General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: artgijo on July 25, 2007, 05:09:32 AM
Why You Should not vote for BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ?
Join: http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=36185753
BARACK Hussein Obama can be a threat to America because of the following reasons
1. As a child he was a Muslim and got MADRASSA EDUCATION from his Stepfather at Indonesia.
2. The Madarassas preach hatred and Jihad and Obama Can be a terror sympathizer.
3. He is very keen to end war on terror and bring home the American Troups back home.
4. He never vehementaly protested against any Islamic Terror attack anywhere in the world.
5. He is very keen to hide his middle name HUSSEIN, Why is this?
6. He is the darling of Black Americans who hate whites and jews.
7. He is the darling of Muslims and People of Arab Origin in USA
8. He speaks like a white among white crowd and change color and speaks like an Opressed black among black crowd.
9. He seems to have less American values, but cunning politics.
10. Except being smart at talking, Obama don’t have much credentials like Opponent Mrs.Hillary Clinton
11. Obama if become president will segregate America into White and Non whites
12. Obama has not revealed his past to media and is very keen to hide his identity.
13. Obama can take revenge on white Americans, If given a chance by taking radical steps.
14. If OBAMA happens to be a sympathizer of ISLAMIC JIHAD, that will be the end of America.
15. OBAMA is a sympathizer of Black American Africans; he will encourage migration from Africa and change the demography of USA.
16. The world will loose respect for America, If it elect a black president.
17. There will be heavy polarization in politics, religion and Business, If Obama becomes American President.
18. So, It is better to avoid OBAMA as American President.
19. Most of those people who hate AMERICA will surely support Obama, this is a naked truth.
20. Anyone who has taken Islamic Education should be looked at with suspicion for the greater common good of the world.
21. Above all, OBAMA will disturb the equilibrium of American Society as a whole in many ways.
Excellant list.
"As a child he was a Muslim and got MADRASSA EDUCATION from his Stepfather at Indonesia."
Wrong. "I was not raised in a religious household," says Obama. He then goes on to say, "During the first five years that we would live in Indonesia, I was sent first to a neighborhood Catholic school and then to a predominantly Muslim school; in both cases my mother was less concerned with me learning the catechism or puzzling out the meaning of the muezzin's call to evening prayer that she was with whether I was properly learning my multiplication tables."
"The Madarassas preach hatred and Jihad and Obama Can be a terror sympathizer."
Wrong. Madarassas preach understanding and loving of you neighbor. As is said in the Qur'an, "And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with Him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of kin and the alien neighbor." You are also wrong in saying that Obama is a terror sympathizer. He said himself that he will send US troops into Pakistan to get those responsible for 9/11 if Pakistan is unwilling to cooperate.
"He is very keen to hide his middle name HUSSEIN, Why is this?"
I forgot that all Americans walk around professing their middle names to all who will listen.
"Except being smart at talking, Obama don’t have much credentials like Opponent Mrs.Hillary Clinton"
My first problem with this statement is the grammatical incorrectness. After that, my problem is with Hillary Clinton's "credentials". Are we talking about her taking millions in special interest dollars or her vote to send us to Iraq?
"The world will loose respect for America, If it elect a black president."
Once again, this sentence has grammar issues. Also, the world will only gain respect for America by electing an African-American President. Wait, I forgot. The world will respect us more for electing another rich, white man that goes about rampaging the planet with his forces of evil.
"There will be heavy polarization in politics, religion and Business, If Obama becomes American President."
How do you figure? Barack only talks of reaching a middle ground in politics. Says Obama in "The Audacity of Hope": "What's needed is a broad majority of Americans--Democrats, Republicans, and independents of goodwill--who are reengaged in the project of national renewal, and who see their own self-interest as inextricably linked to the interests of others."
In all, you must first understand what you're talking about before you begin talking about it.
I don'nt vote dem
If that is your personal choice, I respect it.
Anyone who does vote democrat is Anti-1st Amendment, anti-2nd Amendment, anti-G_d, anti-freedom and anti-American.
What is your proof for this statement? Unless you provide me with some proof, I have to regard your statement as heinous.
What is your proof for this statement? Unless you provide me with some proof, I have to regard your statement as heinous.
Look at their policies, stupid.
They are in favour of PC......a direct attack on free speech.
They are opposed to the 2nd Amendment .
They are anti-religious and support gay marriage.
They favour high taxation and big government, hence: anti freedom.
All of these positions are anathama to the priciples America was founded on.
Why You Should not vote for BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ?
Join: http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=36185753
BARACK Hussein Obama can be a threat to America because of the following reasons
1. As a child he was a Muslim and got MADRASSA EDUCATION from his Stepfather at Indonesia.
2. The Madarassas preach hatred and Jihad and Obama Can be a terror sympathizer.
3. He is very keen to end war on terror and bring home the American Troups back home.
4. He never vehementaly protested against any Islamic Terror attack anywhere in the world.
5. He is very keen to hide his middle name HUSSEIN, Why is this?
6. He is the darling of Black Americans who hate whites and jews.
7. He is the darling of Muslims and People of Arab Origin in USA
8. He speaks like a white among white crowd and change color and speaks like an Opressed black among black crowd.
9. He seems to have less American values, but cunning politics.
10. Except being smart at talking, Obama don’t have much credentials like Opponent Mrs.Hillary Clinton
11. Obama if become president will segregate America into White and Non whites
12. Obama has not revealed his past to media and is very keen to hide his identity.
13. Obama can take revenge on white Americans, If given a chance by taking radical steps.
14. If OBAMA happens to be a sympathizer of ISLAMIC JIHAD, that will be the end of America.
15. OBAMA is a sympathizer of Black American Africans; he will encourage migration from Africa and change the demography of USA.
16. The world will loose respect for America, If it elect a black president.
17. There will be heavy polarization in politics, religion and Business, If Obama becomes American President.
18. So, It is better to avoid OBAMA as American President.
19. Most of those people who hate AMERICA will surely support Obama, this is a naked truth.
20. Anyone who has taken Islamic Education should be looked at with suspicion for the greater common good of the world.
21. Above all, OBAMA will disturb the equilibrium of American Society as a whole in many ways.
And what if he is elected and none of the things on the list comes true, I wonder. I guess he'd just be another 'freak of nature'.
We got rid of one "HUSSEIN", we don't need another one IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Obama is nothing more than a media made candidate.
I would not even consider voting for anyone that has ties too islam. If any American, no matter what Theology you believe in, would vote for ANY ONE that has a remote affiliation with islam, then I would classify such people as the "Useful idiots for islam."
We got rid of one "HUSSEIN", we don't need another one IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Obama is nothing more than a media made candidate.
I would not even consider voting for anyone that has ties too islam. If any American, no matter what Theology you believe in, would vote for ANY ONE that has a remote affiliation with islam, then I would classify such people as the "Useful idiots for islam."
Madeline Albright as a former White House cabinet member is Czechoslovakian... (ETA: Spell check needed for that word. just didn't look right) ., if I'm not mistaken. Do you have any idea how many people hate people from that country?...its probably a small amount ::) but should she have been voted against because she is Slavic.
I can't believe that people are picking this man apart because of his MIDDLE and LAST name...and because he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia when he was 6 years old. Like he was part of Al Queda, toting a 25lb weapon around ...at 6. This was MANY years ago. You act like he had the choice as a baby not to be named Hussein or attend a Muslim school.
We got rid of one "HUSSEIN", we don't need another one IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Obama is nothing more than a media made candidate.
I would not even consider voting for anyone that has ties too islam. If any American, no matter what Theology you believe in, would vote for ANY ONE that has a remote affiliation with islam, then I would classify such people as the "Useful idiots for islam."
Madeline Albright as a former White House cabinet member is Chechoslovakian, if I'm not mistaken. Do you have any idea how many people hate people from that country?...its probably a small amount ::) but should she have been voted against because she is Chech?
I can't believe that people are picking this man apart because of his MIDDLE and LAST name...and because he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia when he was 6 years old. Like he was part of Al Queda, toting a 25lb weapon around ...at 6. This was MANY years ago. You act like he had the choice as a baby not to be named Hussein or attend a Muslim school.
He refuses to renounce islam and call it evil. That makes HIM evil.
Notice no ebonics?
You didn't twist anything, so you get normal text. :)
Erica ,
Would you vote for a muslim presidential candidate ?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=CGEnKh0ocb0 (http://youtube.com/watch?v=CGEnKh0ocb0)
I can't say whether or not I would vote for a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, or an atheist based only on the fact that that is their religious beliefs. I can say, however, that I would vote for someone based on their views on important issues.
I can't say whether or not I would vote for a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, or an atheist based only on the fact that that is their religious beliefs. I can say, however, that I would vote for someone based on their views on important issues.
You liberals really are stupid.
If someone is a muslim, they MUST believe is islam dominating the world. They MUST believe in murdering Jews. They MUST believe in sharia law.
So how does this belief NOT effect their views on important issues?
I can't say whether or not I would vote for a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, or an atheist based only on the fact that that is their religious beliefs. I can say, however, that I would vote for someone based on their views on important issues.
Muslims have no business in the White House or any other high level government position. I will go out on a limb and say that at the very most they should be restricted to local politics only and only after a very careful background check.
I can't say whether or not I would vote for a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, or an atheist based only on the fact that that is their religious beliefs. I can say, however, that I would vote for someone based on their views on important issues.
I can say I would not vote for a muslim . You seem too be undecided on this issue. Why is this ?
Erica ,
Would you vote for a muslim presidential candidate ?
I said it once, I'll say it again. Anyone who has our country's best interest at heart, gets my vote. The point is though that Obama isn't a Muslim. He might have been at 6 years old..a mere baby... but he isn't anymore. And just because he won't say I HATE MUSLIMS, dosen't make him evil.
Ok, you would vote for a muslim candidate for the President of the USA. I see where you stand, and I am totally opposed too your point of view.
Erica ,
Would you vote for a muslim presidential candidate ?
I said it once, I'll say it again. Anyone who has our country's best interest at heart, gets my vote. The point is though that Obama isn't a Muslim. He might have been at 6 years old..a mere baby... but he isn't anymore. And just because he won't say I HATE MUSLIMS, dosen't make him evil.
