General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Daniel on October 07, 2007, 04:55:50 PM

Title: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Daniel on October 07, 2007, 04:55:50 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 07, 2007, 05:00:51 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on October 07, 2007, 05:02:46 PM
Columbus Day is not named after him...it's named after Columbus, Ohio.

And besides, on the very day when Columbus discovered America, millions of redskin Indians lined up on the coasts and beaches, all waving American flags, and chanting "Viva! Columbus!" "Viva! Columbus!" "Viva! Columbus!" "El dia de Columbus!"

Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 07, 2007, 05:05:58 PM
Columbus Day is not named after him...it's named after Columbus, Ohio.

And besides, on the very day when Columbus discovered America, millions of redskin Indians lined up on the coasts and beaches, all waving American flags, and chanting "Viva! Columbus!" "Viva! Columbus!" "Viva! Columbus!" "El dia de Columbus!"

Yes and the buffalo roamed and the deer and the antelope played :D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Ultra Requete on October 07, 2007, 05:22:30 PM
Columbus maybe not discovered America; but unlike Phoenicians or Greenland Normans sell the idea to colonise and civilise it to Europeans; so thanks to him alone you colonists can bash us old worlders . ::) ;D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer on October 07, 2007, 05:37:41 PM
What? What a ridiculous question. If one holiday should be banned it's Martin Luther King Day. Christopher Columbus was a brilliant explorer, who deserves to be commenorated for his revolutionary exploits.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: serbian army on October 07, 2007, 05:44:09 PM
i do not work tomorrow, so i say no :D :D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: kellymaureen on October 07, 2007, 05:51:32 PM
I do work and its double time and a half so I also say no ;D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: serbian army on October 07, 2007, 06:00:40 PM
I do work and its double time and a half so I also say no ;D
Many companies pay time and a half for working holidays ;D not bad
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: New Yorker on October 07, 2007, 06:11:49 PM

Y'know what? I'm tired of the Native American's bitching about how they were conquered and lost their lands. THEY WEREN't DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!

They spent thousands of years butt-nekkid running around living in the stone age, and they would have continued for thousands more that way if the Europeans didn't show up.

Well, I prefer the modern world thank you very much. So now, Native Americans, shaddup, stop bitching, and let me know when the cocktail bar opens by the blackjack tables!  8)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 07, 2007, 06:16:07 PM

Y'know what? I'm tired of the Native American's bitching about how they were conquered and lost their lands. THEY WEREN't DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!

They spent thousands of years butt-nekkid running around living in the stone age, and they would have continued for thousands more that way if the Europeans didn't show up.

Well, I prefer the modern world thank you very much. So now, Native Americans, shaddup, stop bitching, and let me know when the cocktail bar opens by the blackjack tables!  8)
Exactly!! Could not have said it better myself!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: kellymaureen on October 07, 2007, 06:17:53 PM
Y'know what? I'm tired of the Native American's bitching about how they were conquered and lost their lands. THEY WEREN't DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!

 ;D :D :D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 07, 2007, 07:04:19 PM
Columbus day,HEY three of my granddaddies are from Italy so I say let it roll.AS for the native Americans They were killing each other before we got here  and they only complain cause the white  man kicked their arse.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on October 07, 2007, 07:35:31 PM
I added a poll so we can see what people think......
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Daniel on October 07, 2007, 07:49:51 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Daniel on October 07, 2007, 07:59:50 PM
I do work and its double time and a half so I also say no ;D

I've never gotten off from class on Columbus Day in my life. But some times I took off because it fell on Yom Kippur. My high school gave off for Rosh Hashana for Yom Kippur so they might have given off for Columbus Day if it fell on Yom Kippur while I was in high school. Columbus Day in Canada is Thanksgiving. This is appropriate since it many times coincides with Sukkot, the Fall harvest holiday that Thanksgiving is fashioned after. For example last year, the first day of Chol Hamoed was Columbus Day.

