Bs’D. Single issue topics such as yours are always very important. However, aside from that, I have always found secular Zionist Israeli politics to be one big rabbit hole. I never actually noticed it- but throughout the years whenever I have seen Israeli news headlines dealing with politics, elections, Knesset squabbles and moves for power I have very rarely even clicked on the headlines. And when I have done so I invariably click away within seconds, wondering why I even went there in the first place. These things are 99% irrelevant conversions from the true issues of the ongoing voice drama.
The 7th word from the end and my comment below should read “diversions”.
Chaim- is it possible for you to add a self-edit feature for commenters. It is very clumsy to have to go back and reply to my own comments to make a correction. Thanks. Giacobo
Numerous online articles document how illegal ARAB settlements are the real problem in Judea-Samaria aka the
“West Bank” it is the illegal
ARAB construction , illegal
ARAB settlements that is the Real problem . As usual Everything is the Fault of the ARABS, and the Fakestinians.
Arabs are the Worst, Arabs have always been the Worst people in the World
More about illegal ARAB settlements, & illegal ARAB construction has an article headlined
“The Real Illegal Settlements”
by Bassam Tawil
on December 5, 2016 We all need to Reject the Arab Poison & Arab Lies that spreads like Cancer in today’s Sick Evil World,
We cannot be deceived by Arab, Fakestinian & Muslim Fake News
Once and For All, there is No
Israeli “Occupation” of any
Arab or Fakestinian land or people.
That is a Lie , a Vicious Arab Lie
There is No “Occupation” has an article headlined
“There Is No ‘Occupation’ ”
Samuel Bahn
July 18, 2018
Let’s Repeat that,
There is No “Occupation”
Countless other Articles Refute & Debunk the “Occupation” Lies
Bs’D. Single issue topics such as yours are always very important. However, aside from that, I have always found secular Zionist Israeli politics to be one big rabbit hole. I never actually noticed it- but throughout the years whenever I have seen Israeli news headlines dealing with politics, elections, Knesset squabbles and moves for power I have very rarely even clicked on the headlines. And when I have done so I invariably click away within seconds, wondering why I even went there in the first place. These things are 99% irrelevant conversions from the true issues of the ongoing voice drama.
The 7th word from the end and my comment below should read “diversions”.
Chaim- is it possible for you to add a self-edit feature for commenters. It is very clumsy to have to go back and reply to my own comments to make a correction. Thanks. Giacobo
Numerous online articles document how illegal ARAB settlements are the real problem in Judea-Samaria aka the
“West Bank” it is the illegal
ARAB construction , illegal
ARAB settlements that is the Real problem . As usual Everything is the Fault of the ARABS, and the Fakestinians.
Arabs are the Worst, Arabs have always been the Worst people in the World
More about illegal ARAB settlements, & illegal ARAB construction has an article headlined
“The Real Illegal Settlements”
by Bassam Tawil
on December 5, 2016 We all need to Reject the Arab Poison & Arab Lies that spreads like Cancer in today’s Sick Evil World,
We cannot be deceived by Arab, Fakestinian & Muslim Fake News
Once and For All, there is No
Israeli “Occupation” of any
Arab or Fakestinian land or people.
That is a Lie , a Vicious Arab Lie
There is No “Occupation” has an article headlined
“There Is No ‘Occupation’ ”
Samuel Bahn
July 18, 2018
Let’s Repeat that,
There is No “Occupation”
Countless other Articles Refute & Debunk the “Occupation” Lies
Plus has an article exposing the “Occupation” Lie
The article is headlined :
There is No “Occupation”
by Morton A. Klein
Google It , Again
There is No “Occupation”