Your twisting things again, so I'll have to call you Jemima. You know the rules.
I said he hasn't denounced islam. You just invented "hate" to twist things.
Ok, you would vote for a muslim candidate for the President of the USA. I see where you stand, and I am totally opposed too your point of view.
I can't help that. And the word isn't 'too' as in "too many"... its "TO.
Erica ,
Would you vote for a muslim presidential candidate ?
I said it once, I'll say it again. Anyone who has our country's best interest at heart, gets my vote. The point is though that Obama isn't a Muslim. He might have been at 6 years old..a mere baby... but he isn't anymore. And just because he won't say I HATE MUSLIMS, dosen't make him evil.
No one on this forum asked obama too say he hates muslims. You did.
Ok, you would vote for a muslim candidate for the President of the USA. I see where you stand, and I am totally opposed too your point of view.
I can't help that. And the word isn't 'too' as in "too many"... its "TO.
Don't worry about my spelling, you understand my point, those that cannot debate, defame.
You liberals really are stupid.
If someone is a muslim, they MUST believe is islam dominating the world. They MUST believe in murdering Jews. They MUST believe in sharia law.
So how does this belief NOT effect their views on important issues?
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
I can say I would not vote for a muslim . You seem too be undecided on this issue. Why is this ?
If you will vote or not vote for someone solely based on whether or not they think that Mohamed is the last prophet or not, then, you are truly small-minded. I am not undecided. I told you that I decide a candidate's worth based on what he/she stands on important issues.
Don't worry about my spelling, you understand my point, those that cannot debate, defame.
There needs to be no explanation about why I added this quote.
Ok, you would vote for a muslim candidate for the President of the USA. I see where you stand, and I am totally opposed too your point of view.
I can't help that. And the word isn't 'too' as in "too many"... its "TO.
Don't worry about my spelling, you understand my point, those that cannot debate, defame.
You should know.
You liberals really are stupid.
If someone is a muslim, they MUST believe is islam dominating the world. They MUST believe in murdering Jews. They MUST believe in sharia law.
So how does this belief NOT effect their views on important issues?
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
I can say I would not vote for a muslim . You seem too be undecided on this issue. Why is this ?
If you will vote or not vote for someone solely based on whether or not they think that Mohamed is the last prophet or not, then, you are truly small-minded. I am not undecided. I told you that I decide a candidate's worth based on what he/she stands on important issues.
Don't worry about my spelling, you understand my point, those that cannot debate, defame.
There needs to be no explanation about why I added this quote.
Thank you for being part of the solution, HelpAmerica.
I don't own a copy of the Qu'ran but by the admissions of people here, in the Muslim faith, you must kill Jews. Thanks for researching that.
I just wanted too let the forum understand where you stand. You have explained it. You would vote for a muslim candidate. It is your opinion. I respect your opinion, even though I disagree with it. I will not take potshots at you, or degrade you in any way shape or form. If you believe a muslim President would be a good thing for America, I don't hate you, I pity you.
Erica ,
Would you vote for a muslim presidential candidate ?
I said it once, I'll say it again. Anyone who has our country's best interest at heart, gets my vote. The point is though that Obama isn't a Muslim. He might have been at 6 years old..a mere baby... but he isn't anymore. And just because he won't say I HATE MUSLIMS, dosen't make him evil.
Once a muslim always a muslim. I am sure that somewhere deep down he has some sympathy for muslims and in the times we live in this is something we can do without. More importantly Obama is inept on the issues. The few times he has opened his mouth on any important issues he has laid an egg. He only does well when he talks about social feel good issues. With the world as it is now the last thing we need is a black Jimmy Carter.
Erica you texted "I don't own a copy of the Qu'ran "
Then how can you speak of things you have not read ?
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
HelpAmerica the muslims view Abraham as a MUSLIM.
Erica ,
Would you vote for a muslim presidential candidate ?
I said it once, I'll say it again. Anyone who has our country's best interest at heart, gets my vote. The point is though that Obama isn't a Muslim. He might have been at 6 years old..a mere baby... but he isn't anymore. And just because he won't say I HATE MUSLIMS, dosen't make him evil.
Once a muslim always a muslim. I am sure that somewhere deep down he has some sympathy for muslims and in the times we live in this is something we can do without. More importantly Obama is inept on the issues. The few times he has opened his mouth on any important issues he has laid an egg. He only does well when he talks about social feel good issues. With the world as it is now the last thing we need is a black Jimmy Carter.
Once a Muslim always a Muslim? Really now? Does that belief hold true across all religions? If so, then we're all atheists deep down.
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
I am actually quite sure that the Qur'an and the way that the Prophet Mohamed lived his life are the limits of Islamic beliefs. Anything beliefs held outside of these beliefs by Islamic people are personal and political beliefs.
HelpAmerica the muslims view Abraham as a MUSLIM.
This is true, but they still would not kill the people who identify with Abraham if they are following true Islamic Law.
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
I am actually quite sure that the Qur'an and the way that the Prophet Mohamed lived his life are the limits of Islamic beliefs. Anything beliefs held outside of these beliefs by Islamic people are personal and political beliefs.
You're an idiot.
Rosaries aren't in the Catholics' Bible, but they ARE catholic belief.
HelpAmerica ,
Why are you in this forum DEFENDING ISLAM ?
Madeline Albright as a former White House cabinet member is Czechoslovakian... (ETA: Spell check needed for that word. just didn't look right) ., if I'm not mistaken. Do you have any idea how many people hate people from that country?...its probably a small amount but should she have been voted against because she is Slavic.
NoToBright albright is a traitiarous kike and i'd never vote for her,i'd vote for bozo the clown before her
Catholicism is not what is under question here. If you want to bring Catholicism into the debate, I have other problems with it other than what is and isn't their beliefs.
Also, I hardly think that resorting to name-calling is a mature way to defeat someone in a debate. As mosquewatch said: those that cannot debate, defame.
I am not only defending Islam: I am only defending what is truth. Some people here are making some unfounded, bogus claims, and I really don't like that. I would do the same for any religion coming under question.
You defend islam, then you agree with it.
Kitty is getting hungry.
Catholicism is not what is under question here. If you want to bring Catholicism into the debate, I have other problems with it other than what is and isn't their beliefs.
Also, I hardly think that resorting to name-calling is a mature way to defeat someone in a debate. As mosquewatch said: those that cannot debate, defame.
I am not only defending Islam: I am only defending what is truth. Some people here are making some unfounded, bogus claims, and I really don't like that. I would do the same for any religion coming under question.
I raised catholicism 'coz of your dumb claims about the koran being the extent of islamic belief. My point is that the beliefs of many religions go beyond their scripture. And YOU KNOW IT!
Newman, he is trying to cloud the issue, by bringing something else up. It's a classic tact of those that agree with islam, and want in some way to "get along with everyone" dementia kind of attitude.
How am I clouding the issue? And you're so quick to assume that I'm a "he".
Like I said, keep up the name-calling. I'm really enjoying it.
How am I clouding the issue? And you're so quick to assume that I'm a "he".
Like I said, keep up the name-calling. I'm really enjoying it.
We NEVER 'assumed' you had a pair.
Your clouding the issue by pretending not to understand why I gave the example of catholics and roraries to disprove your claims about the koran being the limit of muslims' beliefs and saying I'm bringing them into the debate.
How am I clouding the issue? And you're so quick to assume that I'm a "he".
Like I said, keep up the name-calling. I'm really enjoying it.
I'm enjoying you expose who you are on this forum. What side will the mods take. Mine or yours ?
That's up to the American people to decide, but, up until now, you have yet to show me how Islam, and notice how I didn't use the word "Muslim", could lead someone into evil-doing. So, how can you use that against Barack Obama?
That's up to the American people to decide, but, up until now, you have yet to show me how Islam, and notice how I didn't use the word "Muslim", could lead someone into evil-doing. So, how can you use that against Barack Obama?
The world's most senior islamic clerics are on record as stating islam must dominate the world and impose sharia. That's how.
PS: Mohamad is a rapist pig.
If you like the JTF forum so much, please watch a video that Chaim did about obama.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=D0pPoWw0r6o (http://youtube.com/watch?v=D0pPoWw0r6o)
That's up to the American people to decide, but, up until now, you have yet to show me how Islam, and notice how I didn't use the word "Muslim", could lead someone into evil-doing. So, how can you use that against Barack Obama?
The world's most senior islamic clerics are on record as stating islam must dominate the world and impose sharia. That's how.
PS: Mohamad is a rapist pig.
Mohammed ibn sharmuta
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
Sunk so low?? You really don't know what your dealing with here. You haven't even started to hear insults when it comes to muslim animals
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
islam is not a religion, it is a killing cult. And you are a damn fool, with all due respect.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=D0pPoWw0r6o (http://youtube.com/watch?v=D0pPoWw0r6o)
I just wanted too let the forum understand where you stand. You have explained it. You would vote for a muslim candidate. It is your opinion. I respect your opinion, even though I disagree with it. I will not take potshots at you, or degrade you in any way shape or form. If you believe a muslim President would be a good thing for America, I don't hate you, I pity you.
Did you read anywhere where I typed "YES I would vote for a Muslim?" I said I'd vote for anyone who has our country's best interest at heart. How did that translate automatically into "I'll vote for a Muslim in a heartbeat." to you?
And again , Obama isn't a Muslim, he's a Christian. Get your facts straight.
Erica you texted "I don't own a copy of the Qu'ran "
Then how can you speak of things you have not read ?
Well, let me tell you something. Someone here quoted what they read from the Qu'ran and that was what I needed to see. I don't have to own a copy of it to carry an opinion about it.
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
That's up to the American people to decide, but, up until now, you have yet to show me how Islam, and notice how I didn't use the word "Muslim", could lead someone into evil-doing. So, how can you use that against Barack Obama?
The world's most senior islamic clerics are on record as stating islam must dominate the world and impose sharia. That's how.
PS: Mohamad is a rapist pig.
Oh, and he's also DEAD!!! Get out of the past already!
