• Chaim, I do feel your pain due to the loss of your beautiful honorable and moral mother. I was fortunate to know her and she was a true Honey Bun which is what we often referred her as.

    Whenever you wish to get off your chest and speak to someone who can listen and perhaps help you in your time of bereavement please feel free to speak to me and I will at least listen and maybe give some consolation. It’s a tough period you are going thru and I feel it with your words and overall expression.

    • Chaim , how do we know for certain that Irving Berlin was a Self-hating Jew ?

    • Chaim, this video mentions
      Free Will , but many people Question if Free Will truly exists .
      Do human beings truly have Free Will or are we Predestined , or could it be a mixture of both ? How can Free Will and God’s Sovereignty Coexist ? What does the Bible really teach, so many different interpretations of Scripture, it’s so complicated, infinitely more Complex than a
      Rubik’s Cube

  • I looked through several articles to see if Anat Kimche were a Kunstler-Kuby-Durshewitz- Goodman -Schwerner Jew and I couldn’t find it. Give a reference please

  • thanks again

  • Chaim ben Mordechai

    I have never forgotten that Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of the University of South Florida (and a *White* covert to Islam) told me I had to stand aside so a schvartze with a lower test score could take my Grad School spot. Because I am a Jew, I was considered by Leslie to be “privileged and advantaged.” And once these apes get admitted, they get away with things because when caught, they will scream “racism,” when it is THEM who are the racists.

    Anat Kirsche was a self-hating Jew who brought her demise upon herself. I shed no tears for her.

  • Now that is clear who the candidates for NYC mayor are, JTFers have no no choice but to vote for Eric Adams. We can hold our noses through 4 or 8 years of this schmuck, but Curtis Sliwa is a philandering, thieving, “crime fighting (lol)”, lying clown 🤡. Do not count on the fact that NYC is overwhelmingly Democratic. There are a lot of new voters due to immigration who will be fooled by his TV and radio ads; both Sliwa and Adams are equally inarticulate. Vote for Adams and stick your finger down your throat

  • Adams is low iq moron.

    • I agree. I changed my mind. When Adams won the primary, he got his left ear pierced. Even Edwina Koch never did that. I now suggest that JTFers sit this one out

    • Sliwa is NOT a low IQ moron. That makes him even more dangerous than Adams. How did we get into this shitpile

  • Never sit it out.

    • OK. Both major party candidates are equally retarded and equally make me puke. What do you recommend JTFers do?

  • She’s an idiot. Its sad and tragic but she had it coming. I remember her now. She used to write anti-white anti-racist articles on twitter and on other forums. She claimed that only whites were racist that blacks like Al Sharpton, Farrakhan and so on could never be racist. Well… She learned the hard way. She’s as stupid and evil as she is ugly.

    Tony Robinson is a black supremacist who admitted to killing her because she was Jewish. He belongs to Jeremiah Wright’s church and is a Farrakhan supporter. Its poetic that he was the one to do it to her.

    Also, none of Anat’s communist journalist pals have reported or hyped this like they did with that neo nazi shooting in Massachusetts. where two blacks got killed.

    For the love of me, what is wrong with these stupid black christian racists? Do they know that Jesus was Christ was really an aryan white supremacist who owned slaves, the son of a Roman Centurion? That the popes, the Southern Baptists, Mormons Watchtower society ETC. Didn’t recognize them as equal human beings and that slavery was good until recently as late as the 1970s? (And they just did that to keep their tax exemption status)and that most of them grudgingly tolerate them? (Mainly because they want them to kill more Jews ETC)

    Jeremiah Wright, Calypso Louie and Al Sharpton ETC. are a joke according to these people. They’d just as easily get killed as Anat did if they had their way. Either that or be picking cotton in chains. Tony Robinson in the eyes of their idols and saints are no better off than Anat or anyone. in fact many denominations of Christianity view blacks and Jews as being on the bottom level.

