It Begins: Alabama Drive-In Becomes the First Theater to Boycott ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Over Openly Gay Character in Children’s Movie

Disney’s live-action film “Beauty and the Beast” will be Disney’s “gayest movie yet.”

Director Bill Condon revealed that with the recent progress the LGBTQ community has seen, he was influenced to portray a gay “moment” between two of the characters — Gaston and LeFou.

Condon told Attitude that LeFou’s admiration for Gaston runs a little deeper than just a bromance:

“LeFou is somebody who, on one day, wants to be Gaston and on another day, wants to kiss Gaston.”

However, many Americans still aren’t comfortable with homosexuality. In fact, many religions practiced in the United States, like Christianity [and Judaism,] deem homosexuality a sin [that is an abomination and led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah].

And when an Alabama movie theater got word of the gay portrayal in the Disney film, the owners decided that they couldn’t condone showing the movie.

Henagar Drive-In theater announced the removal of “Beauty and the Beast” from its showing times via its Facebook, informing customers:

“When companies continually force their views on us we need to take a stand. If we can not take our 11-year-old granddaughter and 8-year-old grandson to see a movie we have no business watching it.

I know there will be some that do not agree with this decision. That’s fine … We will continue to show family oriented [sic] films so you can feel free to come watch wholesome movies without worrying about sex, nudity, homosexuality and foul language.”

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