Netanyahu and Sharansky create “Genesis Prize” to promote assimilation and intermarriage among Jews


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky created the Genesis Prize to honor and give one million dollars every year to someone who is a “good role model” for the Jewish people. The prizes have been awarded at special ceremonies for two years now. But the two winners of the prizes so far are symbols of Jewish assimilation, intermarriage and self-destruction.

Last year, the first prize was awarded to the self-hating, left-wing former Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg intermarried and had children with a non-Jewish spouse. Since divorced, Bloomberg now openly lives with a non-Jewish woman who is his “partner”. Netanyahu, Sharansky and the Israeli establishment tell us that Bloomberg is a good “role model” for Jews. If all Jews follow this “role model”, the Jewish people will no longer exist, G-d forbid.

Bloomberg is worth over 30 billion dollars, making him one of the richest people in the world. He uses his billions to promote evil left-wing causes like anti-Second Amendment laws designed to take guns away from law-abiding citizens who want to protect their families. Anti-gun laws especially endanger Jews who are a hated minority and who urgently need to be armed. Bloomberg also generously promotes the bogus science of “global warming” which prevents America from using energy resources such as clean coal, shale oil and oil from fracking. Thanks to Bloomberg and other leftists, this energy policy means that we continue to give trillions of dollars to Muslim Nazi oil-producing countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia instead of putting them out of business for good.

This year, Netanyahu and Bloomberg gave the “Genesis Prize” to the actor Michael Douglas. Douglas is being presented as a Jewish role model even though he is not Jewish. His father, the actor Kirk Douglas, intermarried twice. In Judaism, one can only be a Jew if they have a Jewish mother or if they convert according to halacha (Torah law). Since Michael Douglas’ mother was not Jewish, he is not a Jew. The “role model” example of the Douglas family would lead to the spiritual destruction of the Jewish people, G-d forbid.

Netanyahu himself intermarried – his second wife was not Jewish and did not properly convert. Netanyahu’s son is currently dating non-Jewish women and celebrates Xmas and other non-Jewish holidays.

When will Jews realize that our “leaders” are leading us to national suicide and to a spiritual holocaust? Instead of giving a million dollars a year to immoral and evil people, can you imagine what JTF could do this kind of money to save the Jewish people?

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