    Just stupid! Both of them!

    • Oh! Guess what? Chicago wont charge Robinson with hate crimes! Robinson will be out in 20 years to kill again, free at last to kill Whitey and Jews!! WHERE ARE ANAT’S LEFTIST FRIENDS PROTESTING? WHY IS THIS NOT BEING REPORTED OUTSIDE OF THE CHICAGO AREA??!?!?!?

      • Kyle , Plus , if Tony Robinson wasn’t already Muslim, he might convert to Islam while in
        Prison , like many inmates do .

    • See this article, about the Lies of
      the Black Lives Matter Movement

    • Kyle, we Must Never help
      Blacks or any group of people who would backstab or betray us .
      The Help Must be Mutual ,
      While Not All Black people are bad, the sad fact remains the Vast Majority of Blacks backstabbed and betrayed the Jews that Helped them so Much during the Civil Rights Movement in America, even before and during the Civil Rights Movement in America, many Blacks hated Jews . Never Forget that, Never Forgive,
      Never Forget, Never Again .

    • Kyle , do you agree that
      Christianity directly caused the Holocaust ?

      The New York Post nypost.com
      has an article
      “Black woman goes on angry rant against Jewish man on subway”
      By Natalie Musumeci
      Published May 28, 2018

  • The chickens 🐓 have come home 🏡 to roost

  • She was a self hating Jew. She got what she deserved!!

  • This story just goes to show that we must NEVER help our enemies.
    Now, I must clarify, and make Crystal clear, Not all Black people are bad, some are and some aren’t, same with Whites, Asians, Irish, etc. We must Not and Never help anyone who would backstab and betray us. That’s Insanity , the respect and help must be Mutual, if we help others, they must respect and help us back in return. If not, we should give them Nothing

    • While Not All Blacks are bad people, still we must Never Forget that the Vast Majority of Blacks backstabbed and betrayed the Jews who helped them so much during the Civil Rights Movement in America. Never Forgive, Never Forget… We Must Not Help Blacks or Anyone else that would backstab or betray us.
      That’s Insanity, we Must Stop Helping those who would backstab and betray us.
      We Cannot make the same mistakes over and over.
      It’s truly disgusting how Many Blacks are Vile Loser Anti-Semites & Jew-Haters, Anti-Israel Bigots who should just Get a Life Already

      • Plus, it’s important to point out that if there are any Jews that hate Blacks. At least those Jews that hate Blacks have the decency to keep the hate to themselves and not Express it in Public, like many Blacks do. You Never see Jews committing any hate crimes against Blacks, Never. Yet often Blacks commit Hate Crimes against Whites, Jews, Asians, etc.
        Now, Not all Black people are bad, but some are, especially the Black Hebrew Israelite Cult that you see in Public Places. They are Pathetic Losers and Clowns , poorly educated .
        Never Forgive and Never Forget the 1991 Crown Heights Riots and other incidents of how Blacks backstabbed and betrayed the Jews that helped them so Much during the Civil Rights Movement.

  • Sadly in the New York City Homeless Shelter System, Some of the Black & Latino male residents are definitely lowlife Stalkers and Criminals who Stalk, Harass, Threaten, Intimidate people and beg for Money on a Daily basis, Not only in the Homeless Shelter Buildings, But in the areas around the Shelter System. They are two legged cockroaches, Criminal Psychopaths, Sociopaths, With no Morals, Conscience, Or Empathy within them. They stalk and harass Peaceful Homeless Residents in the Shelter Buildings on a daily basis, Asking to borrow money, Promising to pay it back, Yet these pieces of human excrement never pay it back.
    Now, It isn’t “Racist” to say this, It’s a Fact, A sad fact, And while many, Most of the Black & Latino Homeless male Shelter Residents are decent people, The fact remains some of them are indeed lowlife Stalkers and criminal thugs, Dirtbags as described here. That’s the honest truth, And if you doubt that, Just ask people who used to be in the New York City Homeless Shelter System, They will confirm it.

