the dishes ?
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
IT's not genetics...saying that it is genetics is pure ignorance..Saying that it is cultural..well, I would have to agree with that.
Genes can be adapted by environmental factors over time. Thats why we all look different, because our bodies have learn't to change themselves in order to survive against natural conditions e.g weather, sunlight and the thickness off our skin etc.
If this can physically occur then why not Intellectually?
If many Blacks in Africa etc have not been given the broad spectrum of education that white westerners had in the past then they have adapted to this level of understanding and this may reoccur throughout generations.
The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics and beliefs about common ancestry.[1] The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.[2]
Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not races are natural types or socially constructed, and the degree to which observed differences in ability and achievement, categorized on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i.e. genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.
A February 1997 report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, 56% of arrestees were "White", 42% were "Black", and 2% were of other races. The report additionally noted that "[v]ictims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks; in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race."[4]
A subsequent United States Department of Justice report which surveyed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004 stated that of the crimes surveyed, 52.1% of the offenders were Black, 45.9% were White, and 2% were Other Races. Of the victims in those same crimes, 51% were White, 46.9% were Black, and 2.1% were Other Races. The report further noted that, "most murders are intraracial", with 86% of White murders committed by Whites, and 94% of Black murders committed by Blacks.[5] It should be noted that the document does not provide any details concerning what races or ethnicities are included in the designations "White", "Black", or "Other Races".
70% of prisoners in the United States are non-Whites.[6] In 1998, nearly one out of three Black men between the ages of 20-29 were in prison or jail, on probation or parole on any given day.[7][8]
A 2005 United States Department of Justice report on violent crimes stated that of the "perceived race" of the offenders in single-offender violent crimes, 43.3% were White, 21.0% were Black, and 9.6% were "Other", with the remaining 26.0% of offenders of unknown race.[9]
Note that there are more whites in the United States than blacks, also many of these "whites" are actually of hispanic background. US Census allows one to identify as white from spanish speaking countries.
46.9 percent were black, the population of blacks in this country is only 12.12% . That means on a broader scale, blacks are more likely to be violent offenders than whites are.
On a side note, Ashkenazi Jews scored highest for IQ
it's not because they were born that way!
Oh? Then what is it? ;)
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
culture, laziness, idiotic, shmucky....None of those things are genetic...
I'm not trying to glorify blacks or their culture in anyway
I"m simply saying that those qualities which we hate in most blacks in not because they were born that way, but because of the culture that they were raised with through many generations...
and there are some blacks that are very decent people...so in those examples we definately know it's not the genes.
"I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family."
Why? My Fathers boss was a Black man, and a very good and decent human being. There are certain Black people I would not want in my home, there are others I would glady accept them in. Their are certain white people I would not spit on if they were on fire. Some of us want Chaim to get on a National Radio show, if the host would read such a statement, it would put JTF in a bad place. Sometimes the comments will do more harm than good for this forum. If you hate Black people so much why not goto(http://www.californiaconservative.org/images/images2/_kkk.jpg) It seems your hatred of Blacks, is equal too the Nazi hatred of Jews.
Who said I hate black people? I am merely pointing out scientific evidence of their genetic defects. Do you think Nazis are the only ones that observed race? The problem with the Nazis is that they used race for their own political agenda to exterminate a group of people. I don't advocate violence against any race or group of people. I am merely pointing out what causes blacks to be violent. I'm sure your the type that says there are good muslims as well.
What causes people like blacks to be violent? There can be some genetic influence...but it is mostly culture...
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Most leaders are corrupt, no metter what race are you coming from.
In 1938 most of the world was dictators, todays africa's dictators are because of the unstable regime that was left after the European stopped the colonialism. And as result of the fact that most African states are dictatorship you are concludeing that..?
How many years have they had to fix that? America and Australia fixed the solution, so did Israel after the British left. The Africans have no excuse for their own failings, they keep projecting their own flaws on to everyone else. The majority of the colonies with the exception of Africa have succeeded in some form or another. Instead, the Africans destroyed their own infrastructure built by the Europeans which they could have utilized, real smart.
What other excuse will they think of because they can't advance past the stone age?
This isn't just Africa, look at Blacks all over the world, the UK, America, Jamaica, etc. Why are they responsible for all the crime, are you telling me it's all because of the way they are raised? I think not. They must have a racial commitment for crime.
If you feel that that blacks all over the world are responsible for crime because of the way they were born..no exceptions to the rule, I do not recommend JTF for you...This is not a forum that supports genetics and race for a reason for someone to act evil...Evil actions are a result of free will/culture.
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
IT's not genetics...saying that it is genetics is pure ignorance..Saying that it is cultural..well, I would have to agree with that.
I originally thought it was culture, but now I disregard that. American blacks, some people blame it on the gang culture, drugs, being raised with one parent, guns, education, poverty, injustice, slavery, etc.
Seems it's not just America, looks like this is a global problem.
Take into account Africa, look at the two. Gangs are nothing more than violent militias. We are at a constant state of war. Most of the conflicts in Africa are tribal warfare or state sponsored genocide. Some of it is religion absolutely. Most of these conflicts are over anything of value. Gold, Diamonds, Oil, etc.
In the United states, anything of value is generally drugs, guns, etc.
statistically speaking, there are more blacks in a demographic serving time in a correctional facility (prison, jail) than any other race, yet they make up a much smaller size of the population than whites. Some claim this is due to the injustice of our police, I disagree. If anything, I think blacks are used to being able to get away with crimes, they use that "whitey made me do it" excuse. Yes the white man was responsible for slavery and holding down the black man from getting a education. That's why they did it, I fully understand now.