Yes, sometimes the Jewish holidays and American holidays coincide with each other, and we end up losing those extra days off work, especially working for the school system. Several years ago, both Rosh Hashana fell out on a weekend, and Yom Kippur fell out on the same day as Columbus Day. So we got no extra days off at all! To add insult to injury, Christmas fell out in a way so that we received exactly a week off for winter break and not a day more like is usually done, not that I'm expecting any sympathy from the non-teaching folk :)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on October 07, 2007, 08:00:59 PM
I do work and its double time and a half so I also say no ;D

I've never gotten off from class on Columbus Day in my life. But some times I took off because it fell on Yom Kippur. My high school gave off for Rosh Hashana for Yom Kippur so they might have given off for Columbus Day if it fell on Yom Kippur while I was in high school. Columbus Day in Canada is Thanksgiving. This is appropriate since it many times coincides with Sukkot, the Fall harvest holiday that Thanksgiving is fashioned after. For example last year, the first day of Chol Hamoed was Columbus Day.

Yes, sometimes the Jewish holidays and American holidays coincide with each other, and we end up losing those extra days off work, especially working for the school system. Several years ago, both Rosh Hashana fell out on a weekend, and Yom Kippur fell out on the same day as Columbus Day. So we got no extra days off at all! To add insult to injury, Christmas fell out in a way so that we received exactly a week off for winter break and not a day more like is usually done, not that I'm expecting any sympathy from the non-teaching folk :)
You get the whole summer off.....
I do to, but I'm a student so its different :-D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Daniel on October 07, 2007, 08:05:23 PM

Y'know what? I'm tired of the Native American's bitching about how they were conquered and lost their lands. THEY WEREN't DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!

They spent thousands of years butt-nekkid running around living in the stone age, and they would have continued for thousands more that way if the Europeans didn't show up.

Well, I prefer the modern world thank you very much. So now, Native Americans, shaddup, stop bitching, and let me know when the cocktail bar opens by the blackjack tables!  8)

Wow! So not only should the blacks not [censored] and should be thankful about slavery and should actually be thankful that we took him here as slaves. But you're using the same type of mentality about the Native Americans! I don't think it's fair or reasonable to expect any people to welcome and be thankful for any outside invaders coming in and conquering and killing them. By that stretch of logic, the Jews shoulda stopped bitching about being exiled from Israel and shoulda just accepted and been thankful for what happened.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 07, 2007, 08:19:56 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
For hundreds of years Columbus place in history was fine and dandy until the liberals decided he didn't fit into their self hating picture of how the white man screwed the savage Injun. Now by extension blacks have also picked up the gauntlet against Columbus. While I personally don't think Columbus was evil I do think that black animal MLK was. I am old enough to have seen most of MLK's under handed and subversive tactics how he would preach one thing and have his minions do another. I hope to see the day that they unseal his files and if it has not been sanitized people will see just what sort of low life they gave a national holiday to. Its funny how it dawned on you to ban Columbus but Not MLK. That fact is very telling.  Every time the holiday to King (MLK) rolls around all that comes to my mind is how he and his evil animals looted and burned down half the cities in the country back in the 60's under the guise of gaining civil rights. Something that they were in the process of getting with or without King anyway. For this they see fit to give him a national holiday.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nessuno on October 07, 2007, 08:20:19 PM
I do work and its double time and a half so I also say no ;D

I've never gotten off from class on Columbus Day in my life. But some times I took off because it fell on Yom Kippur. My high school gave off for Rosh Hashana for Yom Kippur so they might have given off for Columbus Day if it fell on Yom Kippur while I was in high school. Columbus Day in Canada is Thanksgiving. This is appropriate since it many times coincides with Sukkot, the Fall harvest holiday that Thanksgiving is fashioned after. For example last year, the first day of Chol Hamoed was Columbus Day.

Yes, sometimes the Jewish holidays and American holidays coincide with each other, and we end up losing those extra days off work, especially working for the school system. Several years ago, both Rosh Hashana fell out on a weekend, and Yom Kippur fell out on the same day as Columbus Day. So we got no extra days off at all! To add insult to injury, Christmas fell out in a way so that we received exactly a week off for winter break and not a day more like is usually done, not that I'm expecting any sympathy from the non-teaching folk :)
Life's rough isn't it  :o.  Your posts in this thread are straight out of the handbook for liberal teachers.  I'm sorry that is redundant isn't it?  ;)

My daughter's MUSIC teacher taught them all about evil Christopher Columbus last year.  How inappropriate is that?  How is that discussion part of a 2nd grade music class curriculum?  If you teachers have an axe to grind with Chris Columbus take it up with the Federal Government first before you take it up with children.

Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 07, 2007, 08:24:26 PM
I do work and its double time and a half so I also say no ;D

I've never gotten off from class on Columbus Day in my life. But some times I took off because it fell on Yom Kippur. My high school gave off for Rosh Hashana for Yom Kippur so they might have given off for Columbus Day if it fell on Yom Kippur while I was in high school. Columbus Day in Canada is Thanksgiving. This is appropriate since it many times coincides with Sukkot, the Fall harvest holiday that Thanksgiving is fashioned after. For example last year, the first day of Chol Hamoed was Columbus Day.

Yes, sometimes the Jewish holidays and American holidays coincide with each other, and we end up losing those extra days off work, especially working for the school system. Several years ago, both Rosh Hashana fell out on a weekend, and Yom Kippur fell out on the same day as Columbus Day. So we got no extra days off at all! To add insult to injury, Christmas fell out in a way so that we received exactly a week off for winter break and not a day more like is usually done, not that I'm expecting any sympathy from the non-teaching folk :)
Life's rough isn't it  :o.  Your posts in this thread are straight out of the handbook for liberal teachers.  I'm sorry that is redundant isn't it?  ;)

My daughter's MUSIC teacher taught them all about evil Christopher Columbus last year.  How inappropriate is that?  How is that discussion part of a 2nd grade music class curriculum?  If you teachers have an axe to grind with Chris Columbus take it up with the Federal Government first before you take it up with children.

This is why America is in the condition its in with rocket scientist teachers like that twisting the poor kids minds with their liberal cr=p. That teacher should have been told to go and ...... anyway you get the idea.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Daniel on October 07, 2007, 09:02:06 PM
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I never said that Christopher Columbus was evil. Since I'm a speech-language therapist, I don't even teach them anything about Columbus, unless there's a way of tying it in with their language issues. What I'm trying to point out is that it is the liberal education system that created all of the myths about Columbus regarding how the King thought the world was flat and that Columbus sought out to sail the world for the purpose of proving that the world was round. That's all a myth. The real history is that Columbus wanted to sail around the world in the opposite direction to get to India so they wouldn't have to worry about China interfering with them. The King's grievance wasn't that the world was flat and the Columbus was going to fall off the edge of the earth. The real grievance is that the world was too big for him to sail all the way around world in the other direction. Columbus thought he landed in India which he didn't. So he was mistaken about where he landed as well as underestimating the size of the world. It was Amerigo Vespucci that recognized that this was a new continent and not India, and that's why we are called America instead of Columbia today.

But keep in mind, I'm not bashing Columbus. I created this poll to be facetious in light of all of the other silly polls being discussed right now. So ha ha, don't take this poll seriously.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nopeaceforland on October 07, 2007, 11:08:17 PM
As Tony Soprano said: "It's a day of Italian Pride". So, no I don't think Columbus Day should be banned, besides in some years my birthday falls on that day, and I get the day off.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 07, 2007, 11:12:46 PM
Were just offering an offer you cant refuse.LOL
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: kellymaureen on October 07, 2007, 11:13:10 PM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nopeaceforland on October 07, 2007, 11:24:36 PM
Ooooooohhhhhhhhh! Christianwhitenation: What's the matter with you? You never let anyone outside the family know what you're thinking again!  :D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 07, 2007, 11:29:40 PM
Lol my dad was a cop and hated the wops how ran illegal things.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: New Yorker on October 08, 2007, 12:01:04 AM

Y'know what? I'm tired of the Native American's bitching about how they were conquered and lost their lands. THEY WEREN't DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!

They spent thousands of years butt-nekkid running around living in the stone age, and they would have continued for thousands more that way if the Europeans didn't show up.

Well, I prefer the modern world thank you very much. So now, Native Americans, shaddup, stop bitching, and let me know when the cocktail bar opens by the blackjack tables!  8)

Wow! So not only should the blacks not b*tch and should be thankful about slavery and should actually be thankful that we took him here as slaves. But you're using the same type of mentality about the Native Americans! I don't think it's fair or reasonable to expect any people to welcome and be thankful for any outside invaders coming in and conquering and killing them. By that stretch of logic, the Jews shoulda stopped bitching about being exiled from Israel and shoulda just accepted and been thankful for what happened.