  • The Fox News Channel tells the truth about Black Nationalist Terrorism in America , the numerous tragic Black Nationalist terror attacks in America. and big surprise the suspect
    Frank James arrested in the Subway shooting in Brooklyn on
    April 12, 2022 was a Anti-White,
    Anti-Semite Bigot .
    Big Surprise, never saw that one coming .

  • Even more disturbing is that the certain
    Black and Latino male Homeless Shelter Residents described above in the comment of March 29, 2022 these certain Black and Latino Shelter Residents would deliberately and intentionally target White Shelter Residents,
    They would prey on White Shelter Residents, Big Surprise, Big Surprise ,
    Now many of the Black and Latino Male Homeless Shelter Residents were decent people, however some of them were indeed two legged cockroaches who would Stalk, Harass and Intimidate White Shelter Residents, begging for money, giving people PTSD, many of the White Victims hope that in 2020 those lowlife Stalkers became infected with Covid-19 and died painful deaths .

    • The certain Black & Latino male
      Homeless Shelter residents in New York City who
      extort , stalk, harass, & beg people for money, they have no shame, no dignity , they literally follow Peaceful White Shelter residents in the Streets begging for money. They follow the White Residents into Grocery Stores aggressively begging for money .
      While many of the Black & Latino male Homeless Shelter residents were decent people, some of them were indeed lowlife thugs who should have Never been born , who should have been Aborted ,
      These certain lowlife thug Black & Latino male Homeless Shelter Residents, Let’s All Fervently
      Hope and Pray that they Die from
      Covid-19 , these lowlife Black & Latino Shelter residents , they are the Reasons Why do many Homeless people prefer to Live on the Streets, feel Safer on the Streets than the Shelter System

      • These certain lowlife Black & Latino male Homeless Shelter residents who Stalked & preyed upon White Shelter residents, these lowlifes are the biggest Worthless Loser Racist Cowards to have ever crawled out of the sewers, they are Racist Cowardly Turds who unjustly targeted White Shelter Residents, let’s all hope that these certain lowlife Black & Latino male Shelter Residents who are the True Racists, we all wish they had died from Cancer when they were little children, so that they would never grow up to become Criminal Parasite Thugs who Traumatize Others , if only they had died from Cancer as little Children,

        • Even more disturbing is how these certain Black & Latino Homeless Shelter Residents who Stalked, Harassed, Extorted and preyed upon White Shelter Residents, is that when the White Shelter Residents got into housing, these lowlife Shelter residents months and years later actually started to Stalk & Follow the former White Shelter Residents on Social Media, really creeping out their Victims, that’s how Worthless, useless and Pathetic they were,

          • These certain Black and Latino, Hispanic Male Homeless Shelter Residents who Stalked and Harassed White Shelter Residents. The Government should definitely Forcibly Sterilize them , they should be Forcibly Sterilized so that they don’t have Criminal offspring.
            They should be Forcibly Sterilized, Not because of their Race , but because of their Criminal Behavior.

        • Those certain Black and Hispanic, Latino male Homeless Shelter Residents who targeted and Stalked, Extorted, Threatened The few White Homeless Shelter Residents for money on daily basis , we all know that those certain Black and Hispanic, Latino Homeless Shelter Residents spent the money they extorted from the White Shelter Residents on Drugs, Alcohol , truly messed up

          • What is being done to Make the New York City
            Homeless Shelter System Safer ?

          • What is being done to protect decent
            Homeless Shelter Residents from the
            Stalkers as described above ?