They use any excuse in the book to justify their criminal activities. Does this mean all blacks are bad? No, just the majority. We must look at this from a statistic standpoint, it's certainly not poverty. There are many other races that live below the poverty line yet the murder rate is no where near as high as within the African American community.
I guess from a genetic standpoint, blacks could be more aggressive than other races. Perhaps there are certain factors regarding that we don't know about. Some animals are more aggressive than others, is it instincts? Is it genetics?
Genes can be adapted by environmental factors over time. Thats why we all look different, because our bodies have learn't to change themselves in order to survive against natural conditions e.g weather, sunlight and the thickness off our skin etc.
If this can physically occur then why not Intellectually?
If many Blacks in Africa etc have not been given the broad spectrum of education that white westerners had in the past then they have adapted to this level of understanding and this may reoccur throughout generations.
The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics and beliefs about common ancestry.[1] The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.[2]
Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not races are natural types or socially constructed, and the degree to which observed differences in ability and achievement, categorized on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i.e. genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.
A February 1997 report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, 56% of arrestees were "White", 42% were "Black", and 2% were of other races. The report additionally noted that "[v]ictims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks; in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race."[4]
A subsequent United States Department of Justice report which surveyed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004 stated that of the crimes surveyed, 52.1% of the offenders were Black, 45.9% were White, and 2% were Other Races. Of the victims in those same crimes, 51% were White, 46.9% were Black, and 2.1% were Other Races. The report further noted that, "most murders are intraracial", with 86% of White murders committed by Whites, and 94% of Black murders committed by Blacks.[5] It should be noted that the document does not provide any details concerning what races or ethnicities are included in the designations "White", "Black", or "Other Races".
70% of prisoners in the United States are non-Whites.[6] In 1998, nearly one out of three Black men between the ages of 20-29 were in prison or jail, on probation or parole on any given day.[7][8]
A 2005 United States Department of Justice report on violent crimes stated that of the "perceived race" of the offenders in single-offender violent crimes, 43.3% were White, 21.0% were Black, and 9.6% were "Other", with the remaining 26.0% of offenders of unknown race.[9]
Note that there are more whites in the United States than blacks, also many of these "whites" are actually of hispanic background. US Census allows one to identify as white from spanish speaking countries.
46.9 percent were black, the population of blacks in this country is only 12.12% . That means on a broader scale, blacks are more likely to be violent offenders than whites are.
On a side note, Ashkenazi Jews scored highest for IQ
it's not because they were born that way!
Oh? Then what is it? ;)
too many bananas in the gene pool
I ask one more time, why won't you let any Black person in your home ?
Sorry, this topic has become to large for me to read all the points of view. But I'll just post mine.
1- Race may be an important fact for some nations to identify themselves. Some cultures are defined by language, race, religion, customs, cook, dressing, or a mix of all. No problem to defend one's race and try to preserve it, as far as it doesn't mean to hate others.
2- Multi culture does not like me. Not because any culture is evil, as it has been said here. I think no culture is evil in itself. But milticulture destroiys ethnical groups. For example a Jew is a Jew. Why would he intermix with other good cultures? In a time there would be no more Jews.
However I think that everyone is free to decide about his private life. So if someone wants to mix his culture with other's, it his choise. Human freedom supercedes the need to preserve a pure culture. I don't agree to forcing anyone to live according to his original culture, except that Jews should be encaraged to do so, since it comes from Torah.
3- Scientific debate about racial superioty or inferiority is not wrong in itself. I would not be offended if a scientific proves that my DNA is inferior as far as it is not done to hate, discriminate or kill me. But is this a forum about sience? Or about ideology? Why not discussing all scientific issues here then?
This topics about race in an ideologic forum seem objecrionable to me. It may appear to be an attempt to promote racial hate.
Better leave the scientists alone in their investigations, if someone once reallly proves that a race is superior in intelect or physical strengh, or resistance to diseases, then talk about it in a sience forum, not here!!!!
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Most leaders are corrupt, no metter what race are you coming from.
In 1938 most of the world was dictators, todays africa's dictators are because of the unstable regime that was left after the European stopped the colonialism. And as result of the fact that most African states are dictatorship you are concludeing that..?
How many years have they had to fix that? America and Australia fixed the solution, so did Israel after the British left. The Africans have no excuse for their own failings, they keep projecting their own flaws on to everyone else. The majority of the colonies with the exception of Africa have succeeded in some form or another. Instead, the Africans destroyed their own infrastructure built by the Europeans which they could have utilized, real smart.
What other excuse will they think of because they can't advance past the stone age?
This isn't just Africa, look at Blacks all over the world, the UK, America, Jamaica, etc. Why are they responsible for all the crime, are you telling me it's all because of the way they are raised? I think not. They must have a racial commitment for crime.
If you feel that that blacks all over the world are responsible for crime because of the way they were born..no exceptions to the rule, I do not recommend JTF for you...This is not a forum that supports genetics and race for a reason for someone to act evil...Evil actions are a result of free will/culture.
Once again, your taking what I said out of context. I never said all blacks, I'm merely saying that the majority of the crimes within the demographic are by blacks when it comes to race yet there are less blacks in this country than whites. Statistics showing another race being the majority in crimes is not racist, it is fact.
Look at the murder rates
Most of these charts show that much of the violent crime in this country is infact black on black crime, do you think the majority of this is gang violence? I certainly would. I don't blame factors, the environment, or other inanimate objects for the problems with blacks, I blame the individuals themselves for their own failings. Neo Nazism is prevalent within America yet we don't have every white male in America wearing jackboots and red suspenders yelling "Sieg Heil" do we?
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
IT's not genetics...saying that it is genetics is pure ignorance..Saying that it is cultural..well, I would have to agree with that.