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
YEah, and you smell so NICE right now, newman. Give me a break. You and a lot of other people who live in NY are bashing the entire Muslim religion for what one rogue Islamic monster did to our country. I understand the anger but you shouldn't call 2 billion people evil, cultish and unwashed animals. Since no one has caught Bin Laden, I guess you need someone to blame, huh... Lets blame all of the little innocent Muslim Children living in our country for his evils. ::)
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
In that case, lets call out King James who had an incestuous relationship with his own mother. Yet, he's responsible for wording the Bible which we're supposed to be following..."Judge not les ye be judged."
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
YEah, and you smell so NICE right now, newman. Give me a break. You and a lot of other people who live in NY are bashing the entire Muslim religion for what one rogue Islamic monster did to our country. I understand the anger but you shouldn't call out 2 billion people evil, cultish and unwashed animals. Since no one has caught Bin Laden, I guess you need someone to blame, huh... Lets blame all of the little innocent Muslim Children living in our country for his evils. ::)
What about all the PLO, HAMAS, Al Quaida, Black September terrorists? What about ALL the suicide bombers??? Are you mad, Erica?
What about the 100s of millions who cheer and support these 100s of thosands of terrorists?
And you say "one" muslim? ???
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
In that case, lets call out King James who had an incestuous relationship with his own mother. Yet, he's responsible for wording the Bible which we're supposed to be following..."Judge not les ye be judged."
Stuff king james.
That Bible is wrong. I follow Torah. :)
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
YEah, and you smell so NICE right now, newman. Give me a break. You and a lot of other people who live in NY are bashing the entire Muslim religion for what one rogue Islamic monster did to our country. I understand the anger but you shouldn't call out 2 billion people evil, cultish and unwashed animals. Since no one has caught Bin Laden, I guess you need someone to blame, huh... Lets blame all of the little innocent Muslim Children living in our country for his evils. ::)
What about all the PLO, HAMAS, Al Quaida, Black September terrorists? What about ALL the suicide bombers??? Are you mad, Erica?
What about the 100s of millions who cheer and support these 100s of thosands of terrorists?
And you say "one" muslim? ???
Clarification is in order. Bin Laden is one of the many muslim terrorists in the world who kills EVERYONE, he didn't discriminate on 9/11. He didn't target Jews, he targeted EVERY race...How much do you want to bet that there were Muslims working in the Twin Towers, in the Pentagon, on Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania? I'm not saying that every Muslim is nice, cuddly and sweet... I'm saying that I'm sure that there were a lot of Muslim Americans who were here during that time hurting just like we were. But instead of banning together as a country, everyone, including people in NY, targeted Muslim store owners, and Muslim people on the streets. All because the person to blame for the entire catastrophe could not be found. Smart.
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
In that case, lets call out King James who had an incestuous relationship with his own mother. Yet, he's responsible for wording the Bible which we're supposed to be following..."Judge not les ye be judged."
Stuff king james.
That Bible is wrong. I follow Torah. :)
I thought you said you were Catholic?
ETA: I see you didn't use a racial qualifier to discribe King James. After all, he did lay down with his mother. Where is all of the vile you usually spit at people like him? Muhammed got called a rapist... but King James is just King James, huh?lol
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
In that case, lets call out King James who had an incestuous relationship with his own mother. Yet, he's responsible for wording the Bible which we're supposed to be following..."Judge not les ye be judged."
Stuff king james.
That Bible is wrong. I follow Torah. :)
I thought you said you were Catholic?
ETA: I see you didn't use a racial qualifier to discribe King James. After all, he did lay down with his mother. Where is all of the vile you usually spit at people like him? Muhammed got called a rapist... but King James is just King James, huh?lol
Iwas born a catholic, but like a three day old bullkitten, my eyes are wide open now. :o
ETA: At least king james kept it in the family. ;)
He didn't diddle kiddies like mohammerhead, either.
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
YEah, and you smell so NICE right now, newman. Give me a break. You and a lot of other people who live in NY are bashing the entire Muslim religion for what one rogue Islamic monster did to our country. I understand the anger but you shouldn't call 2 billion people evil, cultish and unwashed animals. Since no one has caught Bin Laden, I guess you need someone to blame, huh... Lets blame all of the little innocent Muslim Children living in our country for his evils. ::)
Erica - What is your problem with New Yorkers?
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
In that case, lets call out King James who had an incestuous relationship with his own mother. Yet, he's responsible for wording the Bible which we're supposed to be following..."Judge not les ye be judged."
Stuff king james.
That Bible is wrong. I follow Torah. :)
I thought you said you were Catholic?
ETA: I see you didn't use a racial qualifier to discribe King James. After all, he did lay down with his mother. Where is all of the vile you usually spit at people like him? Muhammed got called a rapist... but King James is just King James, huh?lol
Iwas born a catholic, but like a three day old bullkitten, my eyes are wide open now. :o
ETA: At least king james kept it in the family. ;)
He didn't diddle kiddies like mohammerhead, either.
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
The koran has NOTHING to do with it. The koran is NOT the LIMIT of islamic belief.
Sharia law, Jew killing and world domination ARE islamic beliefs.
Actually they are EVIL Muslim beliefs.
"evil muslim" is redundant. ALL muslims are evil by their very nature as ALL nazis are evil.
In that case, lets call out King James who had an incestuous relationship with his own mother. Yet, he's responsible for wording the Bible which we're supposed to be following..."Judge not les ye be judged."
Stuff king james.
That Bible is wrong. I follow Torah. :)
I thought you said you were Catholic?
ETA: I see you didn't use a racial qualifier to discribe King James. After all, he did lay down with his mother. Where is all of the vile you usually spit at people like him? Muhammed got called a rapist... but King James is just King James, huh?lol
Iwas born a catholic, but like a three day old bullkitten, my eyes are wide open now. :o
ETA: At least king james kept it in the family. ;)
He didn't diddle kiddies like mohammerhead, either.
From what I read here, Muhammad didn't rape anyone. He was arranged to marry someone who was waay younger than he was. That's how it is in many places where women become parts of harems and such. Hell, even in the US there are Mormons who marry young ladies as young as 15 years old...but I don't see you talking about them. That leads me to think that you have a one-track mind... Hate the Muslims, EVery one of them....
From what I read here, Muhammad didn't rape anyone. He was arranged to marry someone who was waay younger than he was. That's how it is in many places where women become parts of harems and such. Hell, even in the US there are Mormons who marry young ladies as young as 15 years old...but I don't see you talking about them. That leads me to think that you have a one-track mind... Hate the Muslims, EVery one of them....
Mo' married a 6 year old and banged her at 9! THAT'S RAPE!!!!!!
Muslims are 1,000 times worse than any mormon perverts will ever be.
From what I read here, Muhammad didn't rape anyone. He was arranged to marry someone who was waay younger than he was. That's how it is in many places where women become parts of harems and such. Hell, even in the US there are Mormons who marry young ladies as young as 15 years old...but I don't see you talking about them. That leads me to think that you have a one-track mind... Hate the Muslims, EVery one of them....
Mo' married a 6 year old and banged her at 9! THAT'S RAPE!!!!!!
Muslims are 1,000 times worse than any mormon perverts will ever be.
She wasn't 6...
Muhammad was 52 and Aisha was 9 when they married and sexually consummated their marriage. Muhammad followed an Arab custom in marrying a child who had her first menstrual cycle. This action must be questioned, regardless of it being a cultural norm, because Muhammad's action and teachings on marriage established an Islamic precedent: a girl is judged an adult following her first menses, and is eligible for marriage and sexual relations. Thus Muslim men are allowed to marry and have intercourse with young girls who have happened to have an early first menstrual cycle. As will be shown, this leads to physical and psychological damage to the child.
Muhammad's first wife - Khadija, died a few years before he fled to Medina. Later, he was encouraged to take another wife. At the age of 49 he was betrothed to Aisha, age six. Aisha was his closest friend's, Abu Bakr's, daughter. At that time, she had already been betrothed to another man but by mutual consent the betrothal was dissolved. Three years later, following her first menstrual cycle, he then formally married and sexually consummated his marriage with her.
Most Western people know it is not in a 9 year old girl's best interest to engage in marriage and sexual relations with a 52 year old man, regardless of the cultural setting. We know that, in our culture today, a person doing such a thing could possible be sent to prison for sex with a minor, statutory rape, or other related laws. Most of us find it questionable for Muhammad, a self proclaimed prophet of God, to do such a thing. We expect a real prophet to know better, or at least hear from God on the matter.
What is more critical than Muhammad's single action with Aisha is that he taught that a girl is considered an adult following her first menstrual cycle. He also taught that his followers were to follow his "sunnah" or lifestyle. Thus today, throughout much of the Mideast, girls as young as nine are often married by men old enough to be their grandfather."
... the custom in late 500 BC, was for Muslim men to marry girls when they had their first periods (sensitive...and I'm cringing because I have girls)... Aisha was 6 years old when they were engaged and 9 when she married Mohammed. Not something the Western civilization looks fondly on at all but we can't go back and prosecute Mohammed in his own country, with his own rules for having sex with a 9 year old, who was his wife. This man has been dead since before Christ.
Although I'd kill a man in America or anywhere DEAD for eyeing my daughters in that way... I didn't exist in Mohammed and Aisha's time.
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
YEah, and you smell so NICE right now, newman. Give me a break. You and a lot of other people who live in NY are bashing the entire Muslim religion for what one rogue Islamic monster did to our country. I understand the anger but you shouldn't call 2 billion people evil, cultish and unwashed animals. Since no one has caught Bin Laden, I guess you need someone to blame, huh... Lets blame all of the little innocent Muslim Children living in our country for his evils. ::)
Erica - What is your problem with New Yorkers?
I dont' have a problem with NY'ers in general but I do have a problem with those who treated innocent Muslims unfairly after 911. This goes for Chicagoans and anyone else who has committed hate crimes against Muslims who have nothing to do with the horror of 911.
What's your problem with Blacks?
Do you EVER read other people's posts properly, Erica???
I said married at 6, banged at 9!!!!!!
