Netanyahu to Present “Amendments” to Suicidal Nuclear Bomb Deal which Trump Will Send Iran

Netanyahu refuses to take out Iran’s nuclear bomb making facility putting Israelis lives in danger of a nuclear attack.

Over the past few days, according to a Sunday morning Army Radio report, an idea has been formed between the White House and Jerusalem, according to which Israel will present to the Americans an appendix, to be sent to the Iranians, demanding a number of changes to the 2015 agreements reached between the Islamic Republic and the superpowers.

According to the same report, Israel is trying to convince the Americans to declare sanctions against Iran should the Islamic Republic decline the US demands.

Israel understands that reopening the nuclear agreement with Iran officially in order to introduce amendments is impossible, mainly due to opposition from China and Russia, therefore the plan is for the Americans to demand that Iran receive the appendix which will include, for instance, the abolition of the prohibition on supervision of advanced Iranian centrifuges facilities.

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