I originally thought it was culture, but now I disregard that. American blacks, some people blame it on the gang culture, drugs, being raised with one parent, guns, education, poverty, injustice, slavery, etc.
Seems it's not just America, looks like this is a global problem.
Take into account Africa, look at the two. Gangs are nothing more than violent militias. We are at a constant state of war. Most of the conflicts in Africa are tribal warfare or state sponsored genocide. Some of it is religion absolutely. Most of these conflicts are over anything of value. Gold, Diamonds, Oil, etc.
In the United states, anything of value is generally drugs, guns, etc.
statistically speaking, there are more blacks in a demographic serving time in a correctional facility (prison, jail) than any other race, yet they make up a much smaller size of the population than whites. Some claim this is due to the injustice of our police, I disagree. If anything, I think blacks are used to being able to get away with crimes, they use that "whitey made me do it" excuse. Yes the white man was responsible for slavery and holding down the black man from getting a education. That's why they did it, I fully understand now.
They use any excuse in the book to justify their criminal activities. Does this mean all blacks are bad? No, just the majority. We must look at this from a statistic standpoint, it's certainly not poverty. There are many other races that live below the poverty line yet the murder rate is no where near as high as within the African American community.
I guess from a genetic standpoint, blacks could be more aggressive than other races. Perhaps there are certain factors regarding that we don't know about. Some animals are more aggressive than others, is it instincts? Is it genetics?
Aggression can be genetic...However, that alone doesn't do it...nor does aggression make anyone genetically inferior. IT makes apples crunchy and oranges citrusy
Sorry, this topic has become to large for me to read all the points of view. But I'll just post mine.
1- Race may be an important fact for some nations to identify themselves. Some cultures are defined by language, race, religion, customs, cook, dressing, or a mix of all. No problem to defend one's race and try to preserve it, as far as it doesn't mean to hate others.
2- Multi culture does not like me. Not because any culture is evil, as it has been said here. I think no culture is evil in itself. But milticulture destroiys ethnical groups. For example a Jew is a Jew. Why would he intermix with other good cultures? In a time there would be no more Jews.
However I think that everyone is free to decide about his private life. So if someone wants to mix his culture with other's, it his choise. Human freedom supercedes the need to preserve a pure culture. I don't agree to forcing anyone to live according to his original culture, except that Jews should be encaraged to do so, since it comes from Torah.
3- Scientific debate about racial superioty or inferiority is not wrong in itself. I would not be offended if a scientific proves that my DNA is inferior as far as it is not done to hate, discriminate or kill me. But is this a forum about sience? Or about ideology? Why not discussing all scientific issues here then?
This topics about race in an ideologic forum seem objecrionable to me. It may appear to be an attempt to promote racial hate.
Better leave the scientists alone in their investigations, if someone once reallly proves that a race is superior in intelect or physical strengh, or resistance to diseases, then talk about it in a sience forum, not here!!!!
Intersting points:
1. True Race can be a means of creating pride. However, white and black are loose terms...Whites can include all types of nations of caucasions and maybe Asians...Blacks, likewise, lots of nationalities we know nothing about... But what you wrote for point 1 is true.
2. You have a good point on multi-cultralism...if you look at it the way you wrote it, it's a type of one world mentality which isn't good. My definition of Multi-Culturalism is when people of different cultures live together, learn from one another, but retain one's own culture but with a little more enlightenment. Israel is a good example of multi-cultralism. Most people who live there are Jewish...but since the Diaspora ended, we have all types of Jews: Sephardic, Persian, Morrocan, French, Russian, Eastern Euorpean, Sabra, Eithiopian, Thai, Chinese etc etc etc...That's a good example of multi-cultralism in Israel with all the Jews living there...it's a good thing when everyone can be honky dory with each other and learn from each other's culture. THe USA is another great example of what attempts to be multi-culturism...however, it's backfiring because of intolerance from all sides of the coin...especially from teh blacks and muslims...now multi-culturalism is defined as anyting that isn't from white cultures..which is disgusting to me.
3. Agree
I ask one more time, why won't you let any Black person in your home ?
The only people I let into my home are friends and family. I don't befriend blacks therefore why would they need to come in my home?
And this forum wants Chaim too get on a major radio show. What would happen on a major national talk radio show, if the host views such a comment on this forum , and then asks Chaim about it ? Cohen, I disagree with you, and in my personal opinion you are doing far more damage than good. But that is just my opinion. I do not hate you, I simply disagree with your opinion.
I ask one more time, why won't you let any Black person in your home ?
The only people I let into my home are friends and family. I don't befriend blacks therefore why would they need to come in my home?
I'd befriend any human being of any nation race or culture. Several people also befreind animals which are a different species!!! I only avoid to change my culture and adopt other's in case I had a well defined nation (In fact I am a mix of several nations).
Do not confuse befriending with intermixing!!!
I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
Is there any proofe it's because of genes ? In the past everyone were extreamly violance, their culture changed, blacks have the same violent culture of the past, and if you combain that with poverty, you will get extreamly deadly results. Besides, not all blacks are violance, on the other hand, most of the poor blacks are violance, that's somthing to think about.
What about OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson? Don't forget most black leaders are corrupt, look at all the African dictators who are rich, what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
Most leaders are corrupt, no metter what race are you coming from.
In 1938 most of the world was dictators, todays africa's dictators are because of the unstable regime that was left after the European stopped the colonialism. And as result of the fact that most African states are dictatorship you are concludeing that..?
How many years have they had to fix that? America and Australia fixed the solution, so did Israel after the British left. The Africans have no excuse for their own failings, they keep projecting their own flaws on to everyone else. The majority of the colonies with the exception of Africa have succeeded in some form or another. Instead, the Africans destroyed their own infrastructure built by the Europeans which they could have utilized, real smart.