I don't b*tch about great-great-great-great-great-great-granpa building the pyramids as a slave, so I expect the same from everybody else born recently that grew up with cable tv and central air conditioning and never saw a day of hardship in their lives. No Illegitimate B*itching about something that took place 200+ years before you were born!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 12:03:39 AM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Ultra Requete on October 08, 2007, 07:16:37 AM
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I never said that Christopher Columbus was evil. Since I'm a speech-language therapist, I don't even teach them anything about Columbus, unless there's a way of tying it in with their language issues. What I'm trying to point out is that it is the liberal education system that created all of the myths about Columbus regarding how the King thought the world was flat and that Columbus sought out to sail the world for the purpose of proving that the world was round. That's all a myth. The real history is that Columbus wanted to sail around the world in the opposite direction to get to India so they wouldn't have to worry about China interfering with them. The King's grievance wasn't that the world was flat and the Columbus was going to fall off the edge of the earth. The real grievance is that the world was too big for him to sail all the way around world in the other direction. Columbus thought he landed in India which he didn't. So he was mistaken about where he landed as well as underestimating the size of the world. It was Amerigo Vespucci that recognized that this was a new continent and not India, and that's why we are called America instead of Columbia today.

But keep in mind, I'm not bashing Columbus. I created this poll to be facetious in light of all of the other silly polls being discussed right now. So ha ha, don't take this poll seriously.

Exactly old good Chris tried to get Paortugese king as sponsor; but Portugeese navigators knew that Columbus had made errors in artmetics; so he went to "catholic kings" of Castilia-Leon and Aragone (Spain was proclaimed in 1516 AD) and they were so upset about Ottoman Turks blocking the eastern routes to China and Indias and so willing to get rid of his naggings and all this spanish hidalgos out of work (the last stronghold of Moors fall in 1492 AD) that they gave him three old ships so they were very suprised to see him back. So of course it shoud be Amerigo Vespuci another italian btw day.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 10:23:17 AM
Ultra you are right!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Vito on October 08, 2007, 11:45:13 AM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 11:55:12 AM
I like it Vito.LOL Erika might be offended by it!.My grandfathers name was Antonio Vito.We came here from Bologna and Sannicondro de Bari.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Vito on October 08, 2007, 01:43:46 PM
I like it Vito.LOL Erika might be offended by it!.My grandfathers name was Antonio Vito.We came here from Bologna and Sannicondro de Bari.

Allora tu parle italiano?  ;D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 02:08:46 PM
Parlo solo un poco Italiano,Por que yo capice mas o menos Espanol.Yo Estudio en la universidad para 2 anos!Linguas es mi paso di tiempo.ME gusta esta lingua.Pero yo de la Estados Unidos.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: RationalThought110 on October 08, 2007, 02:10:33 PM

Y'know what? I'm tired of the Native American's bitching about how they were conquered and lost their lands. THEY WEREN't DOING ANYTHING WITH IT!

They spent thousands of years butt-nekkid running around living in the stone age, and they would have continued for thousands more that way if the Europeans didn't show up.

Well, I prefer the modern world thank you very much. So now, Native Americans, shaddup, stop bitching, and let me know when the cocktail bar opens by the blackjack tables!  8)

Are they the ones who held a protest yesterday?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 02:16:27 PM
Spare me on native Americans.Most every white and black boy claims they are indian.Bull!They are racists.Until the white man came ,they conqured each other and when a white race beats them, then they turn racist.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 02:40:24 PM
non parle France.LO siento solomente espanol. E un poco Italiano.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 03:00:55 PM
I love languages but no Yiddish or Hebrew.Ma shalom ha!thats it!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Sarah on October 08, 2007, 03:03:31 PM
I like it Vito.LOL Erika might be offended by it!.My grandfathers name was Antonio Vito.We came here from Bologna and Sannicondro de Bari.

Allora tu parle italiano?  ;D

Non, je ne parle pas italien.

AHHH OUI et moi aussi!  ;D

I recently read that Colombus had Jewish links in his family. Is this true?

Muslims, well Arabs, say that they found America before Columbus and he was unfairly credited with the discovery. Not only that rubbish but also that when Armstrong went on the moon-some people believe that is fake too- he heard the call to prayer and is now secretly a muslim. ::)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 03:11:30 PM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Vito on October 08, 2007, 04:20:15 PM
I like it Vito.LOL Erika might be offended by it!.My grandfathers name was Antonio Vito.We came here from Bologna and Sannicondro de Bari.

Allora tu parle italiano?  ;D

Non, je ne parle pas italien.

