Israel Defense Minister on settlements: “We can’t build without coordinating with the U.S.”

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Friday warned against annexation of Judea and Samaria or accelerated construction in the region without coordinating with the United States.

“We cannot move forward without understandings with the United States, both regarding construction and application of sovereignty, so I suggest that everyone calm down,” Liberman said in an interview on Channel 2 News.

“As for annexation and construction in Judea and Samaria – we must understand that this is not the function of declarations or attempts for short-term electoral gains,” Liberman added in what appeared to be a hint to Jewish Home chairman and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, though he did not mention Bennett by name.

“This is, first and foremost, a result or a function of our understandings with the United States. If someone thinks that you can apply Israeli sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria or the blocs or build indefinitely without an understanding with the White House, he is mistaken,” continued the Defense Minister.

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