More Rockets Fired By Arab Muslim Terrorists in Southern Israel; No Injuries

A rocket landed in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, bordering the Gaza Strip, overnight Sunday.

No injuries or damage were reported. IDF forces are searching the area.

Red alert sirens were not sounded as the rocket fell in an open, unpopulated area.

Just last week, Two rockets launched from the Sinai Peninsula exploded near Moshav Naveh in southern Israel’s Eshkol Regional Council on Monday morning, the IDF reported.

No air-raid sirens were activated in the area as the projectiles were headed toward open territory, a military source added. There were no reports of injury or damage.

This incident came the day after Islamic State-linked media claimed that an unmanned Israeli drone had bombed and killed five members of ISIS in Egypt in the northern Sinai.

According to the Islamic State-linked Amaq agency, the five “fell as martyrs to the Jewish enemy” in a strike that targeted a car carrying the terrorists in the village of Shibana south of Rafah, near the Egypt-Israel border.

The IDF has not commented on the claim, but Israel is reported to have carried out drone strikes “with Egypt’s knowledge and blessing” against terrorists in the restive peninsula.

Earlier this month the group claimed responsibility for a rocket barrage fired from Sinai at Israel’s Red Sea resort of city of Eilat. The Iron Dome missile system intercepted three missiles, while a fourth landed in open territory.

There were no casualties but at least four people were treated for anxiety.

The group said the attack was launched “in order to teach the Jews and the Crusaders a proxy war will not avail them of anything” and threatened future “calamitous” attacks.

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