GREAT DANGER! Harris, Trump tied in polls; she might beat him (JTF.ORG video)


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  • The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
    “‘Sympathy to deep admiration’: Palestinians tell US comedian they love Hamas – interview”
    By MATHILDA HELLER Published: JULY 24, 2024
    A Must Read article about Fakestinians in Ramallah

      • Plus in the 2005 film
        “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”
        Anyone Remember the scene
        in the van where, as they’re being chased by goons, they’re revealing all the little lies that they’ve told each other as covers over the years. Once the fight’s over, it’s capped with:
        John: We’re going to have to redo every conversation we’ve ever had.
        Jane: …I’m Jewish.”
        Anyone find that scene from the 2005 film a bit offensive and Anti-Semitic?

    • Barry Shaw typed online today
      “Tom Nye the former progressive US Ambassador to Israel recently said he wants to see the return of the failed Lapid-Bennett model in Israel.
      Why didn’t he apply it to the blood-thirsty Palestinians?
      Biden and Harris had the opportunity to transform Palestinians into a liberal progressive DEI society.
      They failed with that.
      I wonder why.
      THAT, and that alone, is the question they need to answer.

      Barry Shaw,
      The View from Israel.”

    • About Azzam Pasha the
      First “Secretary-General” of the
      so-called “Arab League” has an article headlined
      “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat”
      by David Barnett and Efraim Karsh
      Middle East Quarterly
      Fall 2011 The Genocidal Threat of the Turd Pasha becomes even more chilling after October 7th, 2023
      The Wikipedia article about Pasha shows a Photo of him wearing a
      Stupid Retarded looking hat with a creepy look on his face and a
      Big Ugly doofy looking Ear

    • has an article by Dani Ishai Behan headlined
      “Why Is Whitewashing Only OK When It Happens To Jews?”
      July 23, 2023

      Why Goddammit ?

    • YES !!
      Hamas “leader” Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated in Tehran 👍

    • has an article by
      Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden

      ” ‘Just like the Nazis’ is a comparison Jews can make, but Antisemites cannot”
      July 30, 2024

    • The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
      “Global protests misplace blame: Focus should be on Hamas and Hezbollah”
      By JUSTIN AMLER Published: JULY 31, 2024
      It’s always about
      Blaming the Jews as Always
      Always about blaming
      “The Jews” as Always
      Always about blaming The Jews and the Worlds One and Only Jewish Sovereign Nation
      Everyone Hates the Jews
      Everyone Hates the Jews
      Everyone Unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel
      That’s really Sick, Evil and Wicked
      The Whole World is Always out to Crucify Israel and The Jews
      The Vile Jew-Haters, Anti-Semites and Anti-Israel Losers can’t give it a Rest and Stop Already and just allow the Jewish people have their one tiny Nation Exist in Peace and Security

  • A person typed online today
    “I’ve pointed out for years, to Israel-haters & pro-Israel people alike, that, had the Arabs won the ’48 war, there’d be no “Palestine,” nor would we constantly be bombarded with the brand name “Palestinians.” And, of course, the place would be a dusty neglected sh*thole. Nobody has really disagreed, not even the Jew-haters.”

  • You can hate Netanyahu but he is a powerful orator.

  • A person typed online
    “I wonder if any of us fully grasp the immediate danger that the United States is in today and for the immediate future — on so many levels including from foreign and domestic enemies; to the deliberate mis-education of multiple generations; to the pre-meditated effort to misinform Americans via news media and social media.
    Were it not for G-d’s mercy, the worst may have already happened to America. At any rate, we seem to be on a path to self-immolation or imploding or full violent civil war or a September 11 or October 7 style attack.
    We must pray and we must work to prevent these.”