What other excuse will they think of because they can't advance past the stone age?
This isn't just Africa, look at Blacks all over the world, the UK, America, Jamaica, etc. Why are they responsible for all the crime, are you telling me it's all because of the way they are raised? I think not. They must have a racial commitment for crime.
If you feel that that blacks all over the world are responsible for crime because of the way they were born..no exceptions to the rule, I do not recommend JTF for you...This is not a forum that supports genetics and race for a reason for someone to act evil...Evil actions are a result of free will/culture.
Once again, your taking what I said out of context. I never said all blacks, I'm merely saying that the majority of the crimes within the demographic are by blacks when it comes to race yet there are less blacks in this country than whites. Statistics showing another race being the majority in crimes is not racist, it is fact.
Look at the murder rates
Most of these charts show that much of the violent crime in this country is infact black on black crime, do you think the majority of this is gang violence? I certainly would. I don't blame factors, the environment, or other inanimate objects for the problems with blacks, I blame the individuals themselves for their own failings. Neo Nazism is prevalent within America yet we don't have every white male in America wearing jackboots and red suspenders yelling "Sieg Heil" do we?
Ok...listen...I think I know what you are saying.. You think that you don't like blacks because of their genetics...but the truth is that you don't like them because of the culture which leads to their actions....Cohen, you don't like blacks beause of their culture...not because of their genes...I dont' think you know what genes are so yo uthink that it is because of the genes.
Raulmarrio2000 ,
You are a good and decent person.
Blacks can fix this problem, the problem is they don't want to be tolerant of our culture or our style of living, yet they want us to be tolerant of theirs.
They aren't doing any favors to themselves with their double standards either. The whole black history month, college for the colored and Negroes, scholars for being black, Jesse Jackson promoting gun control claiming that's the reason blacks are violent, blaming slavery, blaming apartheid, blaming segregation, blaming poverty, blaming racism, they blame everything but themselves.
Maybe that's their problem is they can't take responsibility for their own actions.
On the other hand, I would love to see statistical evidence of their culture being the reason for their violence. Is it fair to assume that somehow the blacks are....struggling to be civilized and somehow they need a little extra help? I think not, if we did it, the asians did it, the europeans did it, and the spanish did it, then the blacks have no excuse for not advancing their own cultures. How many billions of dollars in aid to their continent, UN Food drops, and advantages to take over infrastructure from other former colonies and not one single country to show for it in that damn continent?
The only people I let into my home are friends and family. I don't befriend blacks therefore why would they need to come in my home?
Blacks can fix this problem, the problem is they don't want to be tolerant of our culture or our style of living, yet they want us to be tolerant of theirs.
They aren't doing any favors to themselves with their double standards either. The whole black history month, college for the colored and Negroes, scholars for being black, Jesse Jackson promoting gun control claiming that's the reason blacks are violent, blaming slavery, blaming apartheid, blaming segregation, blaming poverty, blaming racism, they blame everything but themselves.
Maybe that's their problem is they can't take responsibility for their own actions.
On the other hand, I would love to see statistical evidence of their culture being the reason for their violence. Is it fair to assume that somehow the blacks are....struggling to be civilized and somehow they need a little extra help? I think not, if we did it, the asians did it, the europeans did it, and the spanish did it, then the blacks have no excuse for not advancing their own cultures. How many billions of dollars in aid to their continent, UN Food drops, and advantages to take over infrastructure from other former colonies and not one single country to show for it in that damn continent?
Maybe if we stopped giving aid and left them alone and let them do their own thing, they woudl devise a way to come out of it like other nations have done in the past. There yet still might be hope for the blacks in Africa...but we may not see the benefits in our lifetime...
I'll just add, the mistake the early years of Israel made was to try to help the muslims with their great bright ideals. However, the Muslims and Arabs chose to be jealous and hence they resent Israel for being better than them.
Is it culture? Maybe
But sibling rivalry works in the same manner. Is sibling rivalry genetic? No..it's sociological...
Therefore, since many blacks are jealous and don't want to take responsiblity etc etc...it's not because of genetics..but also sociological reasons...
Human nature isn't meant to be humble unfortunately...Is it genetic? Maybe deep down in teh core it is....but it's a natural human/animal instinct. Therefore all races and mammals and other animals are capable of being this way..
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
This cookie person thinks that race is something which should be ignored and dismissed as though of no consequences, when, in fact, the denial of race has mortal consequences for each and every race on the planet.
All races have the right to exist, to be free from having their respective genomes diluted and ultimately extinguished, altogether.
Would the Negro race and the many Mongoloid sub-races, for example, welcome AND tolerate the destruction of their unique genomes to satisfy the murderous whims of the followers of the Marxist Liberal Political Correctness and diversity cult? Overwhelmingly, no! Why then, should the white races?
So our pal .....cookie is merely following on in the indoctrinating Marxist Liberal mould, ie, that race is somehow irrelevant and redundant, yet he knows fine well race is not irrelevant and meaningless in the eyes of the Negro, Semite and/or Mongoloid, for instance. Far from it, in fact.
Being of Semite stock myself, ie, I would ask this defective to desist from belittling the intelligence of white races when all along, what he is really all about is seeing all white races wiped of the face of the planet and out of their own ancestral homelands, if he could have his racist murderous way.
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
Thats my homeboy
I wouldn't let him in my home for he looks like a soul who is lost on the seas.If he chose to imitate the lowest common denominator of society.He might steal something. ;)
wayne jude
This cookie person thinks that race is something which should be ignored and dismissed as though of no consequences, when, in fact, the denial of race has mortal consequences for each and every race on the planet.
All races have the right to exist, to be free from having their respective genomes diluted and ultimately extinguished, altogether.
