GOP lawmaker admits not reading ‘every word’ of healthcare bill

They didn’t read it the first time. They didn’t read it this time either.

Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.), a top ally of President Trump, admitted Thursday that he did not read the entire text of the GOP’s healthcare bill that passed earlier in the day — but said his staff did.

“I will fully admit, Wolf, I did not, but I can also assure you my staff did,” Collins told host Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

“You know, I have to rely on my staff, and I can probably tell you that I read every word and I wouldn’t be telling you the truth, nor would any other member,” he continued.

“We rely on our staff and we rely on our committees, and I’m comfortable that I understand this bill in its entirety, Wolf, without pouring through every word, and I’m just being quite honest. That’s the way it is,” he said.

Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) quickly trolled Collins on Twitter after Collins admitted he didn’t read the amended bill in its entirety.

House Republicans successfully passed the American Health Care Act by a narrow 217-213 vote Thursday. The legislation replaces certain ObamaCare provisions.

No House Democrats supported the bill, and many publicly slammed it as “abominable” and a “tax cut for millionaires.” Twenty Republicans broke with their party to oppose the bill.

Trump and GOP leaders took a victory lap during an event at the White House Rose Garden following the bill’s passage Thursday, with Trump voicing confidence that it would become law despite hurdles in the Senate.

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