AHHH OUI et moi aussi!  ;D

I recently read that Colombus had Jewish links in his family. Is this true?

That was just a rumor. Some historians argued that he was of Spanish/Portuguese Sephardic Jewish decent, but he and his family were from Genoa, Italy.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: mosquewatch on October 08, 2007, 05:21:03 PM
Should Columbus Day be banned?

Certainly not.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 05:52:59 PM
Columbus Day is not named after him...it's named after Columbus, Ohio.

And besides, on the very day when Columbus discovered America, millions of redskin Indians lined up on the coasts and beaches, all waving American flags, and chanting "Viva! Columbus!" "Viva! Columbus!" "Viva! Columbus!" "El dia de Columbus!"

LOL , Oh- My- G_D! :D :D You can't be serious.

Columbus day was named after Christopher Columbus who 'discovered' America (with a whole bunch of other people who were already here standing on the shores watching the Santa Maria sail in and dock. LOL) Yes, I think Columbus Day should be banned, but only because I think that Chris was a mixed up guy who thought he landed in the Indies...hence, him naming the people he met here (on the land he discovered. lol) Indians. This whole subject is crazy!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 05:54:58 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: mosquewatch on October 08, 2007, 06:06:35 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
We already have a MLK day.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 06:22:58 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
We already have a MLK day.
No, I mean trading the day off for having a day in school for our children to learn how to get along with each other. Not many people do anything MLK related on that day off anyway.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: mosquewatch on October 08, 2007, 06:29:25 PM
I agree. Here in MS, there are parades and this that and the other. It's more of a party than anything else. I believe the MLK holiday should be more than a chance to catch beads and drink beer. It should be about the Black Community discuss ways too make their culture and life better.  But as usual, as humans, we goof good ideas up alot. I still disagree with you about Columbus day. ;)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nessuno on October 08, 2007, 06:34:27 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 06:36:20 PM
I agree. Here in MS, there are parades and this that and the other. It's more of a party than anything else. I believe the MLK holiday should be more than a chance to catch beads and drink beer. It should be about the Black Community discuss ways too make their culture and life better.  But as usual, as humans, we goof good ideas up alot. I still disagree with you about Columbus day. ;)
Thats okay, you disagree. If you agreed with me I'd think you were drinking or something. lol As for the MLK and beads thing...I don't think I'd let my daughters out of the house half dressed, flashing people for beads on a day reserved for unity. lol

I'm from Chicago and we have a lot of celebrations that go on there. Two I love is the Taste of Chicago and the Bud Biliken Parade. Those are held during the week/weekends during the summer and a fun time is had by all but those who act like they've never been anywhere. lol I must say though that I've never known any gang fights to go down at those functions. We also have African Fest which features goods and services provided / and for sale by African Artists. Even music. But I digress... lol  It would be nice if we could all share that with each other without being that person on the outside  looking in and assuming all of the time.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 06:39:14 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nessuno on October 08, 2007, 06:50:58 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home.  
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nessuno on October 08, 2007, 08:09:41 PM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 09:55:40 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home.  
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nessuno on October 08, 2007, 10:14:21 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home.  
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 11:09:06 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home.  
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
"That's on you " Means that's your preference, or choice. I've never called you a racist and won't start today.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 11:10:59 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica.  
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday.  

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home.  
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
If we (NOT YOU) teach our children to respect other cultures now, maybe they'll fare a little better than some of the 'adults' who seem to be angry all of the time.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 08, 2007, 11:12:08 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica. 
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday. 

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home. 
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
"That's on you " Means that's your preference, or choice. I've never called you a racist and won't start today.
If all people behaved in a respectable manor racist would be out of work 8;)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: cjd on October 08, 2007, 11:17:50 PM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica. 
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday. 

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home. 
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
If we (NOT YOU) teach our children to respect other cultures now, maybe they'll fare a little better than some of the 'adults' who seem to be angry all of the time.
When I was growing up we had one culture the American Culture. What happened? Does respect for other cultures mean foot  all the bills and let the evil animals do as they please and above all Keep your mouth shut? Your dam right I am angry seeing whats going on around me!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 08, 2007, 11:21:42 PM
Sorry I don't  respect other cultures aka Black culture.Its pathetic.Why would I teach my bi racial children how wonderful Black culture is when its not?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 09, 2007, 12:08:28 AM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica. 
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday. 

