Van Jones says Democratic party should keep ignoring “white vote”, be even more left-wing

Former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones said that the elitism of the “Clinton days” has passed for the Democratic Party, but instead of pursuing the white voters that Trump won in the rust belt, they should become even MORE far left!

Here’s where he says that the election was a referendum on elitism, but the Democrats shouldn’t reach out to those white people they neglected:

… Can you imagine a more far left party than the Dems right now? On nearly every social issue they’ve veered farther left – most of those positions that are called extreme were held by mainstream Democrats just a decade ago. If anything, in the case of social issues, they’re probably a victim of their own success. They were able to shove so much leftism down the throat of our society by the courts that their followers just didn’t see an Earth-shaking reason to go to the polls.

On the other hand, to say they can keep ignoring the white voter is simply insane. Van Jones is ignoring a lot of accidental circumstances of the election – they didn’t lose all those black votes because of ideology, they lost it because Obama was incredibly popular among blacks and Hillary wasn’t. In fact, very little of this election was driven by ideology at all. But let Dems make that mistake – conservatism will benefit by having extreme leftists take over the Democrat party.

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