JTF’s prediction: Kamala Harris will replace Joe Biden (JTF.ORG video)


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  • Will Joe Biden resign now as POTUS?

    • From the Jerusalem Post
      jpost.com an article is headlined
      “For Jews, a wrong turn into an Arab town is a death sentence”
      By MOSHE PHILLIPS Published: JULY 4, 2024

    • Fred Maroun typed online today
      “Sir Keir Starmer, Britain’s new prime minister is a rare breath of fresh air coming from the left these days. A reminder that the left can be the friend of Jews and of Israel. Decades ago, that was the standard on the left rather than the exception. Today, much of the left is openly anti-Zionist and barely conceals its antisemitism. Hopefully Starmer’s landslide election signals the beginning of a return to sanity.”
      Keir Starmer’s wife
      Victoria Starmer is Jewish
      What do Vile Jew-Haters
      Roger Waters, Jeremy Corbyn and the Ugly little Nerd Stephen Sizer have to say about that ?

    • Debbie Schlussel typed online
      July 4, 2024
      “Tonight is one of only two nights per year that tax-subsidized PBS (Palestinian Broadcasting Service) pretends to like America (to raise $$) with their July 4th concert (they also do this fakery on Memorial Day). The other 363 nights, it broadcasts America-hating, Israel-hating anti-Western programming funded by US taxes. Let’s see if the GOP finally has the guts to defund PBS & NPR. They had the chance during the Trump admin and did nothing.”

    • Anyone Remember the
      CBS sitcom
      “Living Biblically” which ran for only one season in 2018
      The show had
      -Ian Gomez as Father Gene, a liberal priest who is amused that with Chip’s plan to follow the Bible by the book but remains supportive. His full name is Eugenio Alberto Del Castillo Cabeza de Vaca.
      – David Krumholtz as Rabbi Gil Ableman, a rabbi at the local synagogue who is supportive of Chip.

      Any opinions of these characters

  • A person typed online today
    In recently revealed text messages, three Columbia University’s administrators, lamented that Jewish students occupy a “place of privilege,” and the executive director of Columbia’s Hillel, Brian Cohen, is a “problem”, and spewed the age-old canard used against Jews, “Amazing what $$$$ can do.” And finally, in mocking sympathy, one of the trifecta of Jew haters opined, “Hard to hear the woe is me, we need to huddle at the Kraft Center,” referring to Columbia’s Jewish student center, where Hillel is housed.
    Once the anti-Semitic text-fest was exposed to the public, the university was embarrassed into suspending the participating administrators: Susan Chang-Kim, the university’s vice dean and chief administrative officer, Cristin Kromm dean of undergraduate student life, and Matthew Patashnick, an associate vice dean for student and family support,
    All three anti-Semites should have been dismissed!”
    After being exposed by HonestReporting, as having close ties to Hamas, CNN announced Wednesday that it would no longer use a Gaza freelancer, Abdel Qader Sabbah, whose ties to Hamas were revealed.

    It was revealed that Abdel Qader Sabbah photographed himself with a senior Hamas leader, served in a Hamas-run body to which he also provided work, praised terrorists, and shared anti-Israeli propaganda online.”
    A person typed in reply about
    “I am sure the bosses at CNN were shocked, shocked I tell you by the revelation.
    How come none of these Hamas guys work for or as sub-contractors for conservative media outlets?”

  • Hillel Fuld typed online today

    IDF just eliminated Abu Nuaima, Commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz Unit on the Southern Front.

    Why is this dramatic? Hezbollah has three main commanders in the area:

    Responsible for the eastern sector, headed by Abu Taleb, who was the most senior Hezbollah commander eliminated by the IDF since the beginning of the war.

    -COMMANDER OF THE AZIZ UNIT: Responsible for the western sector, formerly led by Abu Nuaima.

    – COMMANDER OF THE BADR UNIT: Oversees the area to the north up to the Litani River.

    This elimination is a severe blow to Hezbollah’s strategic operations in the region.

    This is the most senior elimination carried out by the IDF since the beginning of the war. 

    If I had to guess, I would bet the IDF knows exactly where all of their senior leadership is, and is waiting to see how this conflict escalates before it makes its next moves.