Would the Negro race and the many Mongoloid sub-races, for example, welcome AND tolerate the destruction of their unique genomes to satisfy the murderous whims of the followers of the Marxist Liberal Political Correctness and diversity cult? Overwhelmingly, no! Why then, should the white races?
So our pal .....cookie is merely following on in the indoctrinating Marxist Liberal mould, ie, that race is somehow irrelevant and redundant, yet he knows fine well race is not irrelevant and meaningless in the eyes of the Negro, Semite and/or Mongoloid, for instance. Far from it, in fact.
Being of Semite stock myself, ie, I would ask this defective to desist from belittling the intelligence of white races when all along, what he is really all about is seeing all white races wiped of the face of the planet and out of their own ancestral homelands, if he could have his racist murderous way.
Ellie you are a great poster, but I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not speaking in the spirit of political correctness when i talk about race.
I think you haven't read all of my posts either..so let me clarify for your sake what I'm referring to.
Most people have been so indoctrinated with race that they think that genetics and culture go together...and most people who think like this either take the route of being politically correct OR being "racist".
My tiff with some people in this forum recently, was in regards to posts that were considering certain races as inferior and others as superior. And by race, they were referring solely on genetics! Everybody is entilted to their opinion, but this forum isn't about genetics...This forum takes the route of talking about righteous cultures and evil cultures.
Now, blacks have a bad reputation..I agree with that. I would have a tough time trusting a black stranger than a white stranger...But it's not because the black person has more melanin and therefore born a savage. It's because blacks are overwhelmingly associated with violent crime, lazy behavior, dimwitness, jealousy etc...Not all blacks are like this, but a vast majority are. So personally, I'm goign to play it safe...Guilty until proven innocent. The same goes with Arabs and Muslims...So as you can read here...I'm referring to culture associated with what we tend to notice with a race.
However, it's not because they were born bad...Everyone has free will to do evil or to do good. Some blacks are amazing human beings and righteous...just as the opposite can be seen with Jews...There are many amazing Jews..but there are some who are just evil...and Judaism has one of the best if not the best cultures in my opinion. however, Jews aren't superior because of their genes...it's the culture which makes us so wonderful.
So i hope you understand, Ellie, what I mean. I'm not a marxist, I'm not a liberal. I'm a level headed person that's looking to make peace with good people...and i'm on this forum to distinguish good people from evil people. And I want everyone here to not be so shallow on who to hate and who to like. We are looking for better human beings. We do not need hatred only because of what we see genetically.. WE need to learn to distinguish good actions from evil actions. If we focus too much on genetics, we will only be causing a vicious cycle that we are only trying to eliminate.
Some one eat that damn cookie see if It tastes good ! O0 ;)
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
Nope he is a friggin loon.
His daddy should kick his .
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
Said it before and I'll say it again.........
Today's teenagers need a severe beating!
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
Said it before and I'll say it again.........
Today's teenagers need a severe beating!
And his parents too, you are a product of how you are raised.
Some one eat that damn cookie see if It tastes good ! O0 ;)
I'll take that as a compelement..except the cookie that you are thinking of eating is a dog...
LOL! :)
Cohen, would you let this White kid in your home ?
NO! :o
Why? have you no couch for him to sleep on
No but I could just as easily find a jail cell for him.
Very well spoken, Danny! I fully agree! I couldn't have said it better myself!
Well its far better that mullah crap thats being a focus here.
No, they're both equally bad and evil...I swear each day i go on this forum, the more I think it is a joke!
There's nothing bad or evil about talking about a scientific reality. It gets evil when it gets to the point where people are suggesting that actions be taken against people due to their differences. No one has suggested that. Discussing human genetics isn't evil but it can be used for evil purposes.
It's evil if you state or suggest that someone is inferior or superior to someone else based on their ethnic biology or genetics.
Because most of the people here are racist to an extent.
I agree that there are certainly some racist members on here, but I'd like to think that this doesn't apply to "most" members. We could take a poll to see, but anyone who is racist wouldn't recognize themselves as being racist. So the poll wouldn't work.
Because race has such a relationship to culture and culture is what determines behaviour. Sorry, but race IS relevant but not for the reason the nazis think it is.
It's still operating with a Nazi mentality.
So you are saying cookie we should not be proud of who we are. Rather you want us to hide the fact.
I am liberated woman, so you want my to be confined and restricted.
Next you want me to cover my hair too?
Oh yeah which does happen to be blonde, I am damned I know :::D
Of course I want people here to be proud of who they are. I want people to be proud that they are educated, proud to be smart, proud to be good artists, proud to be good professionals, proud to be righteous..Proud to be Righteous Christians, Proud to be Righteous Jews, Proud to be Righteous Italians, Proud to be Righteous Polish, Proud to be Righteous Australians, Proud to be a Righteous American...Proud to be a great Mother or Father.
I fully agree with what you're saying here. I'll even go so far as to say that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being white or black. It's only wrong if your pride gets equated to being against anyone who is not like you. I've seen some white supremecist videos where they state that it's okay for everybody else to show pride in themselves except for the whites. For me personally, I have no problem with anybody expressing their white pride. I only have a problem where they show their pride by bashing everybody who is not white.
Id have to say I think its not obsession with race ,Its how race is affecting the climate and the collapse of society[civilization] world wide.On the other hand one could say it is just the evil cultures we object to.The evil cultures belong to the different races,more or less.So by calling a rose a different name,it doesn't change the fact the rose is still a rose.
Wayne, I agree wtih you on this part...Since we see that the majority of blacks are involved in evil deeds, we certainly can't say that ALL blacks are bad, but we can assume that when we see a black person they are guilty until proven innocent...and if he proves himself righteous or close to it, then it's all good...
