Jewish minor under Shabak interrogation rushed to hospital

jewA Shabak official recently called the family and informed them that their son was taken to the hospital. The family stated, “Our concerns that he was tortured have now gone from fears to certainty. We call on anyone who can act to do so. This has become a life and death situation.”

A Jewish minor being interrogated in recent days by the Shabak has now been rushed to the hospital. The minor has been banned from meeting with a lawyer and the family has had no contact with him.

Shabak representatives called the family on Friday afternoon (April 15th) and informed the family that their son was being taken to the hospital for an urgent medical issue. The interrogators refused the family’s requests to accompany their son to the hospital and to see him.

Lawyer Adi Keidar from Honenu filed an urgent request to grant the minor his basic rights and to allow someone to accompany him to the hospital. Keidar said to the media, “The disregard for the right of the suspects to meet a lawyer has now progressed to disregard for their health. We view this as a very serious situation and are shocked that despite the medical condition of the minor, the interrogators plan to continue the brutal interrogation. Further, the refusal to allow the minor to meet with his family or a lawyer is outrageous.”

The family responded, “They took our healthy son and now he is being taken to the hospital. Our concerns that he was tortured have now gone from fears to certainty. We call on anyone who can act to do so. This has become a life and death situation.”

It is also noteworthy that another suspect, Shneur Dana, recently met his lawyer for the first time on Thursday April 14th since being arrested a week and a half earlier.

Hakol Hayehudi has learned from Dana’s lawyer that his interrogation included being tied to a chair for hours on end and being inflicted pain in different ways. The interrogators claim that the inflicted pain was “unintentional.”

The interrogators also violated his religious rights and forced him to violate Shabbat. They played loud music on Shabbat and tried to get him to join in with them on violating Shabbat. It was reported to Hakol Hayehudi that Dana invoked his right to remain silent throughout the interrogation.


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