Islamic terror and nuclear Iran doing OK under Trump

A few days ago, I wrote a piece about how the Trump administration has taken a leftist approach in its dealings with Islam. I wrote about how there are those within Trump’s inner circle who have adopted Barack Obama’s policies concerning Israel and Islamic terrorism–promoting the two-state solution in favor of the [so-called] Palestinians, and refusing to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.”

Yesterday, we published an episode of Daniel Horowitz’s podcast, “The Conservative Conscience,” where he documented how the Trump administration has kept nearly every one of Obama’s backward foreign policy ideas concerning the Middle East.

One of the ways Trump appears to be embracing Obama’s policies is seen in his direct capitulation to Iran. Despite his campaign rhetoric about how Obama’s nuclear deal with the rogue nation is the “worst deal ever,” Trump has kept the dangerous agreement in effect by renewing it twice during his young presidency.

In both of these articles, we learned how the absence of conservatives in the White House has left the door open on the liberal Middle East policies advocated by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

In an interview with former UN Ambassador John Bolton, he tells how these three men are advising Trump to keep the nuclear agreement with Iran in force. Bolton contends that the absence of conservative voices within the White House make it highly unlikely that Trump will be given the opportunity to consider a way out of the deal.

While it would be easy, if not completely expected, for the Trump chorus line to blame Trump’s inner circle or the GOP in Congress for these left-wing foreign policies, there’s an old adage in politics that would say otherwise . . . Personnel is Policy.

As a man who possesses no policy convictions, Trump gives a lot of lip service about how he’s tough on terror, how he supports Israel, and how the Iran agreement is the “worst deal ever.” However, as long as he surrounds himself with people who advance Obama’s Middle East policies, the end result is all on Trump.

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