So if we are annoyed at blacks, for example, for their rap culture, and we talk about that, it's ok...
But just because they were born an African race and therefore they are inferior...that's unacceptable.
Guilty until proven innocent? I'm very surprised to see this coming from you. I don't think we should presume them guilty of anything until they have engaged in any guilty act against you as an individual.
[cookie]Because you don't believe as such ,Don't put those who do ,in the category of Nazis! :)
Wayne I know you are a good guy..no doubt about it. And i remember being upset with your user domain name..but I understand you better. I know that you like righteous people irregardless of race..But my advice to you is not to use genetics as a base of putting other people down...Certainly, Arabs are majority Muslim...Islam is evil..so when one sees an Arab, you have to be more on guard than if it were a white person...that's human nature...this is ok...
But I'm talkign about blatant obsession with race..and one claiming pride for looking a certain way genetically.
Finally, Whites do hav ea distinct culture from blacks as a race..However Whites, as blacks have multi nationalities..My advice is if one is white and wants to be proud, be proud of where you come from and not what you look like.
The problem is you are assuming we hate blacks because of how they look or their skin color, alright not the best looking race in my book, the issue here is their genetics that make them prone to violence. They need correcting, maybe because so many are infected with aids, it's started to make them more aggressive.
It's not their genetics that make them prone to violence, it's their culture. A black raised in the right culture will be just as talented and successful as a white person. According to your logic, even black babies who are adopted by white parents would also be more prone to violence. That simply doesn't make sense.
And Blacks are your enemy.If you forget that Boere you forsake your brethren.They are mine as well by their own choice!
They choose to be black?
Just one thing cookie.I don't believe them inferior just different.We all have superior and inferior attributes.however, if i see a lion coming down the road,Id be a fool to assume its one of those trained circus ones. :)
Why? have you no couch for him to sleep on
No I dont :laugh:
Maybe your experiences with African Americans has been peachy.Mine has not been.They have[Over all]Shown themselves to be the enemy of all I believe in.If there are nice ones out there great.I would never bother them.One is sleeping three feet away from me right now and she is safe as a baby.And Blacks are defiantly the enemies of the Boeres!
Tell me, what has Mr. Black invented? Has he fared to another continent ON HIS OWN?
And you claim that is 100% genetic? I think it's nature AND nurture...
But where does the 'nurture' originate? And why is their 'nurturing' inferior to ours?
Sounds like you're starting a chicken and the egg argument. I believe the nurturing starts in the socio-economic environment that someone is born into. I have taught in two different areas in the south Bronx, both who have only black or hispanic students. The one area was significantly a higher socio-economic area; more residential housing, more parental involvement, etc. The students at this school were much better behaved, much more respectful, and much more academically advanced compared to the students from the lower socio-economic area. But the races were exactly the same. So that wasn't the determining factor.
I have a chore to take care of so I have to leave but,We can talk later.See you all. :)
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, it was taken over by blacks and illegal aliens from Mexico. We were told everyones the same, we're all one race, human, blah blah blah. I never fell for it. Our teachers used to tell us skin color was the only thing that made us different. Ever seen an albino negro?
Oh yes, look how white they look.
The school systems are full of crap, it's nothing more than a way to boost children's self esteem. It's a way to make everyone feel equal and feel important, yes that's all it's about today is feelings and emotions, not productivity and facts. We distort the facts so we can satisfy the minorities in this country, meanwhile the leftists tell us that we should feel guilty and give minorities a chance. The idea of diversity and multiculturalism is nothing more than to destroy the world culture to appease a growing minority. The leftists want us to kiss their donkeys in hopes we can educate them and give them a better life so they can profit from it and use it for bragging rights. Diversity is a sham, I think we were better off with segregation, at least the crime was lower.
So I guess I should just tell all my black students the "truth" about them and how they aren't equal to whites in intellect and brains and how they just shouldn't bother applying themselves to their studies. If anything, they need to be told to study extra hard and perform extra well because of attitudes like these that are so prevalent in the world today.
Boere you are from the former great South Africa.I lived among wonderful blacks not for just a week but as my life.He cookie cant understand.He needs a wake up call.I know he means well.But that doesnt change reality!And reality is ugly!
That is soooo true Wayne.
Yeah true, there are some good blacks out there.
Yeah, we will talk again with Danny some day, after he went to afritopia
Yes, Danny is a good person whom only means well as you say, but keeping with that, there is a nice little saying i saw today:
"Liberals are so open minded, that their brains fell out" hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D :D :D :D
Yeah, and conservatives are so closed minded that they get strokes. :D :D :D :D :D
Just one thing cookie.I don't believe them inferior just different.We all have superior and inferior attributes.however, if i see a lion coming down the road,Id be a fool to assume its one of those trained circus ones. :)
You're comparing blacks to lions. Brilliant!
I think that it's okay to look at race and genetics when it comes to medical factors. For example, blacks have a higher chance of being a carrier of sickle cell. Certain races are more prone to getting diabetes and other medical conditions. In these cases, it's not racist to look at this and to report on this. But when it comes to stating that certain races are born with an evil, immoral, or inferior gene, then that is clearly racist.
You have lost me.YoU think blacks are your inferiors?Im confused what are you talking about.I don't hate blacks and just because I see them as my enemies?Your point.There is some truth to generalizations.They for sure are not my friends by there actions.
I don't think Im superiour to anyone.Tell your students their full of possibilities .why would I care.I wish them the best.Besides thats your job right? :)
Maybe you have me confused with "Ask the Ape guy".You should talk with him. ;)
Just one thing cookie.I don't believe them inferior just different.We all have superior and inferior attributes.however, if i see a lion coming down the road,Id be a fool to assume its one of those trained circus ones. :)
You're comparing blacks to lions. Brilliant!
