Israel: Arab Muslims “see our girls as easy prey”

Yad L’achim activist says Jewish girls are ‘easy prey’ for Arab men, calls on girls to stop being ‘gullible’ and accepting free gifts.

Sari Laufer, who counsels parents and patients at Yad L’achim, said Arab men throughout Israel see Jewish girls as “easy prey.”

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Yad L’achim is an anti-missionary organization which specializes in extracting Jewish girls and women, and their children, from abusive relationships in Arab neighborhoods and Palestinian Authority-controlled areas.

Laufer noted that even though she doesn’t want to blame the victim, most of the time the girls are active participants in the process.

Two days ago, Laufer noticed a group of Arabs carrying gifts walking between the central cities of Ramat Gan and Bnei Brak. As they walked, the group offered the gifts to every Jewish girl who passed them.

From her vantage point, Laufer watched as 12 girls walked past, and the thirteenth accepted a cigarette.

According to Laufer, older girls usually know to staunchly refuse the offers, but the “young and gullible” girls are spellbound by anyone who offers them gifts and compliments.

Last week, a car full of Arabs stopped besides a Jewish girl in Jerusalem, and its occupants exited the vehicle and walked towards her. At first, they surrounded her in a friendly fashion, and then they attempted to drag her into their car. A Jewish man who happened to be at the scene acted violently in order to stop what seemed to be an attempted kidnapping, but was arrested for his attempt.

This is a bigger issue in the outlying communities (such as the Negev and Galilee towns, ed.), Laufer said, since the Arab perpetrators can often get away without being caught.

On Monday, the Knesset’s Special Committee for Distributive Justice and Social Equality, led by Chairman MK Miki Zohar (Likud) will hold a discussion on sexual harassment and law enforcement in outlying communities.

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