Netanyahu Demands Arab Muslims Stop Teaching Kids to Hate and Kill

This picture really just says it all.

Because, yeah… that’s going to really make a difference. Kind of like when Sweden made pamphlets to teach Muslims not to rape.

You know what actually would make a huge difference? Throw them out of Israel. Let me help and break down the math. If you throw them out of Israel, then they can’t mass-murder Israeli citizens anymore.

And, Netanyahu, when you catch terrorists in the act of stabbing, running over with their cars, throwing fire bombs, or just generally trying to murder innocent Jews, don’t make “deals” to release them back into the public. Eliminate them. You know that expression “dead men can’t rape?” Well, they can’t murder either.

I guess he needs to throw out more worthless crumbs so he can try to stay elected (or try to stay out of prison for his current corruption charges).

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