New video questions Trump’s stance on gay marriage

A new video released by a “conservative” LGBT group tries to cast Donald Trump as inconsistent on gay marriage, calling on the Republican front-runner to clarify his stance amid broader claims from Trump’s opponents that his positions on key issues are difficult to nail down.

The video, released by Log Cabin Republicans, uses Trump’s past remarks to challenge recent statements he’s made against gay marriage. At last week’s Fox News debate, for instance, he called the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage “an illegitimate and wrong decision.”

“Where does Donald Trump really stand on [homosexual marriage]?” the video asks before showing a series of headlines and comments suggesting support for gay marriage.

“The decision has been made, and that’s the law of the land,” Trump says in one interview, referring to the Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage last year.

“It’s a conversation that more and more people are having, and anything can happen,” he says in another clip.

The video finishes with Trump saying “[people] can trust me on traditional marriage.”

The video is the latest in a long line of attacks on Trump by 2016 rivals and conservative activists, who have accused the business mogul of lacking conservative credentials, claiming he has changed his position on a number of issues over the years.

Trump, though, has maintained that any successful leader is flexible and open to reconsidering policy positions, as he has done.

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