  • Jamaal Bowman is being a
    sore loser asshole Anti-Semite Again

    • Very sad how Jamaal Bowman and most African-Americans backstabbed and betrayed the Jews who helped them so Much during the Civil Rights Movement
      We will Never Forgive
      We will Never Forget
      We Must Never help anyone who would backstab or betray us
      We cannot be Suckers

  • Some have said Al Jazeera should be called
    Al-Qaeda Jazeera , because of how Diabolical, Wicked, Deceitful and Pure Evil
    Al Jazeera Propaganda is
    Nothing but Arab, Fakestinian & Islamic Lies are coming from
    Al Jazeera

  • Deform rabbi Fred Neulander dies in N J prison April 24, 2024.

  • If Trump loses it’s his fault for that insane 1/6th.

  • has an article headlined
    “AOC and progressives can’t hide their role in stoking antisemitism”
    June 14, 2024

    We cannot be Deceived by the Lies of AOC and other Progressives
    Talk is Cheap, Actions Speak Louder than Words
    Our Rights and Feelings Matter Also

  • Cornell West for working people.

    • What candidate is good for
      Incels ? People Suffering from Chronic Incel ,
      Involuntary Celibacy Problems

      • I heard west likes white women.

        • I heard Most Americans believe America Needs
          REAL Freedom
          Libertarian Freedom

          • The American People Want, Desire and Need
            REAL Freedom
            Real Libertarian Freedom
            The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
            Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem
            America sadly Sucks in Many Ways

  • Trump on Fox News yesterday said Israel needs much better
    Public Relations

  • Anti-Arab Hate is Rising in

  • Bassem Eid himself a “Palestinian” typed online today
    “For the second time in a week, Hamas tried to launch rockets at Israeli civilians from within the humanitarian zone and instead hit a school in Gaza. On Monday, they hit a school in Nuseirat. On Wednesday night, they struck UNRWA’s Al-Qarara school in Khan Yunis, killing two civilians who were sheltering there and injuring several more.

    COGAT and the World Health Organization coordinated the evacuation of the wounded civilians to a field hospital run by the International Medical Corps in Deir al-Balah.

    Hamas continues to murder its own civilians while trying to murder Israelis; Israel continues to try to protect Gazan civilians while protecting their own.”

  • A person posted an article online today about Israeli Olympic Athletes for the 2024 Paris Games Threatened with
    “We will repeat Munich 1972”
    Another person typed in response
    “If Blacks or Gays were threatened there would be worldwide condemnation.
    For Jews – silence”

    • Noor Dahri typed online today
      “In yesterday’s Olympic judo competition, Nurali Emomali from Tajikistan 🇹🇯 refused to shake hands with Israeli 🇮🇱 Baruch Shmailov and shouted “Allah Akbar” instead.

      Shortly after, he was crying with a dislocated shoulder. That’s instant karma 🤣”

  • They should target the paralympics . I hate those wheelchair gimps.

    • Many people in wheelchairs have Trouble getting SEX
      The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
      It’s a Very Serious Problem for Countless people

  • What about the Incel Crisis ?

  • It’s No Joke
    Anyone can become Disabled
    and/or Incel as they get older
    Where is the Sympathy, Empathy and Compassion for Incels ?

  • I hope Kamala wins only because I despise that arrogant prick Trump.

  • She’s a woman and she’s colored. She’s mixed race, black and Indian. The perfect DEI candidate. This is gonna be just like the 08 elections with Barack Hussein Obama. The millenials and the stupid sheep only voted for him because he was black and they wanted to be anti-racist and have a black president.

    Now they want a female and a black. Mostly a female. The Zoomers and other beatniks want her because she’s a woman.

    They want a female president. We are the only nation that has never had a female head of state. The womyns feminazis ETC all want to elect her and they want a woman prez. And they want to get rid of Trump.

    America is doomed unless we have a revival and kick these turd worlders out and take back the country. We can do it. More white people are starting to have babies more conservatives are having babies, there are members of the Gen Z crowd are rebelling and resisting and becoming red pilled.

    Only the turd world hordes are in the way. Only they are having children other than the conservatives. We got families having 5 to 8 children these turds just have 3 or 4 just to get welfare and they grow up to become burned out drug addicts.

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