Is Donald Trump a Democrat Plant? Independent Journal Review Investigates

trump_clinton5One of the conspiracy theories surrounding this crazy election season is that Donald Trump, a lifelong liberal and former supporter and donor to Hillary Clinton, is a Democrat plant pulling the biggest con of all time, pretending to be running against her, but actually being such a horrible opponent that it’s helping her get elected to the presidency.

The theory has been around almost from the beginning of his entrance into the race (did Bill Clinton convince him to run?) and continues to have legs when seemingly anytime Hillary has bad publicity, Trump almost always says or does something outlandish to change the media focus away from her.  Every time he seems to be making headway against her, he sticks his foot in his mouth.

At the first presidential debate, many loyal Trump supporters were beside themselves, perplexed at how he could “take the bait” from Hillary every single time, allowing her to get him off message, causing him to miss numerous opportunities to hit her on issues/scandals that could have been exposed to over 80 million people. EmailGate, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation come to mind. But then again, Trump did praise both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton after she lied to America about the cause of the Benghazi Islamic terrorist attacks.

The theory has further gained steam  via multiple reports that Trump is planning on capitalizing on a loss to Hillary by starting his own television network after the election, fueled by his campaign ties to disgraced former FOX News head Roger Ailes as well as the head of Breitbart News, Stephen K. Bannon.

On Thursday, Independent Journal Review (IJR), released the following video addressing the conspiracy theory, asking the question, “Is Donald Trump a Democratic Plant?”

The answer? “Maybe.”

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