And it's STILL RAPE!!!!!!!!!
Do you EVER read other people's posts properly, Erica???
I said married at 6, banged at 9!!!!!!
And it's STILL RAPE!!!!!!!!!
It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then.
So, now we've sunk so low as to insult the religion of more than 2 billion people across the world?
The death cult of 2 billion stinking, unwashed animals.
YEah, and you smell so NICE right now, newman. Give me a break. You and a lot of other people who live in NY are bashing the entire Muslim religion for what one rogue Islamic monster did to our country. I understand the anger but you shouldn't call 2 billion people evil, cultish and unwashed animals. Since no one has caught Bin Laden, I guess you need someone to blame, huh... Lets blame all of the little innocent Muslim Children living in our country for his evils. ::)
Erica - What is your problem with New Yorkers?
I dont' have a problem with NY'ers in general but I do have a problem with those who treated innocent Muslims unfairly after 911. This goes for Chicagoans and anyone else who has committed hate crimes against Muslims who have nothing to do with the horror of 911.
What's your problem with Blacks?
What New Yorkers treated Muslims unfairly after 9/11?
I've explained that to you before - should I do it again?
Do you EVER read other people's posts properly, Erica???
I said married at 6, banged at 9!!!!!!
And it's STILL RAPE!!!!!!!!!
It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then.
Look at what you've just said Erica.
You don't know if sex with a 9 year old is rape??? Like a kid can consent????
You won't judge anything before you were born, huh? So you don't judge nazis murdering 6 million Jews?? You don't judge slave owners in the South of the 1800s??? You don't judge those who lynched blacks in the 1930s?????
Because there was no law against raping slave women in 1849 Mississippi, you din't have a problem?????
You are morally vaccuous!!
Do you EVER read other people's posts properly, Erica???
I said married at 6, banged at 9!!!!!!
And it's STILL RAPE!!!!!!!!!
It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then.
Look at what you've just said Erica.
You don't know if sex with a 9 year old is rape??? Like a kid can consent????
You won't judge anything before you were born, huh? So you don't judge nazis murdering 6 million Jews?? You don't judge slave owners in the South of the 1800s??? You don't judge those who lynched blacks in the 1930s?????
Because there was no law against raping slave women in 1849 Mississippi, you din't have a problem?????
You are morally vaccuous!!
I am a sexual abuse survivor. I didn't consent to my abuser's advances... so NO I DON"T, as I said before, condone that behavior. At 9 years old a child is just getting to know her body, but if its beaten into your head since the womb that 'this is how things are going to turn out for you' I can see how a child MIGHT go into the situation mentally prepared for it...while not being physically prepared.
After I was molested at 5 it went on until I was 10 so it became common place for it to happen every weekend, like clock work. It may very well have been rape , Mohammed and Aisha, I don't know...all I can tell you that I wouldnt' condone it today with my own children..I'd kill the man first... (No doubt you'll read right over that...)
It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then.
Look at what you've just said Erica.
You don't know if sex with a 9 year old is rape??? Like a kid can consent????
You won't judge anything before you were born, huh? So you don't judge nazis murdering 6 million Jews?? You don't judge slave owners in the South of the 1800s??? You don't judge those who lynched blacks in the 1930s?????
Because there was no law against raping slave women in 1849 Mississippi, you din't have a problem?????
You are morally vaccuous!!
I am a sexual abuse survivor. I didn't consent to my abuser's advances... so NO I DON"T, as I said before, condone that behavior. At 9 years old a child is just getting to know her body, but if its beaten into your head since the womb that 'this is how things are going to turn out for you' I can see how a child MIGHT go into the situation mentally prepared for it...while not being physically prepared.
After I was molested at 5 it went on until I was 10 so it became common place for it to happen every weekend, like clock work. It may very well have been rape , Mohammed and Aisha, I don't know...all I can tell you that I wouldnt' condone it today with my own children..I'd kill the man first... (No doubt you'll read right over that...)
Address the other points. You only just addressed the first of my questions.
Like you not judging things that happened before you were borne. What about nazis, slave owners, kkk of the 30s etc?
It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then.
Look at what you've just said Erica.
You don't know if sex with a 9 year old is rape??? Like a kid can consent????
You won't judge anything before you were born, huh? So you don't judge nazis murdering 6 million Jews?? You don't judge slave owners in the South of the 1800s??? You don't judge those who lynched blacks in the 1930s?????
Because there was no law against raping slave women in 1849 Mississippi, you din't have a problem?????
You are morally vaccuous!!
I am a sexual abuse survivor. I didn't consent to my abuser's advances... so NO I DON"T, as I said before, condone that behavior. At 9 years old a child is just getting to know her body, but if its beaten into your head since the womb that 'this is how things are going to turn out for you' I can see how a child MIGHT go into the situation mentally prepared for it...while not being physically prepared.
After I was molested at 5 it went on until I was 10 so it became common place for it to happen every weekend, like clock work. It may very well have been rape , Mohammed and Aisha, I don't know...all I can tell you that I wouldnt' condone it today with my own children..I'd kill the man first... (No doubt you'll read right over that...)
Address the other points. You only just addressed the first of my questions.
Like you not judging things that happened before you were borne. What about nazis, slave owners, kkk of the 30s etc?
[/quote] I don't feel I have to address those points because I have in the past here as well as in the present. YOU know that. What happened to Jews in the holocaust is in no way relative to what a culture was like thousands of years before laws were set in place, universally, to protect people from war crimes. The holocaust was not cultural, it was the brainwork of a Nazi maniac...No doubt Hitler and Stalin and who ever else joined forces to torture innocent people are burning in hell now. As for slavery, it was just as an abomination as the holocaust and slavery of Jews. So hell no I don't agree with THOSE practices which were the brainchild of lazy, maniacal, men (and women... Queen Liz I)... But as I said before, slavery wasn't a part of American culture either. This goes for the development of the KKK of the 1800's- now... nothing to do with culture at all...
Now, in the muslim community, there is no one betrothed to 6 year olds anymore because laws are set into place today to protect children from exploitation of that kind.
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
Since you choose to selectively quote the Koran to prove your point then let me do the same.
"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-)
"Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." (Surah 2:216)
"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)
"Believers, when you encounter the infidels on the march, do not turn your backs to them in flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons...he shall incur the wrath of God and Hell shall be his home..." (Surah 8:12-)
"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)
"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 8:51-)
...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)
"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)
"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)
Erica you texted "I don't own a copy of the Qu'ran "
Then how can you speak of things you have not read ?
Well, let me tell you something. Someone here quoted what they read from the Qu'ran and that was what I needed to see. I don't have to own a copy of it to carry an opinion about it.
You do not have to OWN a copy of it but you do need to know what it contains to formulate an intelligent opinion and be able to argue for or against it.
Erica only believes something is wrong if there's a law on a statude against it, somewhere. So it's OK for muslims to honour kill their daughters over there because there's no law against it???
Erica only believes something is wrong if there's a law on a statude against it, somewhere. So it's OK for muslims to honour kill their daughters over there because there's no law against it???
Who are you to say what I believe, newman? A suthsayer? There should be a law against muslims killing their daughters who are raped/ defiled..I don't condone that at all. Where do you get this shite?
Saying, "I'd kill a man if they looked at my daughters in that light...its not something I'd agree to today." isn't enough to appease you.
Erica only believes something is wrong if there's a law on a statude against it, somewhere. So it's OK for muslims to honour kill their daughters over there because there's no law against it???
Who are you to say what I believe, newman? A suthsayer? There should be a law against muslims killing their daughters who are raped/ defiled..I don't condone that at all. Where do you get this shite?
Your words is where I get it from:
Erica: "It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then. "
Erica only believes something is wrong if there's a law on a statude against it, somewhere. So it's OK for muslims to honour kill their daughters over there because there's no law against it???
Who are you to say what I believe, newman? A suthsayer? There should be a law against muslims killing their daughters who are raped/ defiled..I don't condone that at all. Where do you get this shite?
Your words is where I get it from:
Erica: "It was the custom then. How do you know it was rape? I don't condone it but I can't change what happened then and what still happens in other cultures who celebrate marrying children off to old, funky men! Like I said, I have daughters and would kill someone dead for looking at them crooked-eyed. But I can't stand in judgement of something that happened way before I was even thought of in this world. There were no laws for children then. "
I CAN stand in judgement of something that happens to children NOW and since I've been born. I can't go back and change what Mohammed did to Aliah. But I can help prevent things like that from happening to other innocent children. That's what I meant, newman.
Nobody said anything about you 'changing' things back then !! How could you?
But you defended islam's crimes by saying you won't judge what happened before you were born(1) and that there were no laws protecting children then(2).
So (1) means you won't judge ANYTHING before you were born such as nazis or slave traders.
And (2) means you see nothing wrong with ANYTHING if there are no laws in place....such as honor killings in the mid east.
Your whole defense of supporting a muslim candidate is based on that argument. So you must admit that either you are immoral or that you are wrong to support a muslim candidate.
Newman, I'm wondering, why would a non muslim vote for a muslim?
It seems around the planet, the muslims have one hell bent agenda to kill any non muslim and muslims they can find. For what reason would an American vote for a muslim candidate ? I find no reason.
Nobody said anything about you 'changing' things back then !! How could you?
But you defended islam's crimes by saying you won't judge what happened before you were born(1) and that there were no laws protecting children then(2).
So (1) means you won't judge ANYTHING before you were born such as nazis or slave traders.
And (2) means you see nothing wrong with ANYTHING if there are no laws in place....such as honor killings in the mid east.
Your whole defense of supporting a muslim candidate is based on that argument. So you must admit that either you are immoral or that you are wrong to support a muslim candidate.
Everytime I say something other than what YOU would say you assume I'm defending evil blacks or defending EVIL Muslims. YES what Mohammed did would be against the law today and is deplorable to me... but it was about culture then. There are African girls promised to men old enough to be their grandfathers also, I wouldn't participte in it but that's a culture I cannot change. I consider the practice of older men marrying young girls to be disgusting.... even in Mohammed and Aliah's case. But what am I to do but disagree with the practice. The man isn't alive to pay for the crime...yet you act as though he's standing in front of you. However when I mentioned King James, because he wasn't Muslim you gave him the pass of 'pervert'. You hightened one crime and lowered the other simply because the OTHER wasn't of the culture/religion you hate.