    We hope this man rests in pieces. ”
    Rests in Pieces 😆😆😆

  • jewishboston.com has an article by Ed Gaskin headlined
    “A Black Man’s Guide to Avoiding Antisemitic Remarks”  FEBRUARY 13, 2023
    Ed Gaskin is a black man that practices Judaism

  • Anyone Remember the
    2007 comedy film
    “Norbit” with
    Eddie Murphy as Norbit
    One scene in the Movie had the following dialogue
    “Mr. Wong: Remember, black people run very fast. But problem run faster.
    Norbit: …That’s kinda racist.
    Mr. Wong: Yes, Wong very racist. Don’t like black. Don’t like Jew either. But black and Jew love Chinese food. Go figure.”
    Anyone find that scene offensive ?
    Countless people Love Chinese food, Not just Blacks and Jews

  • Is Fox Mulder supposed to be
    Jewish ?
    jewcy.com has an article headlined :
    “Network Jews: Special Agent Fox Mulder on 1990s Sci-Fi Drama ‘The X-Files’ ”
    APRIL 11, 2013

    Remember the Anti-Semitism in
    The X-Files episode “Drive” from
    1998 with
    Bryan Cranston as the Anti-Semite
    Patrick Crump
    And also the 1997 X-Files episode

  • thejewishnews.com has an article headlined
    “There is Nothing Funny About Jew-Hatred” by
    Adar Rubin July 3, 2024

  • In June 2024
    Chaplain Michael Green typed online
    “Rabbi Meir Kahane ✡️ A true Son of Israel 🇮🇱


  • Hillel Fuld typed online today
    “This is going to piss a lot of people off but don’t confuse me with someone who cares.

    Being pro Palestinian today, in July, 2024, is a mental illness.

    Yes. A mental illness.

    Before 10/7, if you were reaaaally naive, you could somehow still believe the false narrative that the people who call themselves Palestinians, wanted independence, wanted their own state.

    I say naive because they had a state countless times. In fact, they had a state given to them at the same time Israel was given to the Jews.

    1947. Partition plan. Google is your friend.

    They also had one in 2005 when Israel gave them Gaza on a silver platter.

    Know when else they could have had a state?

    In 1967. And 1991. And 2000. And 2001. And 2007. And 2008. And 2010. And 2013. And 2019. And 2020.

    They never wanted a state. They said it loud and clear from day one. And I literally mean day one.

    When the terrorist named Arafat founded the PLO, the “Palestinian (a word that previously referred to Jews living in Palestine, which is now Israel) Liberation organization, what exactly was he liberating?

    There was no so-called occupation.

    So what was he liberating? What were his aspirations? I could tell you, but you would not believe me. So again, Google is your friend. Go read their charter.

    From day one, it wasn’t about land, it was about no Israel. It was about dead Jews.

    But still, before 10/7, the western world told you that these people, the so-called Palestinian wanted a state.

    Somehow, you could have bought that narrative.

    But now? After thousands of “innocent” “Palestinians” marched into Israel, raped women, beheaded babies, burned families, you STILL think they want a state? Then you’re mentally ill.

    Let me break this down for you.

    The people of Gaza elected Hamas. That is really where this story ends. The conversation should end there.

    The Germans elected Hitler and needed to pay the price.

    The Gazans elected Hamas and need to pay the price.

    Period. Full stop.

    But if that doesn’t resonate, then go choose a poll, any poll, and tell me what percentage of the people in Gaza support Hamas and the 7/10 massacre.

    Hamas has more support in Gaza than Hitler had in Germany.

    They didn’t only elect them. They support them. Now!

    And are there innocent people in Gaza? The question is a dishonest one. Who cares ? Name me one war that didn’t have innocent people who died.

    Were there innocent Germans? Did their existence mean that attacking Germany and defeating the Nazis was not justified?

    Besides, those innocents, where are they? Are you seeing them in your feeds? Because I’m not.

    So if you are in Gaza, you elected Hamas, you murdered Jews on 10/7, you support Hamas now, or you are simply silent, I don’t know about you, but when I think of the word “innocent”, that is not what I have in mind.

    Germany needed to be denazified from the ground up and if you lived in the time of Hitler, saw what he did, and still sided with him, then you are one sick dude.

    Now, if after what Hamas did and its wide support in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, which is a whole other discussion, if you are still pro Palestinian, you are not only supporting terror, you are not only highly immoral, you are also mentally ill.

    There is no scenario in which a sane person can justify what the people of Gaza did and supported.

    So yea, if you stand against Israel in this war, you need to be committed, and sooner than later.

    You are a danger to those around you.

    Plain and simple.

    If that pissed you off to read, sorry, not sorry. Someone had to tell you the truth.

    Seek help.

    Exhibit A:”

  • Remember the episode of
    The Twilight Zone titled
    “Deaths-Head Revisited” which aired November 10, 1961
    It was related to
    The Holocaust

  • nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Let freedom ride: Biking from Auschwitz shows Poland is safer for Jews than NY”
    By Howard Husock
    Published July 4, 2024

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