Thats not fair I would have a Loin in my house far quicker than a black.
LOL ;)
I think that it's okay to look at race and genetics when it comes to medical factors. For example, blacks have a higher chance of being a carrier of sickle cell. Certain races are more prone to getting diabetes and other medical conditions. In these cases, it's not racist to look at this and to report on this. But when it comes to stating that certain races are born with an evil, immoral, or inferior gene, then that is clearly racist.
you just stated Inferior gene, thats a genetic fault the creates a medical weakness. As in heathwise DNA wise Black genes are very inferior, and since we are made up soley of our DNA then doesn't logically state that the product is inferior too.
LOL ;)
Evening 8;)
And by the way I guess The Ask the Ape thing is supposed to be funny ,but it is offensive.Is he Black? Is that the joke? Is it supposed to be like song of the south a great but not racist movie.Whats the deal.I don't get it.Why was Erika obsessed with me a non hater of anyone and figured that ape thing was ok.Confused,But Why not have ask the Nazi or ask the self hating Jew or self hating White.Sorry I just don't get it! :)The ones I mentioned might make more sense.Maybe some one can explain. :)
Please! :(
Its is simple people will only see what they want to see, regardless of what is reality.
And by the way I guess The Ask the Ape thing is supposed to be funny ,but it is offensive.Is he Black? Is that the joke? Is it supposed to be like song of the south a great but not racist movie.Whats the deal.I don't get it.Why was Erika obsessed with me a non hater of anyone and figured that ape thing was ok.Confused,But Why not have ask the Nazi or ask the self hating Jew or self hating White.Sorry I just don't get it! :)The ones I mentioned might make more sense.Maybe some one can explain. :)
Ask the ape thread is one of the great mystery's of the world. Don't try to figure it out. Just read and enjoy. If you try to figure it out you will only get a headache.
Please! :(
What race do you believe JB is? 8;) I think he looks just like his avatar. :)
So your saying its ok by Erika a black man would feed racism.Weird.Or you as well?And this Bi racial man is racist?Insane.
So your saying its ok by Erika a black man would feed racism.Weird.Or you as well?And this Bi racial man is racist?Insane.
I'm not racist. You speak out of both sides of your mouth. What was your problem with Erica again?
Did you and her go there together?I hope you don't show you little cat that.This Jew is too smart for this .You are WOW.!Bye
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
I agree with what you said against the racism. But to take you up on what you just wrote ...
If black people have more testosterone, then howcome they tend to be quite hairless ?
Black people tend to be quite big, it seems you relate that to them having more testosterone. Is that so?
Jews tend to be smaller than the average population, are you saying they have less?
If so, then part of you is an anti-semite, or a self hating jew, or a "self hating whitey". Somebody who thinks blacks are more masculine. Let me educate you. If you use google, you will see that Black people do not have longer members than white people. And I wouldn`t even conclude that they are stronger either(they just have a slower metabolism, so they get HUGE and that helps them to have the energy to workout and build lots of muscle. But they only get that if they workout). And they are not a hairy people. They are pretty much hairless. And they can sing really really high.
Notice how the black rap culture, they act like arrogant 10 year olds. Testosterone does not do that. Testosterone can turn you like that guy in "The Renegade", it can strongly affect your personality for the good like that. It can turn you into Bruce Lee, if you have the brains. And it can turn you into a Kahanist. It does not make you steal. If you don`t realise that, then maybe you need some. But don`t insult those that have it. And you are, by saying that blacks might have more.
So you are saying cookie we should not be proud of who we are. Rather you want us to hide the fact.
I am liberated woman, so you want my to be confined and restricted.
Next you want me to cover my hair too?
Oh yeah which does happen to be blonde, I am damned I know :::D
Of course I want people here to be proud of who they are. I want people to be proud that they are educated, proud to be smart, proud to be good artists, proud to be good professionals, proud to be righteous..Proud to be Righteous Christians, Proud to be Righteous Jews, Proud to be Righteous Italians, Proud to be Righteous Polish, Proud to be Righteous Australians, Proud to be a Righteous American...Proud to be a great Mother or Father.
I fully agree with what you're saying here. I'll even go so far as to say that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being white or black. It's only wrong if your pride gets equated to being against anyone who is not like you. I've seen some white supremecist videos where they state that it's okay for everybody else to show pride in themselves except for the whites. For me personally, I have no problem with anybody expressing their white pride. I only have a problem where they show their pride by bashing everybody who is not white.
I mean I guesss... :( just like someone being proud to br pretty. however looks only go skin deep... the right thing is to develop oneself beyond the looks
Id have to say I think its not obsession with race ,Its how race is affecting the climate and the collapse of society[civilization] world wide.On the other hand one could say it is just the evil cultures we object to.The evil cultures belong to the different races,more or less.So by calling a rose a different name,it doesn't change the fact the rose is still a rose.
Wayne, I agree wtih you on this part...Since we see that the majority of blacks are involved in evil deeds, we certainly can't say that ALL blacks are bad, but we can assume that when we see a black person they are guilty until proven innocent...and if he proves himself righteous or close to it, then it's all good...
So if we are annoyed at blacks, for example, for their rap culture, and we talk about that, it's ok...
But just because they were born an African race and therefore they are inferior...that's unacceptable.
Guilty until proven innocent? I'm very surprised to see this coming from you. I don't think we should presume them guilty of anything until they have engaged in any guilty act against you as an individual.
in real life i'm more lenient. the pc bug has already bitten me.