Erica ,
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
Erica ,
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
I don't know of islam being a religion. I do know some muslims who are peaceful though. From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right? However, I would never follow a religion which states that women are 3rd class citizens, must walk 10 feet behind their husbands, and cover themselves from head to toe because their men are jealous that someone might find them attractive. That part of what I know about Muslim culture/religion turns me off especially.
Erica ,
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
I don't know of islam being a religion. I do know some muslims who are peaceful though. From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right? However, I would never follow a religion which states that women are 3rd class citizens, must walk 10 feet behind their husbands, and cover themselves from head to toe because their men are jealous that someone might find them attractive. That part of what I know about Muslim culture/religion turns me off especially.
But you stated that you would vote for a muslim if he had America's interests at heart. Given that a muslim must believe in treating women as third class citizens, how could that be in America's best interests?
Erica ,
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
I don't know of islam being a religion. I do know some muslims who are peaceful though. From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right? However, I would never follow a religion which states that women are 3rd class citizens, must walk 10 feet behind their husbands, and cover themselves from head to toe because their men are jealous that someone might find them attractive. That part of what I know about Muslim culture/religion turns me off especially.
It was a simple "yes" or "no" question, Erica. I ask again, do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
Erica, you do realize, your non answer, was an answer don't you ?
Erica ,
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
I don't know of islam being a religion. I do know some muslims who are peaceful though. From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right? However, I would never follow a religion which states that women are 3rd class citizens, must walk 10 feet behind their husbands, and cover themselves from head to toe because their men are jealous that someone might find them attractive. That part of what I know about Muslim culture/religion turns me off especially.
But you stated that you would vote for a muslim if he had America's interests at heart. Given that a muslim must believe in treating women as third class citizens, how could that be in America's best interests?
We are putting nails in the coffin. ;)
Erica, you do realize, your non answer, was an answer don't you ?
Actually, Genius, I was not home after you asked the question mosquewatch. I had to take my daughter to work and visit an auto mechanic.
Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.
As for the question, I ANSWERED IT ALREADY. I DON'T KNOW if the religion is one of peace or not I AM NOT INVESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT IT! Was that not clear enough?
Erica ,
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
I don't know of islam being a religion. I do know some muslims who are peaceful though. From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right? However, I would never follow a religion which states that women are 3rd class citizens, must walk 10 feet behind their husbands, and cover themselves from head to toe because their men are jealous that someone might find them attractive. That part of what I know about Muslim culture/religion turns me off especially.
But you stated that you would vote for a muslim if he had America's interests at heart. Given that a muslim must believe in treating women as third class citizens, how could that be in America's best interests?
First of all, Barack Obama isn't a Muslim. For the last time. He is a Christian. You act as if you have the market cornered on converting from one religion to another. You make acceptions for yourself because you hate Muslims and that's all you have to go on. WHy is it okay for you to convert from Christianity to the Jewish faith and not be questioned about it, but totally unacceptable for Barack Obama to convert from Muslim to Christianity? What makes YOU so special?
"From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right?"
As for the question, I ANSWERED IT ALREADY. I DON'T KNOW if the religion is one of peace or not I AM NOT INVESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT IT!
This lack of critical thinking is astounding from a supposedly intelligent person.
She doesn't know if it's a religion of peace or not.
She's either totally blind or living in an alternate universe that doesn't get the unrelenting daily barrage of news stories detailing the never ending atrocities perpetrated by mooozies in the name of islime.
And this person is going to be a teacher.
The thought of an ignoramus like this teaching children is really scary.
"You make acceptions for yourself because you hate Muslims and that's all you have to go on."
Probably going to be an English teacher too.
"You make acceptions for yourself because you hate Muslims and that's all you have to go on."
Probably going to be an English teacher too.
Yes, I'm going to be an English teacher... Homophones are my weakness as you can see.. luckily, this is one of the only words I have trouble with (sound alike, look different). The appropriate word is "exceptions". Now please, go and correct the spellings of those people here who use the word "too" instead of "to" out of context. Or "then" instead of "than" in sentences like, "I would _____ rather then _____". Thank you.
"From some of the passages that Help America posted it sounds like the muslim religion is peaceful but I'd have to be a member of the club to know for sure right?"
As for the question, I ANSWERED IT ALREADY. I DON'T KNOW if the religion is one of peace or not I AM NOT INVESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT IT!
This lack of critical thinking is astounding from a supposedly intelligent person.
She doesn't know if it's a religion of peace or not.
She's either totally blind or living in an alternate universe that doesn't get the unrelenting daily barrage of news stories detailing the never ending atrocities perpetrated by mooozies in the name of islime.
And this person is going to be a teacher.
The thought of an ignoramus like this teaching children is really scary.
First of all, my studies have nothing to do with whether the Muslim religion is of peace or not. I hear of evil muslims, much like KKK members who misinterpret everything they read in their religious text. There are Muslims who live in America who don't subscribe to the evil that Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein preach/preached. I hear about evil Muslims all of the time... I don't personally know any, though. As for the religion, like I said, I'm not invested in learning about it. I'm not all about hating an entire people for what some people in the group do. If you're comfortable with that, then do what you feel is right for you.
I'm not ignorant, by any means but I have gathered from reading your posts and some others' posts that YOU are ignorant. You hate to hear about positivity. So dewell in that pitiful attitude you carry around if you want. You can't live my life for me. As for me being a teacher, I'll be a damned good one...this I know.
Erica, When you become a teacher...............
Will you invite 'Uncle Newman' to the school to give some ebonics lessons?
Erica, When you become a teacher...............
Will you invite 'Uncle Newman' to the school to give some ebonics lessons?
I wouldn't invite you to a rat race, newman, in all honesty. You're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Yes, I'm going to be an English teacher... Homophones are my weakness as you can see..
Yes, I can see.
In other words, you have a problem spelling words that sound alike.
I thought English teachers were supposed to be able to differentiate between and correctly spell such words.
I'd like my 'sun' 'two' 'bee' 'taut' 'buy' people who can correctly spell words that sound like others, but actually mean something entirely else.
Without acception, but I guess thats two much too axe four.
"As for the religion, like I said, I'm not invested in learning about it".... "I'm not ignorant"
Of course you're ignorant.
You're not only ignorant, you choose to remain ignorant by not 'investing' in learning about a topic you've chosen to discuss in this forum.
Then you cast negative aspersions on others who actually are knowledgeable by calling them ignorant and hateful, while ascribing the trait of positivity to yourself.
The great Rav Kahane made a very true observation. He used to say "They're not only ignorant, they're arrogant."
He was so right.
Yes, I'm going to be an English teacher... Homophones are my weakness as you can see..
Yes, I can see.
In other words, you have a problem spelling words that sound alike.
I thought English teachers were supposed to be able to differentiate between and correctly spell such words.
I'd like my 'sun' 'two' 'bee' 'taut' 'buy' people who can correctly spell words that sound like others, but actually mean something entirely else.
Without acception, but I guess thats two much too axe four.
"As for the religion, like I said, I'm not invested in learning about it".... "I'm not ignorant"
Of course you're ignorant.
You're not only ignorant, you choose to remain ignorant by not 'investing' in learning about a topic you've chosen to discuss in this forum.
Then you cast negative aspersions on others who actually are knowledgeable by calling them ignorant and hateful, while ascribing the trait of positivity to yourself.
The great Rav Kahane made a very true observation. He used to say "They're not only ignorant, they're arrogant."
He was so right.
Arrogant people assume they're right all of the time... I guess that could count for a great number of the people here. No one [eta... too general] there are some people here who never admit when they're wrong or even correct each other when they've spelled a word wrong or used incorrect sentence structure... That's arrogance to me.
First of all Muck, my being here in the first place wasn't about talking about Islam at all. I was asked from the very beginning what I thought about it and I told every last one of you what I thought about it. Apparently you don't want that, you want my response to be "duh, you're right, I'm black". Whatever. At least I have no problem admitting when I'm ahead of myself and apologizing for mistakes I make here.
And before I become an English teacher, I'm pretty sure I'll have accept and except's contexts straight. At least I'm not exhibiting myself the way some of you do; typing in ebonics in an effort to 'piss the black girl off'. But like I said before, while you're correcting my spelling, why don't you correct the mispellings and incorrect sentence structures of those people here who are as imperfect as I am. huh?
mullah Erica needs an immedient ban!
mullah Erica needs an immedient ban!
Because don't agree with some of the posters here? Because I'm fed up with being insulted and watching other people being passed over for their imperfections? ::) Somebody please stop the tears from flowing! ...I'm simply nothing without JTF!!! ::) (marked sarcasm).
mullah Erica needs an immedient ban!
No.......she's fun.
I love it when she gets mad. She texts like a black chick in the movies.
mullah Erica needs an immedient ban!
No.......she's fun.
I love it when she gets mad. She texts like a black chick in the movies.
Actually YOU text like a black chick in the movies. You've never read a post where I've typed anythig in ebonics to explain something to you... How could you speak about how hip hop culture should stop speaking in ebonics and then turn around and use the same vernacular to express yourself, however smarmy that may be? If you dont' like ebonics, don't use it.
mullah Erica needs an immedient ban!
No.......she's fun.
I love it when she gets mad. She texts like a black chick in the movies.
Actually YOU text like a black chick in the movies. You've never read a post where I've typed anythig in ebonics to explain something to you... How could you speak about how hip hop culture should stop speaking in ebonics and then turn around and use the same vernacular to express yourself, however smarmy that may be? If you dont' like ebonics, don't use it.
But rappin' wid a sista make me feel all hip n funky, knowwumsayin'?
And before I become an English teacher, I'm pretty sure I'll have accept and except's contexts straight. At least I'm not exhibiting myself the way some of you do; typing in ebonics in an effort to 'piss the black girl off'. But like I said before, while you're correcting my spelling, why don't you correct the mispellings and incorrect sentence structures of those people here who are as imperfect as I am. huh?