          • Just Imagine the Public Outrage if
            White Homeless Shelter Residents Stalked and Harassed, Extorted Targeted Black & Latino
            Shelter Residents for Money, Just Imagine the Media Coverage it would create
            Just Imagine , what is being done to Fix the Homeless Shelter System , Homelessness could happen to anyone

          • What is being done to Protect decent Homeless Shelter Residents from Stalkers , that are described here

        • Plus these certain Black and Hispanic, Latino male Homeless Shelter Residents , years later on Social Media for the Whole World to see, they talk with their loser friends on various Social Media platforms , Facebook , etc , about their Criminal Records, Violent Crimes they committed, Court Cases , talking about crimes they are in trouble for, domestic violence Incidents in their families, and other Disturbing inappropriate vulgar material on their Facebook
          Public Timelines for anyone to see
          Even people who aren’t their Friends can see them discuss their lowlife punk, inner city Ghetto hood criminal nature, from the Photos they proudly post on Facebook and other Social Media showing their Vile
          Criminal Nature ,
          Their hardened Criminal Violent nature, their
          degenerate thug nature
          It would have been a blessing if these no good bastards had died of cancer as little children as opposed to them Growing up to be Criminal Violent teenagers and adults who Severely Traumatize Others

          • Also
            these certain Black and Hispanic, Latino male Homeless Shelter Residents, on their Facebook public profiles for anyone, even their non-friends to see , they talk about the huge amounts of money they and their families had to pay for bail , about them being out on bail, one of these Black males in his 20’s at the time, we will call “Nestor” he pretended to be so big and tough around his loser friends, and everyone else, then one time he got into an altercation with some other thugs , near the Shelter
            Some people noticed that Nestor was about to start crying , they could see the tears in his eyes, he could barely hold them in , people then pointed out that Nestor although he seemed strong and had a
            Muscular Physique , he was really just a cowardly pussy

          • Years later some of the Traumatized
            White Former Homeless Shelter Residents are Still having literal Nightmares, bad dreams in their sleep about these certain Loser Stalker criminal piece of shit
            Black & Latino, Hispanic
            Male Homeless Shelter Residents
            So We hope and pray that just to be Fair
            God himself makes it so in this Life, these certain Black and Latino, Hispanic Stalker criminals have Horrible Nightmares and bad dreams about their Victims every time in
            THEIR sleep, in
            THEIR sleep, so that these certain Black, Hispanic, Latino lowlife thug Stalkers are Never able to Forget their Victims and what they did to them,
            May God give these lowlife criminal stalkers Horrible bad dreams and Nightmares about their Traumatized Victims until the day that they ultimately pass away !

  • Also disturbing is how Back around April or May of 1994, two Black Male Students in the 8th grade of Public Junior High School in New York City came up to this male Jewish student and said to him “Are you Jewish ?” Which made the student very fearful and uncomfortable, the Jewish student sensed danger and denied being Jewish saying “No” but the Two male Black Students who couldn’t mind their own damn business kept asking questions about his Ethnicity, he said
    “Irish and Scottish” the two Black males then went away .
    However if the Jewish student admitted to being Jewish, it’s possible that the two Black Male Students would have then violently assaulted the Jewish student, maybe even killed the Jewish student. That was the gut feeling of the Jewish student and of myself who witnessed this disturbing incident. Not to sound
    “Racist” and many Black people are Decent people . However that day in 1994 described above, a tragedy was averted, the Jewish student was still severely emotionally traumatized by those two Black Male Students who couldn’t mind their own damn business

    • Sadly at other times in that
      Junior High School other Black male students couldn’t mind their own damn business and asked other students “Are you Jewish?”

      • It was Extremely inappropriate of these Black Male students in Junior High & High School to ask other students if they were Jewish, it’s none of their damn business, it was extremely inappropriate of them to ask , it made the students they asked very uncomfortable

  • Sadly this 4th of July 2022 , the
    Headlines out of the Chicago, Illinois area are
    “6 Dead, 26 Injured in Shooting at Highland Park Fourth of July Parade” Very Disturbing

  • BLM Lies Refuted in this video

  • See this link about a Black Politician named after
    Adolf Hitler , Truly Sick
    The link is here , https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_Uunona

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