Just one thing cookie.I don't believe them inferior just different.We all have superior and inferior attributes.however, if i see a lion coming down the road,Id be a fool to assume its one of those trained circus ones. :)
circus or no circus i'm running the other way
yeah I didn't mean that towards you.That was an accident.Sorry
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
I agree with what you said against the racism. But to take you up on what you just wrote ...
If black people have more testosterone, then howcome they tend to be quite hairless ?
Black people tend to be quite big, it seems you relate that to them having more testosterone. Is that so?
Jews tend to be smaller than the average population, are you saying they have less?
If so, then part of you is an anti-semite, or a self hating jew, or a "self hating whitey". Somebody who thinks blacks are more masculine. Let me educate you. If you use google, you will see that Black people do not have longer members than white people. And I wouldn`t even conclude that they are stronger either(they just have a slower metabolism, so they get HUGE and that helps them to have the energy to workout and build lots of muscle. But they only get that if they workout). And they are not a hairy people. They are pretty much hairless. And they can sing really really high.
Notice how the black rap culture, they act like arrogant 10 year olds. Testosterone does not do that. Testosterone can turn you like that guy in "The Renegade", it can strongly affect your personality for the good like that. It can turn you into Bruce Lee, if you have the brains. And it can turn you into a Kahanist. It does not make you steal. If you don`t realise that, then maybe you need some. But don`t insult those that have it. And you are, by saying that blacks might have more.
You just chose 1000 conclusions based on my assumptions...
I never said blacks are hairy..but since you bring it up...they could be hairy in reality, but since their hair is so curly it doesn't seem that way...on the other hand Middle Eastern Men appear to be hairy, but only because their hairs are mostly straight...so i dont' get your point.
Don't htink there is anything self-hating about that...
I completely agree with you, Danny. 100%.
I can't stand most blacks (like Erica!), but it's because of how they are, not what they look like.
Bingo CF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
I agree with what you said against the racism. But to take you up on what you just wrote ...
If black people have more testosterone, then howcome they tend to be quite hairless ?
Black people tend to be quite big, it seems you relate that to them having more testosterone. Is that so?
Jews tend to be smaller than the average population, are you saying they have less?
If so, then part of you is an anti-semite, or a self hating jew, or a "self hating whitey". Somebody who thinks blacks are more masculine. Let me educate you. If you use google, you will see that Black people do not have longer members than white people. And I wouldn`t even conclude that they are stronger either(they just have a slower metabolism, so they get HUGE and that helps them to have the energy to workout and build lots of muscle. But they only get that if they workout). And they are not a hairy people. They are pretty much hairless. And they can sing really really high.
Notice how the black rap culture, they act like arrogant 10 year olds. Testosterone does not do that. Testosterone can turn you like that guy in "The Renegade", it can strongly affect your personality for the good like that. It can turn you into Bruce Lee, if you have the brains. And it can turn you into a Kahanist. It does not make you steal. If you don`t realise that, then maybe you need some. But don`t insult those that have it. And you are, by saying that blacks might have more.
You just chose 1000 conclusions based on my assumptions...
I never said blacks are hairy..but since you bring it up...they could be hairy in reality, but since their hair is so curly it doesn't seem that way...on the other hand Middle Eastern Men appear to be hairy, but only because their hairs are mostly straight...so i dont' get your point.
Don't htink there is anything self-hating about that...
why did you say that black people might have more testosterone ?
Let me tell you genetic facts:
Black people have very curly hair, dark skin, large teeth, big bones, flat noses, full lips...maybe more testosterone...
I agree with what you said against the racism. But to take you up on what you just wrote ...
If black people have more testosterone, then howcome they tend to be quite hairless ?
Black people tend to be quite big, it seems you relate that to them having more testosterone. Is that so?
Jews tend to be smaller than the average population, are you saying they have less?
If so, then part of you is an anti-semite, or a self hating jew, or a "self hating whitey". Somebody who thinks blacks are more masculine. Let me educate you. If you use google, you will see that Black people do not have longer members than white people. And I wouldn`t even conclude that they are stronger either(they just have a slower metabolism, so they get HUGE and that helps them to have the energy to workout and build lots of muscle. But they only get that if they workout). And they are not a hairy people. They are pretty much hairless. And they can sing really really high.
Notice how the black rap culture, they act like arrogant 10 year olds. Testosterone does not do that. Testosterone can turn you like that guy in "The Renegade", it can strongly affect your personality for the good like that. It can turn you into Bruce Lee, if you have the brains. And it can turn you into a Kahanist. It does not make you steal. If you don`t realise that, then maybe you need some. But don`t insult those that have it. And you are, by saying that blacks might have more.
You just chose 1000 conclusions based on my assumptions...
I never said blacks are hairy..but since you bring it up...they could be hairy in reality, but since their hair is so curly it doesn't seem that way...on the other hand Middle Eastern Men appear to be hairy, but only because their hairs are mostly straight...so i dont' get your point.
Don't htink there is anything self-hating about that...
why did you say that black people might have more testosterone ?
I'm not sure...
I vehemently disagree with those who argue that Zionism is racism. But it's very plain to see that there are a good number of Zionists who are racists, and that's a very big shame.
Well, I do think that at times we're too obsessed with race on JTF. That's one of the things I don't like about us; no need to provoke the Shvartas all the time, just once in a while is good enough.
Did you and her go there together?I hope you don't show you little cat that.This Jew is too smart for this .You are WOW.!Bye
I never understand your posts.
Let us agree to not discuss any issues. There. Problem solved. I have no gripes with you and I don't care what gripes you have with me.
The End. Happy Posting!
I vehemently disagree with those who argue that Zionism is racism. But it's very plain to see that there are a good number of Zionists who are racists, and that's a very big shame.
there is a fair number of anybody, it is a big world. Not much of a % though. It`d make an interesting vote, or bunch of votes