Why Erica, I thought you'd appreciate me pointing out your spelling error.
Touchy, touchy.
I have pointed out other spelling errors made by posters when I've noticed them in the past.
I just thought it was more important in your case because you've mentioned a desire to be a teacher.
A simple 'thank you, Muck' would have sufficed.
Honestly Erica, I wouldn't worry about being able to spell words like 'exceptions' and 'soothsayer' correctly in your quest to become a teacher.
People who can't read or write attend Harvard.
We're living in a society and culture now where standards are so low that they're virtually nonexistent or meaningless.
It would be unfair to prevent you from being an English teacher just because you have difficulty spelling.
mullah Erica needs an immedient ban!
No.......she's fun.
I love it when she gets mad. She texts like a black chick in the movies.
Actually YOU text like a black chick in the movies. You've never read a post where I've typed anythig in ebonics to explain something to you... How could you speak about how hip hop culture should stop speaking in ebonics and then turn around and use the same vernacular to express yourself, however smarmy that may be? If you dont' like ebonics, don't use it.
But rappin' wid a sista make me feel all hip n funky, knowwumsayin'?
I'm not your sister. No matter how much ebonics you use, you'll always be that person on the outside looking in. You think you have your finger on the pulse of what's happening socially in the black community, but what you really have is a superiority complex. You'll always be a negative influence on society as we know it...no better than evil blacks at all.
It's 'racism' to disqualify any black from anything for any reason......even test scores, experience or formal qualifications.
And before I become an English teacher, I'm pretty sure I'll have accept and except's contexts straight. At least I'm not exhibiting myself the way some of you do; typing in ebonics in an effort to 'piss the black girl off'. But like I said before, while you're correcting my spelling, why don't you correct the misspellings and incorrect sentence structures of those people here who are as imperfect as I am. huh?
Why Erica, I thought you'd appreciate me pointing out your spelling error.
Touchy, touchy.
I have pointed out other spelling errors made by posters when I've noticed them in the past.
I just thought it was more important in your case because you've mentioned a desire to be a teacher.
A simple 'thank you, Muck' would have sufficed.
Honestly Erica, I wouldn't worry about being able to spell words like 'exceptions' and 'soothsayer' correctly in your quest to become a teacher.
People who can't read or write attend Harvard.
We're living in a society and culture now where standards are so low that they're virtually nonexistent or meaningless.
It would be unfair to prevent you from being an English teacher just because you have difficulty spelling.
I had no problem with you pointing out my spelling error, just do the same for everyone else who spells incorrectly and stop singling me out simply because I disagree with you. I'm tired of saying "I'm sorry for this..." or "My bad for that..." because in the end it means nothing to you guys. NOTHING AT ALL. I even told you that those words are my enemy (basically) and you still bashed me on them. I can't win for losing.
You had the unmitigated nerve to call me ignorant before pointing out that I'd spelled the word incorrectly (or used the wrong word) It wasn't a spelling error, but a context error (just thought I'd point that out). The day you respect me enough not to call me names like ignorant when I make a grammatical error, and then correct me, will be the day that I simply say "Thank you, Muck. I wish I'd caught that earlier. :) "
It's 'racism' to disqualify any black from anything for any reason......even test scores, experience or formal qualifications.
Its discriminatory to disqualify a black person from anything because of their color. Its NOT racism to disqualify a black person from anything because of cheating or what have you. Explain the 'experience or formal' aspect of your post, please.
It's 'racism' to disqualify any black from anything for any reason......even test scores, experience or formal qualifications.
Its discriminatory to disqualify a black person from anything because of their color. Its NOT racism to disqualify a black person from anything because of cheating or what have you. Explain the 'experience or formal' aspect of your post, please.
I mean when blacks can't enter a particular occupation like Police, Fire Dept, Teaching etc in sufficient numbers because too few can qualify, the affirmative action crowd say it's 'racist' and order the employer to lower the selection standards.
It's 'racism' to disqualify any black from anything for any reason......even test scores, experience or formal qualifications.
Its discriminatory to disqualify a black person from anything because of their color. Its NOT racism to disqualify a black person from anything because of cheating or what have you. Explain the 'experience or formal' aspect of your post, please.
I mean when blacks can't enter a particular occupation like Police, Fire Dept, Teaching etc in sufficient numbers because too few can qualify, the affirmative action crowd say it's 'racist' and order the employer to lower the selection standards.
Newman, why do you worry about such things? Are you looking to become a fireman or a teacher for that matter? I know just as well as you do that AA is overrated and there are some blacks who take the service and abuse it until there is no rhyme or reason to have it in the first place. That's why I don't claim anything by affirmative action. Everything I have, I've worked for...I didn't have to rely on the NAACP for anything in my lfe. And even now, there is nothing I can't do because there is nothing and NO ONE holding me back. While I think that the program needs to be kinked altogether, I don't concern myself with AA at all. It isn't benefitting me now, and hasn't benefitted me in the past.
It's 'racism' to disqualify any black from anything for any reason......even test scores, experience or formal qualifications.
Its discriminatory to disqualify a black person from anything because of their color. Its NOT racism to disqualify a black person from anything because of cheating or what have you. Explain the 'experience or formal' aspect of your post, please.
I mean when blacks can't enter a particular occupation like Police, Fire Dept, Teaching etc in sufficient numbers because too few can qualify, the affirmative action crowd say it's 'racist' and order the employer to lower the selection standards.
Newman, why do you worry about such things? Are you looking to become a fireman or a teacher for that matter? I know just as well as you do that AA is overrated and there are some blacks who take the service and abuse it until there is no rhyme or reason to have it in the first place. That's why I don't claim anything by affirmative action. Everything I have, I've worked for...I didn't have to rely on the NAACP for anything in my lfe. And even now, there is nothing I can't do because there is nothing and NO ONE holding me back. While I think that the program needs to be kinked altogether, I don't concern myself with AA at all. It isn't benefitting me now, and hasn't benefitted me in the past.
You're driving me nuts.
There are 40,000,000 blacks in the USA! Why do you assume that comments about blacks-in-general are about YOU, specifically?
It's 'racism' to disqualify any black from anything for any reason......even test scores, experience or formal qualifications.
Its discriminatory to disqualify a black person from anything because of their color. Its NOT racism to disqualify a black person from anything because of cheating or what have you. Explain the 'experience or formal' aspect of your post, please.
I mean when blacks can't enter a particular occupation like Police, Fire Dept, Teaching etc in sufficient numbers because too few can qualify, the affirmative action crowd say it's 'racist' and order the employer to lower the selection standards.
Newman, why do you worry about such things? Are you looking to become a fireman or a teacher for that matter? I know just as well as you do that AA is overrated and there are some blacks who take the service and abuse it until there is no rhyme or reason to have it in the first place. That's why I don't claim anything by affirmative action. Everything I have, I've worked for...I didn't have to rely on the NAACP for anything in my lfe. And even now, there is nothing I can't do because there is nothing and NO ONE holding me back. While I think that the program needs to be kinked altogether, I don't concern myself with AA at all. It isn't benefitting me now, and hasn't benefitted me in the past.
You're driving me nuts.
There are 40,000,000 blacks in the USA! Why do you assume that comments about blacks-in-general are about YOU, specifically?
Right now, I am the only black person in this forum and you are complaining to me about different things happening in the black community. I take these things personally because its not like you're speaking AROUND me, you're speaking to me about these things. The same thing with Ask The Ape. That subject wasn't thought of until a moderator mentioned to the forum that I'd pulled the JTF rebuttal videos to post my own "Ask A Black Person" videos. I was talked about like trash but everyone still asked "why do you think JB or anyone was referring to you?" Why is everything about you?" It is what it is.
Right now, I am the only black person in this forum and you are complaining to me about different things happening in the black community. I take these things personally because its not like you're speaking AROUND me, you're speaking to me about these things. The same thing with Ask The Ape. That subject wasn't thought of until a moderator mentioned to the forum that I'd pulled the JTF rebuttal videos to post my own "Ask A Black Person" videos. I was talked about like trash but everyone still asked "why do you think JB or anyone was referring to you?" Why is everything about you?" It is what it is.
If a bunch of Aussies were in the news for being hooligans at the Munich beer festival and posters were discussing it, I wouldn't jump up and down and respond with "I don't do that". I'd never be so full of myself that I'd ASSUME every comment about an Aussie or a white was about ME.
Right now, I am the only black person in this forum and you are complaining to me about different things happening in the black community. I take these things personally because its not like you're speaking AROUND me, you're speaking to me about these things. The same thing with Ask The Ape. That subject wasn't thought of until a moderator mentioned to the forum that I'd pulled the JTF rebuttal videos to post my own "Ask A Black Person" videos. I was talked about like trash but everyone still asked "why do you think JB or anyone was referring to you?" Why is everything about you?" It is what it is.
If a bunch of Aussies were in the news for being hooligans at the Munich beer festival and posters were discussing it, I wouldn't jump up and down and respond with "I don't do that". I'd never be so full of myself that I'd ASSUME every comment about an Aussie or a white was about ME.
Because you're biased in this and every discussion.
When I entered this site, my every move was recorded..even before I got here! WHen I removed my JTF rebuttal videos to post my own "Ask A BLack Person" videos , someone posted it. Then Johnson Brown said "Ask A Black Person?" When did Apes and Monkeys start talking? Lets just ask THIS ape....
I'm not making an assumption, newman... the thread wasn't about some other black person making videos it was about me.
As far as your bash, you never specified that you were talking about anyone but me because your question was "Ask Erica what suburb she's moving in in 4 years so that JTFers can be on the look out for low property values"... (not a direct quote but paraphrased).
When you say YOU people, you include "me" , when you say "YOUR TRIBESMEN", you include me, "When you say "YOUR brothers and sisters"... You include me. Why can't you see that?
You had the unmitigated nerve to call me ignorant before pointing out that I'd spelled the word incorrectly (or used the wrong word) It wasn't a spelling error, but a context error (just thought I'd point that out). The day you respect me enough not to call me names like ignorant when I make a grammatical error, and then correct me, will be the day that I simply say "Thank you, Muck. I wish I'd caught that earlier. "
Erica, it's not unmitigated nerve to call you ignorant. It's a factual, accurate observation.
