I fully agree with you Danny, who cares what race is "inferior" and what is "superior" ? It's irellevent subject for Israel, Europe and to the USA, because even if it will be prooved as a fact, it don't give you the right to take their right of tham, or to prevent from tham to live or even be free. I feel everyone is equeel, and I object to every hint or a clue of racism or a will to denounce some rights of a spacific "race" only because it's "inferior", even if it's prooved in the scientific aspect.
Are we White nationalist or Jewish nationalist site or a right wing site that conteins rational thoughts and ideas about Israel, Europe, USA, Islam and what to do what those things but does not conteins any racism of any kind ? If it's the first one, I don't think it's the right place for me .
I think it has everything to do with it. I don't care what the blacks do as long as they stay away from my home and my family.
It's better to know the facts and be knowledgeable than to be ignorant and make up excuses. People want the answers why blacks are so violent, I provided them. Or should I remain "politically correct" ?
IT's not genetics...saying that it is genetics is pure ignorance..Saying that it is cultural..well, I would have to agree with that.
I originally thought it was culture, but now I disregard that. American blacks, some people blame it on the gang culture, drugs, being raised with one parent, guns, education, poverty, injustice, slavery, etc.
Seems it's not just America, looks like this is a global problem.
Take into account Africa, look at the two. Gangs are nothing more than violent militias. We are at a constant state of war. Most of the conflicts in Africa are tribal warfare or state sponsored genocide. Some of it is religion absolutely. Most of these conflicts are over anything of value. Gold, Diamonds, Oil, etc.
In the United states, anything of value is generally drugs, guns, etc.
statistically speaking, there are more blacks in a demographic serving time in a correctional facility (prison, jail) than any other race, yet they make up a much smaller size of the population than whites. Some claim this is due to the injustice of our police, I disagree. If anything, I think blacks are used to being able to get away with crimes, they use that "whitey made me do it" excuse. Yes the white man was responsible for slavery and holding down the black man from getting a education. That's why they did it, I fully understand now.
They use any excuse in the book to justify their criminal activities. Does this mean all blacks are bad? No, just the majority. We must look at this from a statistic standpoint, it's certainly not poverty. There are many other races that live below the poverty line yet the murder rate is no where near as high as within the African American community.
I guess from a genetic standpoint, blacks could be more aggressive than other races. Perhaps there are certain factors regarding that we don't know about. Some animals are more aggressive than others, is it instincts? Is it genetics?