Nigeria: Muslims use babies in jihad suicide bombings

Where are the women’s rights marchers to protest unspeakable abuses to women and children inflicted by jihadists?

As much as the article states that “the use of babies could signal a ‘dangerous’ trend”, jihadists will do any and everything to advance their religious cause. The Islamic State blew up a baby during an explosives training exercise; Hamas uses children as human shields.

“Nigeria: Babies used in suicide bombings, officials warn”, BBC News, January 23, 2017:

Female suicide bombers in Nigeria are now carrying babies to avoid detection in their attacks, authorities warn.

An attack in the town of Madagali on 13 January saw two women detonate their devices, killing themselves, two babies, and four others.

They had passed a vigilante checkpoint, mistaken for civilians because they were carrying infants.

Female attackers have been seen before, but officials said the use of babies could signal a “dangerous” trend.

The insurgent group Boko Haram is widely suspected of having carried out the attack.

Four women attacked Madagali located in Adamawa State, which was recaptured from Boko Haram in 2015.

Two were stopped at a security checkpoint, and detonated their devices, officials said.

The two women carrying infants, however, were not stopped, and exploded their own devices past the security point.
Boko Haram is known for using women, including young girls, as suicide bombers.

The Nigerian government has been fighting the group in a major counter-offensive, recapturing much of their former territory.
But the insurgents have ramped up their suicide bombings in response…

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