Your reading comprehension skills also leave something to be desired.
My calling you ignorant was in reference to you admitting that you know little about Islam (you're not 'invested' in learning about it), but being critical of those who denounce Islam.
Your inability to differentiate between 'accept' and 'except' is merely another example of your ignorance.
Your posts indicated you can't determine whether Islam is a religion of peace or not. You also have indicated that since you're not a Muslim you can't accurately determine whether Islam is a religion of peace or not.
Not knowing about Islam makes you ignorant.
Being unable to decide whether Islam is peaceful or not despite the never ending terrorist atrocities, mayhem, and murder perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam, doesn't mean you're ignorant.
No, that wouldn't be ignorance.
Ignoring the overwhelming evidence that Islam is not a religion of peace, and feeling you can't make a judgement about Islam because you're not a Muslim would be stupidity.
But I wouldn't call you stupid.
We do have rules on this forum.
When I entered this site, my every move was recorded..even before I got here! WHen I removed my JTF rebuttal videos to post my own "Ask A BLack Person" videos , someone posted it. Then Johnson Brown said "Ask A Black Person?" When did Apes and Monkeys start talking? Lets just ask THIS ape....
I know we're supposed to be striving to become a mass movement and all, and Johnson Brown's comment sure isn't helping....but I can't stop laughing.
Funny stuff.
Muck, I've been loving this particular thread for awhile lol. It's hilarious too ask a "yes" or "no" question, and get a 3 paragraph answer. ;)
Muck, I've been loving this particular thread for awhile lol. It's hilarious too ask a "yes" or "no" question, and get a 3 paragraph answer. ;)
Its a whole lot better than..."Duh, I dunno..."
Muck, I've been loving this particular thread for awhile lol. It's hilarious too ask a "yes" or "no" question, and get a 3 paragraph answer. ;)
Its a whole lot better than..."Duh, I dunno..."
Who's talking ebonics now?
Newman, I present this "yes" or "no" question for you.
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
It seems I can not get a direct answer from some others. Will you help me out Newman, please ?
Newman, I present this "yes" or "no" question for you.
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
It seems I can not get a direct answer from some others. Will you help me out Newman, please ?
Gee................I'll have to think about that.
Newman, I present this "yes" or "no" question for you.
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
It seems I can not get a direct answer from some others. Will you help me out Newman, please ?
Gee................I'll have to think about that.
LOL thankya!!! Yes or no questions are easy. :)
Muck, I've been loving this particular thread for awhile lol. It's hilarious too ask a "yes" or "no" question, and get a 3 paragraph answer. ;)
Its a whole lot better than..."Duh, I dunno..."
Who's talking ebonics now?
That's not ebonics, FYI.
Newman, I present this "yes" or "no" question for you.
Do you believe islam is a religion of peace ?
It seems I can not get a direct answer from some others. Will you help me out Newman, please ?
Gee................I'll have to think about that.
LOL thankya!!! Yes or no questions are easy. :)
So I lose either way...either I answer YES and appease you, or I answer no and I make you hate me...but damned if I answer the question in my own way. I can't answer yes to something I've heard about but don't know much about...and I can't answer no to a question for the same reason. Stop looking for carbon copy thinkers like yourself in everyone else. Not everyone is going to kiss your behind and agree with everything you say.
Getting back to O'bummer...................
What about his mother?
A white girl from the prairie heartland marries a negroe muslim!!
What a lowlife whore she'd be!
If the "muslim" part of his upbringing was "no big deal" as he tries to make it now that he was outed, then why did he try to hide it in the first place....because he KNOWS no freaking way will a muslim be elected president in the US
Anyone who votes for this muslim animal after islam's declaration of war on America is a traitor or a lunatic.
If the "muslim" part of his upbringing was "no big deal" as he tries to make it now that he was outed, then why did he try to hide it in the first place....because he KNOWS no freaking way will a muslim be elected president in the US
Are you sure there are enough of us sane people - I'm not so sure anymore.
Osama-obama must think so because he did try to keep that quiet. Islam isnt something with a revolving door, its Hotel California, you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave....so he is either a muslim or an apostate, if he is the latter, then we all know what the penalty for that is ;)
Osama-obama must think so because he did try to keep that quiet. Islam isnt something with a revolving door, its Hotel California, you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave....so he is either a muslim or an apostate, if he is the latter, then we all know what the penalty for that is ;)
If o'bummer really left islam, why havn't they put a death sentence on him like they would anybody else??
;DBecause he hasnt left
;DBecause he hasnt left
All four imams (the founders of the four schools of Islamic law) -- may Allah have mercy upon them -- agree that the apostate whose fall from Islam is beyond doubt -- may Allah forbid it -- must be killed, and his blood must be spilled without reservation. The hypocrite and heretic (zindiq) who poses as a Muslim but has secretly remained an unbeliever must also be killed.
I would have to agree with your assessment.
;DBecause he hasnt left
We got rid of one "HUSSEIN", we don't need another one IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Obama is nothing more than a media made candidate.
I would not even consider voting for anyone that has ties too islam. If any American, no matter what Theology you believe in, would vote for ANY ONE that has a remote affiliation with islam, then I would classify such people as the "Useful idiots for islam."
Madeline Albright as a former White House cabinet member is Czechoslovakian... (ETA: Spell check needed for that word. just didn't look right) ., if I'm not mistaken. Do you have any idea how many people hate people from that country?...its probably a small amount ::) but should she have been voted against because she is Slavic.
I can't believe that people are picking this man apart because of his MIDDLE and LAST name...and because he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia when he was 6 years old. Like he was part of Al Queda, toting a 25lb weapon around ...at 6. This was MANY years ago. You act like he had the choice as a baby not to be named Hussein or attend a Muslim school.
Madeline Notsobright was appointed not elected.
We got rid of one "HUSSEIN", we don't need another one IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Obama is nothing more than a media made candidate.
I would not even consider voting for anyone that has ties too islam. If any American, no matter what Theology you believe in, would vote for ANY ONE that has a remote affiliation with islam, then I would classify such people as the "Useful idiots for islam."
Madeline Albright as a former White House cabinet member is Czechoslovakian... (ETA: Spell check needed for that word. just didn't look right) ., if I'm not mistaken. Do you have any idea how many people hate people from that country?...its probably a small amount ::) but should she have been voted against because she is Slavic.
I can't believe that people are picking this man apart because of his MIDDLE and LAST name...and because he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia when he was 6 years old. Like he was part of Al Queda, toting a 25lb weapon around ...at 6. This was MANY years ago. You act like he had the choice as a baby not to be named Hussein or attend a Muslim school.
Madeline Notsobright was appointed not elected.
Sorry, my mistake... she was appointed. I don't see how its different (other than the fact that the People didn't vote her in.) Either way, she became a White House Cabinet member.
Getting back to O'bummer...................
What about his mother?
A white girl from the prairie heartland marries a negroe muslim!!
What a lowlife whore she'd be!
She marries one man and she's a whore? Now its against the law to settle down and marry someone that you love? Or is she a 'whore' because she married an African Muslim? *Answer is SO obvious...*.
Getting back to O'bummer...................
What about his mother?
A white girl from the prairie heartland marries a negroe muslim!!
What a lowlife whore she'd be!
She marries one man and she's a whore? Now its against the law to settle down and marry someone that you love? Or is she a 'whore' because she married an African Muslim? *Answer is SO obvious...*.
Of coarse it's obvious. She married way beneath herself.
Getting back to O'bummer...................
What about his mother?
A white girl from the prairie heartland marries a negroe muslim!!
What a lowlife whore she'd be!
She marries one man and she's a whore? Now its against the law to settle down and marry someone that you love? Or is she a 'whore' because she married an African Muslim? *Answer is SO obvious...*.
Of coarse it's obvious. She married way beneath herself.
You know that sounds silly right? That's something a little kid who dosen't know any better says. She married someone who was a human just like she was. Just because he was black, dosen't make him subhuman. In that case, I should think I'm conversing beneath myself when I reply to you and your posts. Ignorant, flaky, anal people make me itch.
Of coarse it's obvious. She married way beneath herself.
You know that sounds silly right? That's something a little kid who dosen't know any better says. She married someone who was a human just like she was. Just because he was black, dosen't make him subhuman. In that case, I should think I'm conversing beneath myself when I reply to you and your posts. Ignorant, flaky, anal people make me itch.
Of coarse he was sub-human. He was african AND muslim! The two WORST possible things anyone could be. A silverback gorilla has more humanity than such a creature.
Of coarse it's obvious. She married way beneath herself.
You know that sounds silly right? That's something a little kid who dosen't know any better says. She married someone who was a human just like she was. Just because he was black, dosen't make him subhuman. In that case, I should think I'm conversing beneath myself when I reply to you and your posts. Ignorant, flaky, anal people make me itch.
Of coarse he was sub-human. He was african AND muslim! The two WORST possible things anyone could be. A silverback gorilla has more humanity than such a creature.
Anyone who dosen't look exactly like you is subhuman. You act really ignorant and intolerant most of the time, isn't that a 'subhuman' characteristic?
this "man" is dangerous..there is no other way to say it.
Help the America is taqiya using Muslim; he/she lied about Koran and hadith being peacefull; http://jtf.org/forum_english/index.php?topic=3995.15
It shoud be reportred to mods; But I cannot decide who's worse Her or moraly vacuous ignorant-arroagant afirmative action woud be teacher who cannot spell English; Aisha was not only woman raped by Mahomet:
M uch has been spoken about the inhuman treatment of women in Islam. If one wants to know the reason behind this, one has to closely examine Mohammed's personal life. As far as women are conecerned, they were just objects of sexual desire for Prophet Mohammed.
