Jon Stewarts replacement is anti-Semite Trevor Noah: Act like a Nazi, get your own prime-time TV show

trevor-noah-jon-stewartYesterday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency appeared to be the first media outlet to notice a disturbing tweet from Comedy Central’s new hire Trevor Noah, who is pegged to replace Jon Stewart as host of the Daily Show:

South Africans know how to recycle like israel knows how to be peaceful.

— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) June 2, 2010

Late this evening, author and former Conservative MP Louise Mensch found several more:

Behind every successful Rap Billionaire is a double as rich Jewish man. #BeatsByDreidel

— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) May 7, 2012








JTA also found this from Noah’s Facebook page, which appears to show Noah as having been present at an anti-Israel rally in front of the White House:

trevor_noah_facebooktrevor_noah_facebookI just don’t see Comedy Central standing behind a host they have nothing invested in besides eight hours of PR after they review that “Jewish chicks” tweet, among the others. And of course, other examples are sure to appear in the next few hours.

What do you think: does Noah survive the day in his new job?

One comment

  • As usual, there will be silence from jewish “leaders” because the anti-Semite is a knee grow. If these tweets were from a white Christian, you would never hear the end of it. American Jewry will have to do some soul searching as their actions will lead to a American kristalnacht.

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