Illegal immigrants can now vote in Maryland city

More votes for the socialist Democrats.

And in doing so, they are screwing legal citizens.

This is just absurd. A Maryland city is going to let illegals vote in their city elections.

From Fox News:

A city council in Maryland has voted in favor of allowing resident non-citizens such as illegal immigrants to participate in local elections.

The city council in College Park, home to the University of Maryland campus, has joined six other towns that allow green-card holders, illegal immigrants and other non-citizens to vote in local elections.

The decision was reached following a 4-3 council vote, which was initially scheduled last month but was postponed.

“My goal is to keep the conversation tomorrow civil and productive,” Mayor Patrick Wojahn told the Washington Post ahead of Tuesday night’s city hall meeting. “I’m hoping that we won’t have the circus around it that we had last time.”

In August, most of the residents voiced their opposition to the amendment letting all non-citizen residents to vote in local elections, but by Tuesday night, the majority wrote to the mayor in support of the proposal, Wojahn told the Post.

The argument some make is that illegals pay local taxes and should have some say in how it’s spent, but that’s a ridiculous joke. This is just another small way in which the rule of law is being eroded in our country.

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