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home. 
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
"That's on you " Means that's your preference, or choice. I've never called you a racist and won't start today.
If all people behaved in a respectable manor racist would be out of work 8;)
And we all know that they are payed WAY too much for their 'job'. I think some people think that if they become reformed, respectful and tolerant that they'd turn out as losers.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 09, 2007, 12:11:25 AM
I don't know how to set up a poll here. But while we're on the topic of discussing the banning of holidays, then why not have some fun with the idea off banning Columbus Day. After all, there was nothing too special about him. First off, that claim that Columbus set off to sail to prove that the earth was round and not flat was complete BS. Also, Columbus didn't "discover" America. And what he thought he discovered, he wrongly concluded that it was India. (makes me wonder why so many people still refer to Native Americans as American Indians to this day) I personally think the day should be called Amerigo Vespucci Day since he's the one that got things right and that's why we're called America instead of Columbia.

But hey, if it gives another day off from work, I'm not complaining too much :)
You can always tell a true liberal when they start bashing Columbus. If we can have a national holiday for a degenerate monkey radical we can have one for Columbus!

Hey, first of all, I'm not bashing Columbus. Secondly, I don't believe we should have Martin Luther King day either (if that's who you are referring to here.) They're historical figures worthy of a day or two to learn about in school, but not worthy of any national holidays.

Also, I wasn't doing this to be a "true liberal." (Besides, it's the liberal education system which created these myths and over inflates his credits), I just figure while we're voting and discussing the banning of Halloween, Football, and Swedish Meatballs, why not have a little more fun by extending it to this?
I can agree with that Daniel. Why don't we have MLK Day and take that time to teach each child how to get along in school? I think that would be an outstanding idea.
Give me a break Erica. 
I wish my child would be given an academic education in school...not an indoctrination.

If anyone shouldn't have a day in his name - it is MLK.
To have a federal holiday in a person's name they should have at least contributed to/impacted the lives of a majority of the people.
I think MLK is just a token holiday. 

Bold mine. Yeah, like Columbus contributed to what would be called America? lol

Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you. But we're talking about one day where children can actually ATTEMPT to get along and learn about each other's cultures instead of growing up like uninformed racist blacks/whites.

My child doesn't have to be taught in school to get along with others.
That comes from her home. 
You are so fixated on race.
Why is it all about colors with YOU?
I teach my child to respect all people - as long as they are acting respectably.
I don't point out and teach about particular races.
What if I didn't want my child to have black, purple, or green friends?
Wouldn't that be my PREFERENCE (your word from another thread)!
Academics should be taught in school.
You have your opinion on Columbus - no problem - like I said to Daniel - take it up with the Federal Government.
Stop calling me a racist - I'm sick of it.
WHO called you a racist? And I wasn't talking about YOUR child specifically. YOU HAVE A CHOICE to raise your child the way you want, that dosen't mean that there aren't other parents who would be interested in learning about someone else's /or each other's  cultures. Stop taking things so seriously and stop assuming that someon eis calling you a racist everytime they don't agree with something you say.

Children, just so you know, aren't born racist or prejudiced...parents teach them that. I don't consider you to be one of those parents.
It seemed to me that you were speaking directly to me -
Bullcat. If you don't want your child to learn how to get to know black children their age and learn to appreciate their differences, that's on you.
Sorry if I misunderstood.
You are right people are taught to have prejudices but not always by their parents - sometimes events/experiences in life teach them.
I would like to meet the adult who has no prejudices (not just related to race) - they would be as phony as a three dollar bill - it's not possible.
If we (NOT YOU) teach our children to respect other cultures now, maybe they'll fare a little better than some of the 'adults' who seem to be angry all of the time.
When I was growing up we had one culture the American Culture. What happened? Does respect for other cultures mean foot  all the bills and let the evil animals do as they please and above all Keep your mouth shut? Your dam right I am angry seeing whats going on around me!
No that's not what I'm saying. America is full of people from many cultures. Respecting other cultures and getting to know something you didn't know at first about a person makes you a more open individual. Respecting other cultures dosen't mean that you have to kiss their behinds or give them free food. lol I don't think we can teach the older Americans who hate other cultures, but we can incite positivity in children though.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 12:14:18 AM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 09, 2007, 12:15:03 AM
Sorry I don't  respect other cultures aka Black culture.Its pathetic.Why would I teach my bi racial children how wonderful Black culture is when its not?
I've been through this before so I'll just shorten it this time around. There are two cultures in the black community... GOOD and BAD. Good black culture encompasses everything from sage advice to good food...bad culture consistes of gangster rap, glorification of pimps and prostitutes, stealing, killing, drugdealing, and sexual assaults...(which blacks didn't corner the market on but still exists in every culture.)
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 09, 2007, 12:15:46 AM
impatience isn't one of your strong-points is it?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Sarah on October 09, 2007, 12:06:51 PM

 ;D ;D Thats a really readable post wayne.