Here I expose the insatiable sexual appetite that Mohammed possessed. This goes to show that among others, one of the main reasons for forming this insidious religion, Islam, was so that sex was freely available to the male followers in the name of Allah. As I have already proved in my article, Wondrous Treatment of Women In Islam, the Quran justifies treating a woman as nothing but an object for sexual desire and sometimes even an ordinary object would be treated better. Suras in the Quran seem to pop up conveniently, so that Mohammed can justify his perverted sexual actions. For example, when Mohammed wanted his adopted son's wife, he suddenly got a revelation from Allah declaring it right to take another man's wife. When he wanted to stop his wives from quarreling or to accept more wives, he got a quick revelation for it. My above points are illustrated from the verses taken from Sura 33.
(Sura 33:28) "O Prophet! Say to thy consorts: 'If it be that ye desire the life of this world and its glitter then come! I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner.'
(Sura 33:30) "O Consorts of the Prophet if any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah."
(Sura 33:37) "....Fear Allah. Then when Zayad had dissolved his marriage with her (Zainab) we joined her in marriage to thee: in order that there may be no difficulty to the believers in the matter of marriage of the wives of their adopted sons...."
The prophet's interactions with women, his insatiable lust for lascivious ladies, his lecherous behaviour with his wives and concubines are components that form the model of a true muslim. The prophet is the perfect muslim man for all devout muslims as he is the one whom Allah chose to reveal the Quran to. And because he is the perfect man it is every muslim's duty to follow him. For example, they cannot eat pork because Mohammed disliked it, they have to grow a beard like he had, they have to loot and kill like he did and likewise they have to molest and treat women inhumanly as he did!
The "great" Mohammed, the founder of this "fabulous" faith was married to Khadija Bibi who was his employer and 15 years his senior. At that time Mohammed was 25 years old. He was Khadija Bibi's 3rd husband. Khadija Bibi was a rich widow when she married Mohammed. For the first time in his life, Mohammed enjoyed a luxurious life.
This shows the parasitic nature of Mohammed who married his employer so that he can live a rich life without putting in a single day's work.
Khadija Bibi died when Mohammed was 49 years old. Between the ages of 49 and 63 the "great prophet" married at least 11 times.
This shows how he treated the institution of marriage. For him, women were nothing but objects for sexual fulfillment. Marrying at least 11 women in 14 years throws light on his insatiable sexual appetite. Read on about the "greatness" of this prophet.
Among his many other wives Mohammed also married a 6 year old baby, Ayesha. She was his favourite wife.
This marriage is a clear proof that his pedophilic tendency started manifesting itself after Khadija's death, because when she was alive he did not want to offend her because all the wealth belonged to her.
The prophet said that, "the woman can be married for religion, her fortune, or her beauty. So marry one for the religion" (Abu Issa al-Tarmidi, Sunan al- Tarmidi, Medina n.d., p.275, B: 4, H:1092)
Therefore, according to the Prophet the woman is either a creature who will be subjected to brutal conversion to Islam, a golden goose or a sexual plaything. Her virtues, intelligence or personality do not matter. But Mohammed did not stop there. He recommends all muslims to marry "one for the religion". Now what does this mean ? It means that use the institution of marriage to convert people to Islam. Now you know why so many Muslim men marry non-muslims and convert them to Islam. It also shows what high regard Islam has for the sacred institution of Marriage.
In many occasions Mohammed did not even spare women who were originally allotted to other soldiers of his tribe after gaining a victory in War. One such woman was Safia Bint Huyay. This Jewish woman was captured by lecherous muslim invaders after the Jews were brutally murdered by Mohammed. According to a Quranic Sura (8:41) four fifths of any booty or spoil that is won after murdering the non-believers, is distributed to the barbaric invaders. In Islam, women of other religion are also considered as booty, so Safiya bint Huyay was allotted to a soldier called Dahia. But when Mohammed the ascetic heard of her 'incomparable beauty', he sent for Dahiya, paid him Safiya's price and married her. (Ibn Saad, al-Tabaqat, pp. 120-123).
Safiya Bint Huyway was just one of the numerous Jewish women who became prey to Mohammed's insatiable sexual desire. Regardless of his participation in these barbaric raids Mohammed was alloted 1/5 of the booty as prescribed in the Quran, Sura 8:41. Rayhana Bint Zayd was another Jewish woman, whom Mohammed captured after her tribe was totally butchered. She was known to be a woman of immense beauty. Mohammed kept her as a concubine. (Ibid., p. 129)
During Mohammed's time a lot of barbaric wars were instigated by the muslims and Mohammed was always the receiver of at least one fifths of the booty. This booty included captured women and children. One can imagine how many women were made into concubines for Prophet Mohammed's carnal pleasure and how many children were his victims.
Maria the Copt from Egypt, was another concubine of Mohammed. She bore him a son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy. The Prophet's desire for Maria was so strong that it led him to violate another of his ideals: "That a man should be just in his dealings with his wives. A man should keep strictly to the rotation schedule and not have intercourse with a wife, even if he so desired."
Hafsa, one of the Prophet's wives, however, caught him having intercourse with Maria in Safiya's room. 'O Prophet of God, in my room and in my day!' fulminated Safiya angrily. Afraid of the anger of his other wives, and especially of his most beloved Ayesha, he promised Hafsa never to touch Maria again if she would keep the incident secret (Ibid., p. 213). But she spoke out, and the Prophet immediately received orders from God to retract his promise to Safiya; he then resumed relations with Maria (Sura 66:3).
Maria's power over the Prophet is best described in Ayesha's words: "I never was as jealous as I was of Maria again. That is because she was a very beautiful, curly haired woman. The Prophet was very attracted to her. In the beginning, she was living near us and the Prophet spent entire days and nights with her until we protested and she became frightened." (Ibn Saad, al-Tabaqat, p. 212)
The Prophet then decided to transfer Maria to a more secure dwelling far from his legitimate wives and kept seeing her inspite of their pressure.
Another woman that the Prophet married for satisfying his sexual desires was Juwariya Bint al-Harith who was according to Ayesha's description, 'so beautiful that whoever caught a glimpse of her fell in love with her.' (Ibid. p.117)
Ayesha's jealousy is displayed again from the following quote: "The Prophet was in my room when Juwariya came to ask him about a contract. By Allah, I hated her when I saw her coming towards him. I knew that he was going to see what I saw (her beauty)." (Ibid)
A unique instance of the effect of female beauty on the Prophet was that of Duba Bint Amr who 'was among the most beautiful of Arab women....her hair was long enough to cover all her body.'(Ibid., p. 153) Mohammed asked her son if he could marry his mother, but later retracted when he heard that Duba Bint Amr, although attractive, was aging.
This shows that Mohammed was only interested in physical beauty and not in providing protection for widows or some other charitable cuase as the Muslims have been brain washed to believe.
Mohammed's adopted son Zayed was married to Zainab, daughter of Jahsh. But one day the prophet "beheld in a loose undress, the beauty of Zainab, and burst forth into an ejaculation of devotion and desire. The servile, or greatful, freeman (Zayed) understood the hint and yielded without hesitation to the love of the benefactor."
Mohammed was not satisfied with his own overflowing harem and had to marry his son's wife. His son being a devoted follower of the "great" prophet was more than happy to divorce his wife. What a great father-in-law Mohammed was, a model for all Islamic father-in-laws.
Muslim scholar and statesman, Ali Dashti gives the following list of women in Mohammed's life.
Omm Salama
Zainab (of Jahsh)
Omm Habiba
Maymuna (of Hareth)
Asma (of Saba)
Zainab (of Khozayma)
Asma (of Noman)
Omm Sharik
Maymuna (not of Hareth)
Zainab (third one)
Whoever the Democratic candidate is should be avoided. I'd vote for a third party before I'd vote for a Democrat. If the Republican is not a rino, he'll get my vote.
You liberals really are stupid.
If someone is a muslim, they MUST believe is islam dominating the world. They MUST believe in murdering Jews. They MUST believe in sharia law.
So how does this belief NOT effect their views on important issues?
I have read the Qur'an, and nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that Islam must "dominate" the world. Also, it never says anything about "murdering Jews" or believing in "Sharia Law". In fact, I'm quite sure that the words "Sharia Law" are never mentioned in the Qur'an. As far as "murdering Jews" is concerned, the Qur'an has this to say: "And mention Ibrahim (Abraham) in the Book (the Qur'an); surely he was a truthful man, a prophet." The Muslims see Abraham as a prophet. So, why would they want to kill his people?
I'm curious when your memberships to the ACLU or CAIR expire?
This is only the tip of the iceberg. 80- 90 percent of the Koran is composed of this kind advocacy for murder, conquering , looting and rape:
WARFARE IS ORDAINED FOR YOU, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. (2.216)
Sura 33 (a promise to faithful Muslims of countries to conquer) "And he bequeathed to you their lands, their homes and their possessions, together with land you have never trodden" (33.27) .
"Be patient with unbelievers until you have strength" (86.17).
(Muslims are quiet until they have the numbers to start demanding their way in the country they have invaded)
Fight those among the People of the Book [i.e. Jews and Christians] ... who do not profess the true religion, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. (9.29)
Quran 3:28 Don't have unbelieving friends unless it is to deceive them. Remember the final goal is to Allah.
Quran 4:89 Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.
(Quran 5:33): The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is: EXECUTION OR CRUCIFIXION OR THE CUTTING OFF OF HANDS AND FEET FROM THE OPPOSITE SIDES or exile from the land.
(Quran 8:12): Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them."
76: 4): Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers chains, yokes and a blazing fire.
47:4): When you meet the disbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.
Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters; therefore if you repent, it will be better for you, and if you turn back, then know that you will not weaken Allah; AND ANNOUNCE PAINFUL PUNISHMENT TO THOSE WHO DISBELIEVE (9:3)
I can say I would not vote for a muslim . You seem too be undecided on this issue. Why is this ?
If you will vote or not vote for someone solely based on whether or not they think that Mohamed is the last prophet or not, then, you are truly small-minded. I am not undecided. I told you that I decide a candidate's worth based on what he/she stands on important issues.
Don't worry about my spelling, you understand my point, those that cannot debate, defame.
There needs to be no explanation about why I added this quote.
I've never voted Democratic and most certaintly wouldn't vote for a black muslim. :::D