I don't think its just parents who have an affect on their childrens opnions on other cultures. They learn for themselves and its a natural instinct to defrenciate your race from others, if it differs. Children are influenced at school and by their surroundings, of which their parents can not completely control.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 01:50:14 PM
Not to be cruel ,but rather honest Erika,It seem like good blacks are out numbered about 1 million to one. :(
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: nessuno on October 09, 2007, 01:58:38 PM

 ;D ;D Thats a really readable post wayne.

I don't think its just parents who have an affect on their childrens opnions on other cultures. They learn for themselves and its a natural instinct to defrenciate your race from others, if it differs. Children are influenced at school and by their surroundings, of which their parents can not completely control.
Exactly right Sarah!
BullCat Jr. has a cousin who was murdered.  This young mother was murdered by her young black male friend.
Do you think that will have an influence on BullCat jr.'s thinking?  It has quite a bit of influence on mine.
All I can say to her is...choose your friends wisely.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 02:13:18 PM
I dont want my children one who is African /White or the other three who are white to come into contact with a race who are out of control.That would show a lack of love for my children.I love jazz.It is over all an excellant form of beautiful music.I expose it to my babies.But, most of African American culture is bad.I know im a bit older than you all but ,doesn't  it seem things were better for blacks and whites before 1960's.At least families we're intact.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 02:19:57 PM
NO way friend!How?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 02:26:21 PM
Is this fact or opinion?I mean there is no pure musical form.At what point in history?Do you have an example ,other the Neil Diamond? :D
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 02:30:53 PM
Do you know what  video of his?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 02:39:54 PM
Oh ok.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 09, 2007, 09:58:35 PM
Is this fact or opinion?I mean there is no pure musical form.At what point in history?Do you have an example ,other the Neil Diamond? :D
That's definately opinion. Jazz is derrived from blacks. It was a Jewish man who gave R&B its name though. Look it up.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Jasmina on October 09, 2007, 10:01:14 PM
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 10:19:46 PM
Jasmine, say something.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Jasmina on October 09, 2007, 10:22:52 PM
Jasmine, say something.

  I am angry, don`t you see? I hate those threads about banning this or that! thats all!  :) I think there are too many banning on the forum, don`t you think?
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 10:31:58 PM
It is all for fun to see how each other believes.....Yacov is kool!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on October 09, 2007, 10:39:53 PM
No, Colombus Day also means a man that founded the Americas
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Jasmina on October 09, 2007, 11:17:05 PM
It is all for fun to see how each other believes.....Yacov is kool!

  I`m sure you are right but I still don`t see the point of having fun on the same theme: banning theme...
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Wayne Jude on October 09, 2007, 11:36:10 PM
thats ok!
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Erica on October 10, 2007, 10:37:11 AM
Is this fact or opinion?I mean there is no pure musical form.At what point in history?Do you have an example ,other the Neil Diamond? :D
That's definately opinion. Jazz is derrived from blacks. It was a Jewish man who gave R&B its name though. Look it up.

You blacks say everything was black. And you say all the great people of History were black.

Black music (Jazz and Blues) is dirivitive of black musicians. R&B was given its name by a Jewish man...like I said before. (and which you totally ignored.) Like I said, Yacov, look it up.
Title: Re: Should Columbus Day be banned?
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on October 15, 2007, 01:08:58 PM
Well, here october the 12th is also celebrated, but often holidays are changed to Mondays to make the weekend longer. So it is today. I think it should be banned. Colombus may have been a good man who only sought a way to India. It is said that he was Jewish and postponed his journey one day to fast on Tisha beAv.
But the day was made a holiday by Europeans who conquered Amerindian Lands, killed our natives and kidnapped thousands of Africans to be slaves in America.